I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 510: Takeover

Chapter 510: Takeover

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Following Chen Chen’s arrival, two Black Knights posted beside the passage immediately stepped forward and saluted Chen Chen.

Chen Chen acknowledged them with a faint nod. After that, he heard a soft click of feet tapping against the ground. It was a female cyborg that emerged from the other end of the passage. She wore a floral dress and had an oddly-shaped mechanical device in her hand.

The mechanical device was shaped like a cube, almost like a Rubik’s cube. What was notable was a hole in its center that had blue rays pouring out of it. From this opening at its center, it could be seen that this device contained something inside it that was emitting a blue glow continuously like a neon light.

The girl greeted Chen Chen sweetly, “Long time no see, Sir Commander, I’m X-112.”

“Long time no see.”

Chen Chen responded with a faint smile.

The X-112 was one of Little X’s most-used clones. Just like her sibling, X-111, she was a clone duplicated directly from Little X. While X-111 was tasked with maintaining the daily operations in the Spire Experimental Base, X-112 was mainly responsible for venturing into other dimensions with Chen Chen and hacking into other high-tech systems.

X-112 had been present for previous expeditions such as the trips into the Resident Evil, Elysium, and Gantz dimensions.

To allow for easy distinction, the X-111 was given a mature voice of an adult female, absent of any emotions. Meanwhile, X-112 was given a child-like voice of a little girl.

“I’ve synchronized with the Black Knights in the DOOM dimension. We’ve taken control of the Ark Experimental Base and killed thirty-five security personnel, eight researchers, and captured one hundred and sixty-three researchers in the process. This also includes Doctor Carson, the dean of the Ark Experimental Base.”

X-112 continued. “I’ll be infiltrating into the main system of the Ark to complete our takeover of the base.”

“Do your thing, don’t mind me.”

Chen Chen gave the girl a quick nod. She proceeded to step toward a metal gate on one end of the room. There was a gigantic tear in the middle of the gate as if it had been ruthlessly torn apart by something. Next to the giant tear was a thick collection of bullet holes.

Another Black Knight was posted beside the gate.

Chen Chen trailed behind X-112 and watched as she navigated the base as if she had been here many times before. After taking many turns down the winding corridor and through several airtight doors that were destroyed, Chen Chen found himself in another wide hall.

There was a large group of people crouched together inside the hall when Chen Chen arrived. Right next to them were the Black Knights standing in a line with their fingers on the pulse rifle triggers. The already frightened group only appeared more terrified when they saw Chen Chen entering.

X-112 went straight for an ashen-haired old man and spoke with a tender, child-like voice, “Hello there, Doctor Carson. Please lead us to the main control room of the Ark. We’d greatly appreciate your cooperation.”

“What are you people...”

The old man did not comply. Instead, he only rebuked them harshly. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Are you challenging the Human Federation? This will not sit well with the Human Federation!”

This statement prompted a curious reaction from Chen Chen. This meant that in 2145, mankind had formed a unionized organization known as the Human Federation.

Since this person was not willing to comply, X-112 decided it was not worth the effort of going back and forth with him. A Black Knight nearby immediately stepped forward and grabbed the old man by his hair and proceeded to drag the old man away!

This sudden violent behavior caused another round of commotion among the hostages. Some of the female researchers shrieked while several male researchers with a furious look upon their faces got up and confronted the Black Knight.

As soon as they got up on their feet, there was a low hum that sounded across the hall. A ripple formed around the waist of few researchers who got up as they were shredded inside out as an explosion of gust and blood splattered in a circle around them!


There were more hysterical screaming and crying. With the Black Knights still pointing the pulse rifles at them, they could only stay down on the ground with their hands over their heads and whimper silently.

“Stay where you are or else all of you will die.”

Even with some blood splattered across her face, the little X-112 still kept a bright, eerie smile on her face. She looked around the hall and saw that the terrified hostages were now completely silent. After that, she went toward the direction of another destroyed gate.

The Black Knight dragged Doctor Carson by his hair and followed after X-112.

Chen Chen followed X-112’s lead to the largest, most fortified gate they had seen so far. There was already a giant hole roughly two meters wide shredded into the middle of what was once the tightly-sealed gate. The edges of the hole were uneven. There was some indication of the gate being melted.

When Chen Chen and X-112 stepped through the gate, they were greeted by a room with countless displays mounted along the wall, with even more control panels installed everywhere.

This was undoubtedly the main control room of the laboratory. It was also the central control system of the Ark Laboratory.

“We’re here, Doctor Carson.”

X-112 said softly while the Black Knight also loosened the grip on Doctor Carson’s hair. The doctor pulled himself up to his feet and rubbed his head while wincing in pain. A wipe of horror soon surfaced in his eyes. “What is it that you want, to negotiate with the Human Federation?”

“I need you to authorize the shutdown of the firewall of the Ark Experimental Base.”

X-112 informed, “Doctor Carson, it’s in your best interest to not refuse.”


The color drained away from Doctor Carson’s face as he backed away until he stumbled into the console panel. “My authorization level only allows me to monitor the safety features and daily operations of the Ark base at most. There’s no way I can disable the firewall of the base. I can’t do it even if you threaten to kill me!”

“Of course, I know that.”

X-112 came beside Doctor Carson and whispered, “I’ll take care of the firewall. There’s only one thing I need your help with...”

“In your dreams!”

Doctor Carson was baffled by the audacity of this little girl. He cried out in bewilderment!

However, his tone quickly altered when he saw this little girl suddenly stretching her right hand out to touch a port on the console panel. He stared in awe as the intricate wires extended from the slender fingertips of the girl. The combination of wire seemed to have taken on a life of its own as it twisted and bent around itself to fit inside the port!

Within seconds, X-112 had successfully inserted her finger into the Ark console panel. The corner of her lips raised into a smirk as she turned to Chen Chen. “Sir Commander, I’ve successfully infiltrated the Ark Experimental Base and am currently breaking through the firewall.”

“How about him?”

Chen Chen glanced at Doctor Carson who was still starting with his mouth agape.

Doctor Carson could not believe what he was seeing. He was shocked by the discovery that this little girl in front of him was a robot!

However, this bewilderment only lasted for a brief instant. The next second, X-112 raised her left hand, and once again, an intricate arrangement of wire appeared from the center of her palms. With a sudden, vicious jab, it suddenly shot toward Doctor Carson’s neck like an arrow sprung from a bow!


Doctor Carson cried out when he sensed the sharp pain but only for a brief instant before his voice was caught in his throat. His expression suddenly turned blank as he turned to the console panel and said with an almost entirely mechanical voice:

“This is Doctor Carson, identification number 3627. Authorizing the shut down of the Ark firewall...”


After hearing Doctor Carson’s orders, a robotic voice broadcasted through the speakers of the main control room. “Ark Experimental Base authentication... Identification number authenticated. Voice authentication valid.”

“Performing retina scan... Authenticated. Please press your palms against the palm reader...”

Once again, the dazed Doctor Carson slowly stretched his arm outward and pressed his palm against the console panel.

“Palmprint identified, DNA successfully matched... Executing orders...”

The broadcast continued. “All user authentication has been lifted. The current activity will be logged in the databa...”

Before the broadcast finished, X-112 suddenly closed her eyes!

As soon as X-112 closed her eyes, the blaring sirens of an alarm sounded across the main control room. “Warning! Warning! Unknown infiltrator detected, reactivating firewall!”

“Reactivation unsuccessful, the infiltrator has broken through the first layer of the firewall. Activating the second and third layer of firewall!”

“The second firewall layer has been broken through. Third firewall layer reactivation successful!”

“Warning! Warning! Third firewall layer has been broken through. The infiltrator has invaded the central systems...”

The sirens blared repeatedly, accompanied by the system announcements. X-112 still had her eyes shut. One of her hands was placed over the console panel while the other was firmly planted over Doctor Carson’s head.

“Warning! Warning! The Ark Experimental Base is invaded by an unidentified hacker, commencing power shutoff!”

This announcement suddenly rang across the main control room.

“Abort operation!”

As soon as the announcement was made, Doctor Carson suddenly barked an order to suspend the operation of the Ark base.

“Operation interrupted. Requesting additional input from executive...”

When the robotic voice arrived at “executive”, its voice suddenly became distorted and dragged out. After that, the lights in the main control room were suddenly shut off and turned back on again in an instant!

X-112 finally opened her eyes again. She turned to Chen Chen. “Sir Commander, I’ve successfully taken over the Ark Experimental Base.”

After saying that, she drew her left hand back. Doctor Carson’s body immediately turned limp and collapsed onto the cold hard ground and began to twitch uncontrollably.

“Good work.”

Chen Chen smiled, satisfied with X-112’s work, but he then mentioned, “But it’s a shame, we can make good use of these researchers if we bring them back to the real world.”

“I’m a clone of X, so everything I do is a mimic of how X would’ve acted.”

X-112 smiled slyly. “And I’m sure you know where X got her habits from.”


The sudden remark made Chen Chen speechless. After that, he left but not before instructing, “Make a copy of all the data gathered here and send it back to Earth. You and the Black Knights stay posted here. Also, open the entrance to the outside world!”

“How about you?”

X-112 asked quickly.

“I’m checking out the outside world.”

Chen Chen said without stopping, “I want to see what the world in 2145 looks like.”

With that, Chen Chen left the main control room and came before an elevator. The elevator door opened on its own when it detected him and he immediately stepped inside without pause.

“Please wait, Sir Commander!”

X-112’s voice was broadcasted through the speakers in the elevator. Shortly after that, a Black Knight rushed toward Chen Chen and took off the PK Armor to hand it to him. X-112 added. “Be careful, Sir Commander.”


Chen Chen did not refuse and took the metallic arm guard handed to him. The device immediately produced a mechanical locking sound as it shrunk considerably. The once large armguard had shrunken down to less than half of its original size and attached itself to his arm!

A low and deep hum followed afterward. Blue rays of nano light wrapped around Chen Chen’s body in a matter of seconds.

By the time the elevator shut its doors, Chen Chen had properly equipped the PK Armor...

A mask still radiating heat covered over Chen Chen’s face. The elevator started to ascend. It seemed that the Ark Experimental Base was also located underground just like the Spire.

“Sir Commander, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want first?”

X-112’s voice came through the earpiece.

“Just give me both.”

Chen Chen answered briskly.

“Well, the good news is that I’ve used the information here to establish a connection with the outside world. I’ve also measured the scientific and technological advancement of this world in the process. It seems that due to World War Three, science and technology haven’t seen much improvement even in the year 2145. Their weapon technology in particular is significantly lacking progress, it’s barely on the level of our technology in the real world. They haven’t standardized large-scale use of robots and cyborgs. I doubt we have any reason to be concerned in terms of firepower.”

“What about the bad news?”

Chen Chen asked without skipping a beat.

“The bad news is... There’s not much documentation on the technology behind the ‘Ark’ teleporters, there’s only what’s essentially a user manual. This means that the humans of this dimension haven’t figured out the technology of the ‘Ark’. They’re merely using what the Martians left behind.”

“That’s more than enough.”

Chen Chen remarked plainly, “There’s more than enough technological implementations here for us to take advantage of. Do you have any idea how many ‘Arks’ there are in this dimension?”

“Based on the data inside the base, apart from this Ark base that we’ve taken over and the one situated on Mars, there’s another one located in the United Kingdom.”

X-112 stated.

“In that case, contact whoever is in charge in this world and instruct them to hand over the ‘Ark’ facility.”

Chen Chen added. “Tell them that if they refuse to hand over the Ark, I’ll bring down a calamity on them.”


X-112 added. “There are currently more than ten special forces troops headed toward your location, please be careful.”

“Just in time.”

As soon as Chen Chen said this, he felt the lift coming to an abrupt halt. With a clear “ding”, the elevator doors opened to reveal a large, barren plain in front of him.

Off in the distance, there were dozens of oddly-shaped, all-black “hellfighter” model helicopters headed toward this direction from the skies above!

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