I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 511: Negotiation

Chapter 511: Negotiation

Looking silently at the dozen or so helicopters approaching in the sky, Chen Chen suddenly spread his hands as if embracing the sky.

In the next second, his body seemed to break free of gravity and floated straight into the sky.

At this time, on these helicopters, everyone was stunned at the humanoid floating in the distance. Among them, a special forces soldier in the position of co-pilot suddenly said, “Bob, what do you think that is?”

“Is it some new type of rocket vehicle?”

The main pilot on the side immediately said, “Is that someone from our side or the terrorist from the other side?”

“I’d better ask.”

The special forces soldier in the position of the co-pilot suddenly pressed a control button. “Calling headquarters, calling headquarters! I’m the first officer of the RRTS Special Operations Squadron, codenamed “Captain”. We’re now above the destination but we see a person in armor flying toward us...

“Yes, he’s wearing a suit of high-tech armor...

“He’s not from our team? Got it, message received.”

The call with the headquarters quickly ended. The co-pilot, codenamed “Captain”, immediately called up the radio channel and said, “Unidentified person ahead, please note that we belong to the RRTS Special Operations Squadron in Northern America. Now our aim has been locked onto you. Please land immediately and disarm, otherwise, we’ll open fire!

“Repeat, land immediately, otherwise we’ll treat you as a threat and open fire!”

However, his voice dissipated into the wind without any reply from the other party.

“He asked for it!”

“Captain” whispered. The missiles on the gunship locked onto the approaching figure and then he reported to the headquarters again, “The RRTS Special Operations Squadron requesting permission to fire!”

“Permission to fire given.”

Within a few seconds, a response came from the other side. “Mission objective: to wipe out all terrorists and try to recover all properties of the Union Aerospace Corporation!”

The moment the headquarters issued the order, the helicopter pilot on the side decisively pressed the launch button!


With a piercing sound, an Alpha missile flew out of the launcher, leaving behind a long trail of light, and quickly rushed toward the figure ahead!

Seeing that one of the helicopters had suddenly fired, Chen Chen did not seem to panic. He tried using Field energy and instantly moved a distance of more than ten meters, but he saw the missile turn and fly in the direction where he was now.

“Composite guidance?”

Chen Chen immediately raised his eyebrows. Generally speaking, helicopters were equipped with infrared guidance. As a combat armor of the Predator race that had thermal vision, the PK Armor naturally first had to isolate infrared radiation and thermal radiation. Therefore, a missile using infrared guidance was absolutely ineffective.

Even so, Chen Chen had now moved a certain distance, yet the missile could still follow him. It meant that they might have adopted image guidance or even multi-faceted guidance, so the missile could keep up with its own pace.


Chen Chen muttered in a low voice. He simply stretched out his right hand to grasp the rapidly approaching missile. In the next second, the missile seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier and burst into fragments!


A heatwave rushed toward his face, bringing a pungent smell of gunpowder, but Chen Chen was still suspended motionless in the air!

After so many years of training, Chen Chen’s control distance of the Field energy had reached 50 meters. At this time, the missile had met the five-star barrier formed by the Field energy head-on and exploded directly 50 meters away.

“What happened?”

Seeing this weird scene, all the helicopter pilots wore stunned expressions. They looked at the figure who was still floating in mid-air after the flames dissipated and subconsciously pulled down the joystick, positioning the helicopter in mid-air to observe Chen Chen at the same level.

“The Alpha missile didn’t hit the target. The opponent seems to have some way to detonate the missile?”

At this time, the channel of the RRTS Special Operations Squadron was in chaos and many people were wondering what just happened.

“Try changing to the Stan missile.”

“Captain” suddenly spoke, suppressing everyone’s doubts. He spoke again, “It’s very likely that the quality of the missile is the problem. Don’t panic, try a Stan missile.”

Following his words, another missile flew out, this time reaching a distance of more than ten meters away from the target before exploding right in thin air!


Billowing smoke and dust shrouded the figure. Everyone stared at it but saw that the other party was still floating in the air amid the scattering vapors, without any movement.


“Captain” whispered, “The Stan missile has a staggering force equivalent to 200kg of TNT. If even a building can be easily blown up, how can this person be unharmed?”

However, their questions were destined to have no answers. The next second, Chen Chen, who had merely been testing his opponent’s weapon, finally attacked. A row of laser sights suddenly popped out of his back like six scarlet eyes. When they appeared, they automatically aimed at the six helicopters in front and locked upon them firmly!

“Oh no!”

Seeing an unknown device suddenly popping up behind the target that had been receiving attacks, for some reason, “Captain” suddenly felt a sense of danger. Then he saw again that there were two devices like shoulder cannons emerging, then firing at them almost without any hesitation!

Everyone only saw the air twisting at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, like an invisible tsunami, rolling toward the direction of the “Hellfighter” helicopters!

“It’s a high-power microwave weapon!”

Seeing the “wave” coming, the captain’s pupils shrank and he immediately wanted the pilot to turn away, but as the one in front of the helicopter array, he had no chance at all. At this time, the captain felt an indescribable panic overwhelming him. He could not help holding his head and screaming!


Suddenly, the entire helicopter array became out of control. These helicopters seemed to be drunk and began to sway in mid-air. Then, because two helicopters were too close, the propellers of both sides suddenly collided together!



A series of crashing sounds came. The propellers of the two helicopters, huge as buses, were completely torn to shreds, and they whirled in mid-air as they fell!

“We were attacked by a high-power microwave weapon, Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!”

While clutching his head, the captain stubbornly controlled the helicopter as it fell downward. The power of the high-power microwave weapon was astonishing. Both the vehicle and the pilots in the vehicle suffered serious damage. He only felt that his vision was blurred as if he was almost blinded on the spot!

However, due to their distance, six other helicopters escaped the microwave attack. They powerlessly watched the helicopters dropping, then turned around and fled without any hesitation.

“Can you escape?”

However, Chen Chen spoke in a low voice. The microwave attack from the shoulder cannon behind him suddenly stopped and at the same time, a sudden light flashed from the shoulder cannon, and a blue light blazed away!


Almost at the same time, one of the helicopters was pierced through by the blue light. In the next second, endless black smoke spread out and this helicopter followed in the footsteps of everyone else and fell to the ground at once!

One helicopter, two, three...

In the end, all the helicopters were shot down by Chen Chen. Except for a few helicopters that were smashed to pieces, most of the helicopters burned up directly in a ball of fire and the special forces soldiers inside were dead beyond doubt.

Starting from the aggressive attack of the RRTS Special Operations Squadron to the moment they dropped like flies, it took only three to five minutes. The special forces that were known as the most elite in the movie were all gone!


The captain raised his head from the pilot’s seat with blood on his face. He was very lucky because the pilot had done everything to stabilize the helicopter, plus he had been sitting in the cockpit. At this time, he was just dizzy from the impact, but he did not suffer fatal injuries.


He turned his head to look at the pilot’s seat but saw that the pilot was as limp as a torn burlap sack. The other man was dead beyond rescue and even his spine was broken into several pieces.


The captain cursed. He turned and looked back again, only to see the same situation in the back. Even the blade of the helicopter’s propeller had slashed into the passenger compartment, cutting the hapless special soldiers into halves.

A bloody smell mixed with the stench of gasoline filled the air...

Knowing that he could not stay here any longer, the captain pressed the emergency button to open the door and the hatch beside him suddenly popped open. Then, he unfastened his seat belt and staggered down from the helicopter.

“Cough, cough, cough...”

There was a burning pain in the chest. The captain coughed violently as he climbed out of the helicopter. Then, he looked forward with blood on his face. At this moment, he saw the mysterious man, covered in unknown armor with six sights floating behind him, descending from the sky and standing directly in front of him.


With a low sound of energy charging, six sights with red lights aimed at him.

“Who on Earth are you?”

The captain sat down on the ground, looking at the “monster” in front of him with a bewildered expression.

“We come for peace.”

However, what he did not expect was that the “monster” in front of him spoke. The other party’s voice was low and unique, with a strange echo. “We come from another civilization. The purpose of our coming here is just to retrieve what belongs to us.”

“What belongs to you?”

The captain was puzzled. He looked straight at the opponent’s streamlined mask. “What is it then?”


The “monster” said indifferently, “The Ark is the product of our stay on the earth and now we have to retrieve it, that’s all.”


Hearing this, the captain suddenly displayed an incredulous look. “Impossible, the Ark is a legacy left by an ancient Martian civilization, how could...”

Before he finished, he stopped himself.

He had already thought about where the mysterious monster in front of him came from...

“That’s right, we’re what you call the ‘Martian civilization’.”

The “monster” suddenly laughed lowly. “You thought we were dead, right? But unfortunately, we didn’t die out but left the solar system and settled around Orion and the Pleiades.”

Hearing such explosive news, the captain was completely speechless. He just kept shaking his head and muttering in a low voice, “Impossible, absolutely impossible...”

“That’s the truth.”

The “monster” suddenly turned his head and looked at the transceiver on the captain’s chest. “Humans on the other side, have you heard? We didn’t intend to hurt anyone. We just want to get back what belongs to us.”

As if waking up from a dream, the captain quickly took off the transceiver on his chest, only to see that a red light was flashing. It was connected to the headquarters line.

“Martian civilization?”

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the transceiver and that voice solemnly said, “Do you have evidence? How should we trust you?”

“Of course, I have evidence.”

The “monster” said casually, “Although we’ve been away for a long, long time, we still know everything that your human civilization has done. In particular, at this time in the laboratory of Mars — the Olduvai Research Facility — aren’t you experimenting with our legacy?”

“Legacy? You mean?”

The voice in the transceiver was suspicious.

“The C24 chromosome.”

Although the tone of the “monster” was calm, what he said suddenly silenced the voice in the transceiver. He only heard the “monster” say, “You’re experimenting with death row prisoners using the ‘C24’ technology we left behind to create superhuman beings that are resistant to poison and possess extremely high IQ and strength, am I right?”

“Sorry, we’re not sure what you’re talking about.”

After a while, the voice in the transceiver spoke again.

“Is it because you don’t know or you don’t want to admit it?”

However, the “monster” seemed to be able to see through people’s minds. He continued to speak. “But I won’t bother with this. Now, I ask you to hand over the other Ark equipment in Europe. As long as we get the equipment, we’ll leave immediately.”

“And if... We don’t hand it over?”

The old voice in the transceiver asked suddenly.

“Just like the warning I gave you at the Ark Experimental Base, your human civilization will be hit by natural-disaster-level weapons.”

The “monster” responded.

“You mean, your Martian civilization will declare war on us humans?”

“No, it’s not ‘us’...”

Suddenly, the monster laughed softly again, his voice like steel slashing through glass, sharp and piercing. “You humans aren’t worth the effort. The only one who will attack you is ‘me’.”


Hearing these words from the monster, the other side of the transceiver fell silent again.

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