I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 498: Exploring the Other World

Chapter 498: Exploring the Other World

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Those from the Mauritian military were invited to wait at the border.

To put it nicely, they were needed to seal off the outer waters. To put it less nicely, those who were supposed to stay out of this should just stay out.

Although they felt a little indignant, they were only a small island country after all. Faced with the United Army, they could only obey with their tails between their legs.

On the surface, these new soldiers were under the banner of the United Army, but in fact, their real identity was the special task force of the Blacklight Foundation, a special force independent of the armies in all countries of the world. They were even independent of the Earth Federation.

This group of people came from the special forces of the four main continents. They had to go through a series of selection processes and each person had signed a special confidentiality agreement. Not only was their salary several times that of ordinary soldiers, but their identity must also be hidden whether from relatives, friends or even family members. They could only call themselves a part of the United Army, not the Blacklight Foundation task force.

At this time, as the two ships moored at the bottom of the light spot, the crane-like machine on the ship began to reach up and enter the light spot bit by bit.

Suddenly, an amazing scene appeared —

This group of task forces saw that as the crane’s mechanical arm lengthened, the strange machine at the top was even slightly submerged in the light spot, but the light spot seemed to become a kind of channel. The part that entered the light spot did not come out on the other side of the light spot at all...

At once, everyone’s eyes widened involuntarily in disbelief.

When signing the agreement, they were told that they might encounter many incredible supernatural events in the future and their group was created precisely to deal with supernatural events, but an agreement was after all just an agreement. When they saw this kind of thing with their own eyes, the impact on their spirits was still very strong.

In charge of this exploration mission were also several mid-level officers selected from various continents, but they had obviously been informed beforehand, so when they saw the camera disappearing into the light spot, they were not too astonished and there was only a hint of wonder in their eyes.

Immediately, they were called into the cockpit of the ship.

At this time, in the cockpit, a huge screen was suspended in the air. Several researchers in white coats were constantly discussing something. When they saw the officers come in, they immediately said, “Our landing vehicle has landed on the opposite side of the spot. The judgment of our superiors is correct. This spot is indeed a wormhole, no, more accurately, it’s an Einstein-Rosen bridge.”

“Is there any danger on the other side of the light spot?”

A Chinese officer asked instinctively at once.

“We haven’t found any so far, you can take a look here.”

One of the researchers pointed to the huge screen in front of them. “What is playing on the screen now is the scene on the other side of the Rosen bridge. We find that neither electromagnetic waves nor air can spread to this side of the Rosen bridge, but there’s no problem with greater physical transmission...

“We’ve extended the radio detector into the opposite world and then used the radio to control the landing vehicle on the opposite side of the channel. The transceiver is connected to the actual console through a cable, so we don’t need to go to the opposite side to maneuver the vehicle on the other side of the Rosen bridge.”

Everyone looked at the screen and saw that the entire world there was desolate. The dry soil on the ground was directly exposed without the slightest vegetation cover while the sky was blue, and a huge sun was hanging high above.

The scene on the screen was not much different from their reality...

This was the first thought in everyone’s mind.

“Our landing vehicle has analyzed the air and soil structure, uh... How do I put this?”

The researcher scratched his unkempt hair and then said with a weird expression, “If we hadn’t known that this is a Rosen bridge in front of us, we would almost think that the opposite side of the light spot is also the earth because whether it’s the air or the soil, it’s the same as Earth.”

“So, we don’t need to wear protective gear and can directly enter the opposite side of the passage?”

Another officer from Northern America asked.

“Not so...”

The researcher hurriedly said, “We’re still testing the microorganisms on the other side. If the microorganisms in the opposite world are different, you still need to wear protective clothing when you enter the light spot because we don’t know what the composition of their microbial world is like and whether it’s harmful to the human body.”

“Okay then.”

Everyone nodded without comment.

Then, the footage on the screen continued to move and the landing vehicle, as the main point of view, continued to explore in all directions, but no matter which direction it faced, it was endlessly desolate, as empty as a desert.

One hour, five hours, ten hours...

Ten hours later, when the sky was filled with the sunset, the power of the landing vehicle was finally about to run out. It returned to the light spot from a few kilometers away and the charging port that was passed through the light spot from the ship started the charging process.

“It has been exploring for ten hours, but nothing has been found.”

One researcher was a little embarrassed. “The biggest discovery is some plants. These plants are Earth species and are even very common on Earth, and the microbiological test didn’t find any microorganisms beyond the scope of the earth...”

“Could it be that the other side of the light spot is someplace on the earth?”

Suddenly, an officer asked.

“This is impossible.”

Another balding researcher who was older replied immediately, “Because we can judge according to the time zone. The Republic of Mauritius is in UTC+04:00. Now our time here is 7 o’clock in the evening and the opposite side is in the afternoon. The time difference is about 3 hours. It can be seen that the other side should be in UTC+08:00, that is, part of Mainland China and the Oceania Continent. However, the geomorphic structure on the opposite side does not correspond and neither does the measured sun angle, not to mention that no similar light spot has been found on the two continents, which refutes the possibility that the opposite side of the light spot is on Earth...”

Hearing this lengthy answer, the officer felt a headache coming on and shut up quickly.

“The test results have come out.”

At this moment, a researcher hurriedly walked over and he handed the report in his hand to everyone in front of the screen. However, after seeing the test results, everyone had a strange look in their eyes.

“Are you sure there are no errors?”

The bald researcher could not help but question.

“This is the most detailed analysis. If this is all wrong, then geographers might as well give up on their field.”

The researcher beside shook his head. “Unexpectedly, the opposite of the passage turned out to be...”

Hearing this, several military officers immediately came up and looked at the paper. As the most direct operatives, they naturally had the right to inspect such secrets.

Still, when these people saw the results of the report, they were all dumbfounded...

“According to the solar elevation angle, light and shadow measurement, geological inspection, and geomagnetic field analysis, the final diagnosis determined: The location opposite the Einstein-Rosen bridge is in Oregon, Northern America, with a latitude and longitude of approximately 42°-46°N 117°- 124°W.”

The other side of the light spot was in Northern America?


The officer from the Northern America Continent immediately shouted angrily, “Impossible, the Northern America Continent is located in UTC−04:00 to UTC−08:00. It’s now in the early morning. How could it be Northern America?”

“Calm down, Captain Alan.”

The bald researcher immediately explained, “We didn’t say that the opposite of the light spot is the location of Northern America in reality, but the location of Northern America in another world, understand?”

“Professor Will is right, we all know that the other side is not Northern America.”

The officer from China also comforted him.

Following everyone’s explanation, the officer from the Northern America Continent calmed down.

“Now that the microorganisms have also been tested, shall we go in?”

Another officer from the North Sea Continent suddenly asked.

“Although no abnormal microorganisms were detected, it’s a different world on the other side after all. We have to be on our guard.”

The Chinese officer immediately retorted, “I think it’s safer to wear protective clothing.”

“That’s right, we have only explored an area with a radius of ??dozens of kilometers and we don’t know anything about the world on the opposite side of the light spot.”

Many researchers were also unanimous in this.

Thus, in the evening, the task forces on the two ships finally got into action. They brought all kinds of marching supplies and then entered the light spot through the raised fire ladder.

The lieutenant from China in charge was named Li Qiang. After intensive assessment and subsequent selection into the foundation’s task force, he had maintained extremely excellent results. At this time, the foundation had sent him as one of the lieutenants for this operation after careful deliberations.

At this moment, he watched a task force soldier climb up the fire ladder and then try putting his hand and arm into the light spot. After that, the soldier boldly pushed half of his body in until he disappeared completely. The scene was a bit surprising at first, but as more people entered, everyone gradually became bolder.

Finally, the four officers from the four continents also entered one after another, leaving only a few team members here as support.

When passing into the light spot, Li Qiang felt momentary suffocation from the vacuum and at the same time, his vision went dark as if he had completely lost all light source. Still, in the next second, everything returned to normal again. His feet had already stepped onto the world opposite the light spot.

Unlike their reality where the light spot was located at an altitude of about forty meters, at this time, on the other side, the light spot was level with the ground. Once they crossed the light spot, it was easy to find a balance point.

As soon as he stepped onto the ground, two soldiers stretched out their hands and pulled Li Qiang away from where he stood. Li Qiang turned around subconsciously and he saw someone stepping over through the light spot, staggering a while, then regaining his footing.

“This is another world...”

Li Qiang looked around into the distance. It was a wasteland around him. Forget about traces of life, even plants were pitifully rare.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but in Li Qiang’s mind, the entire world exuded an air of death.

“This is the world across the light spot, it’s desolate...”

At this moment, another officer suddenly sighed and then he looked at the other three people. “Guys, how about we use the light spot as the base and each one of us takes one direction for further exploration?”

“Yes. I’ve thought of that too.”

Without thinking much, everyone agreed.

As a result, the four officers were assigned their respective bearings. Mainland China would take the east, Northern America would take the west, the European Continent would take the south, and the North Sea Continent would take the north. Each of the four groups would have some members stay behind to set up camp while the rest probe into the directions of their respective divisions.

In this operation, the foundation sent a total of 80 people with 20 people from each continent. It had to be said that even if they were from the same foundation task force, the four teams still could not be completely integrated and they all acted on their own.

In addition to historical reasons, the greater reason was that each continent did not trust the others. Everyone was afraid that if an officer from one continent was in command, it was very likely that the soldiers from other continents would be used as cannon fodder.

Therefore, since no one could trust each other, they might as well do their own thing without disturbing each other. This resulted in a situation where there were four highest operative officers.

At this time, the officer of the North Sea Continent was leading his group to explore the north, but because of the endless stretch of distance, everyone was not too nervous. They were wearing protective clothing, talking and laughing along the way.

After a march for two hours, when the sky was approaching evening, the officer commanded everyone to stop. “Now the sky is getting dark. Everyone, rest in place. When the vanguard returns from their exploration, we’ll return to the camp.”

Everyone sat down. Some sang songs and some chatted with each other. If they were not wearing protective masks, these people would even want to have a drink.

However, something strange happened. About half an hour later, the officer of the North Sea Continent looked at his watch but the vanguard still had not returned to give a report.

Supposedly, the vanguard must come back every half an hour.

Thinking of this, the officer’s expression suddenly changed. He took out the walkie-talkie. “Calling Porcupine, calling Porcupine, this is Team East Crow.”

“Crackle crackle...”

In the walkie-talkie, there was only a rustle of static. There was no answer other than that.

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