I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 497: Let the World Experience Pain

Chapter 497: Let the World Experience Pain

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“I agree that we should examine that light spot.”

Hearing 01’s words, Chen Chen agreed. “This kind of thing doesn’t require voting, just let our subordinates execute this. After all, investigating the unknown is indeed our Blacklight Foundation’s responsibility and obligation.”

“I agree.”

02 and 03 on the side expressed their stance as well.

“But the problem now is that we need to cooperate with the Mauritian government, but they didn’t join the Blacklight Foundation Agreement.”

At this moment, 01 suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Chen. “Our foundation isn’t established yet. Many countries and continents haven’t yet joined the Blacklight Foundation Agreement. If we send a task force for investigation and Mauritius obstructs us, what do we do? Surely we can’t possibly communicate with Mauritius using our original identities, right?”

Chen Chen leaned back in his chair speechlessly.

It must be said that this was one flaw of a power-sharing assembly. To borrow the names of the four continents and at the same time closely unite the four continents, Chen Chen had invested quite a lot.

Now he had indeed borrowed the power of the four continents, but it felt like they were working against a conflict of interests. This new organization would take more than just a day or two to run smoothly.

Without any alternative, Chen Chen had to say, “01, your mindset is wrong.”


01 raised his head somewhat unexpectedly in surprise.

“Our foundation is indeed just in its infancy. Both funds and manpower are seriously inadequate.”

Chen Chen spread his hands and said sternly, “Moreover, the Blacklight Foundation is more like an extension of the authority of the four continents. It’s a truly international military organization. I don’t think the four continents and Blacklight Biotechnology are completely separate forces. We should be more like a family...”

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.

“I know that your identities are all inextricably linked to the institutions behind you, but have you ever considered that your positions have a time limit? What if that limit is up?”

Chen Chen said patiently and earnestly, “The Blacklight Foundation is different. The positions of us supervisors hold real power. After your presidential term is over, if there’s still this layer of real power shrouding you, is it not a kind of more generous political bargaining chip?

“So, I think that the four continents should establish a department that can liaise with the Blacklight Foundation. Even in some countries that haven’t signed the Blacklight Foundation Agreement, we can successfully get the Blacklight Foundation to run its mission locally through the procedures of that liaising department. After all, some crises cannot be alleviated.”

After saying all this, Chen Chen looked at everyone sincerely.

“Not a bad idea at all...”

After a short silence, 03 suddenly spoke slowly, “Although I’m not the ‘person’ you think of, I can indeed represent ‘his’ interest, but on the condition that... The Blacklight Foundation must be truly empowering.”

“Yes, it’s difficult to increase the number of departments in vain and it’s difficult to get our Congress to approve. After all, in the Northern... In our continent, my word isn’t the law.”

01 also echoed. “But 05’s idea is very good and it can be discussed further. As for now, since 05 has said this, then I’m willing to contact the Mauritian government in a public capacity and ask them to authorize and cooperate with the task force of our Blacklight Foundation for now.”

“Me too.”



Everyone expressed their stance.

As such, the first operation meeting of the Blacklight Foundation came to an end in such a discussion.

Then, everyone’s figures flashed and disappeared in their respective positions.

Chen Chen was the last to leave the venue. After he left the holographic conference, he leaned back on the chair with a gloomy expression, rubbing his temples and pondering silently.

“Sir Godfather, don’t worry. After all, this is only the first meeting, the foundation still needs a little practice...”

Little X comforted him. “Please don’t take it to heart.”

“I understand.”

Chen Chen nodded. “I had predicted this situation a long time ago, but I have become accustomed to my autocratic rule in Blacklight Biotechnology, so I’m still a little miffed with this kind of red tape...”

“But you need to assume the name of the four continents.”

Little X said helplessly, “Otherwise, it’s impossible for the Blacklight Foundation to become a legal military department of the Earth Federation and gain unimpeded access anywhere in the world. Moreover, they haven’t experienced any crisis, after all, so they’re unlikely to take the Blacklight Foundation seriously.”

“So, we must highlight the role of the foundation!”

Chen Chen suddenly chuckled. “Only when you have experienced war can you understand the preciousness of peace; only when you have suffered humiliation can you understand the truth of might; only when you have experienced pain can you be treated with tenderness. This is the root of human weakness...”

As he spoke, a cold light flashed in Chen Chen’s eyes. He crossed his hands on the table and muttered in a low voice, “So, it’s time for the world to experience pain...”


The Indian Ocean nights in June were often calm.

On this day, several patrol boats cruised on the high seas somewhere in the Indian Ocean. This area was calm and without waves, but as the sun went down, a strange large light spot gradually emerged.

If any tourists saw it at this time, they would notice that this huge light spot was the supernatural phenomenon that had been the latest viral topic recently.

However, the video was ultimately said to be falsified by netizens. No one expected that it existed.

However, this sea area had been closed off by the waterways of various countries for various reasons. Over at least one month, no cruise ships or cargo ships would pass through this area.

These patrol boats were also marked with the flag of the African island country — Mauritius.

At this time, on the deck of one of the patrol boats, two coast guards were chatting with cigarettes in their mouths. Firelight gleamed on their faces, illuminating their cheeks, and their rough skin eroded by sea breeze could be vaguely seen.

“Jace, have you heard that a new bar on the Lynn Wharf has recently opened, it’s owned by some ‘bumpkin’. After our duty, how about going there to unwind?”

“Of course, but I don’t know what the expenses of the new bar are like. If the price is too high, I will not go. I still like the atmosphere of the Simpson Bar.”

“Come on Jace, it’s not like I don’t know you. It’s not that you like the atmosphere of the Simpson Bar. Rather, you like the dancer Emily there?”

“Hahaha, so you’ve noticed...”

As the two of them laughed, suddenly, something seemed to flash past the corner of one of their eyes.

He turned his head subconsciously but saw that he was next to the huge light spot. At this time, the ship was parked in front of the light spot, which looked like a second moon, even overshadowing the misty moonlight.

“What are you looking at, Jace, haven’t you seen enough of this spot after watching it for a few days?”

“No, I thought I saw something flying into the spot just now.”

“Are you sure? Could it be a seabird? If there’s an abnormality, we must report it.”

“It’s possible that my eyes were playing tricks on me...”

Both of them were not too concerned about this.

At this time, on the other side of the Rosen bridge, Chen Chen had already set foot in the land of Resident Evil again, but now, unlike the last time he came, the entire world was empty. Whether it was the wreckage of the Blackwatch Cruise or the distant buildings, all had disappeared without a trace.

Likewise, the Hive laboratory underground had vanished as well.

Chen Chen flew into the sky along the light spot, then circled once. After that, he nodded with satisfaction. After a few days, those nanomites had devoured all man-made traces within a radius of thousands of miles.

Seeing this, Chen Chen thought that it was good enough. He directly pressed the buttons of the two kill switch devices and immediately, the two groups of nanomites that had swallowed countless substances finally died and disappeared into dust on the ground.

However, Chen Chen did more than just this. He flew over the pit where the Hive had once been and suddenly took out a few transparent Petri dishes.

These Petri dishes were only the size of a palm and were transparent throughout, but what was strange was that in each of these Petri dishes, there was a lump of something that looked like meat. These lumps of meat were red all over and they pulsated slowly in the petri dish as if breathing. At the same time, one could even see the dense cloak of tentacles extending around the meat...

This appearance was disgusting. When any normal person saw this mass of flesh and blood, they would experience an inexplicable heart palpitation and even suspect that this must have come from hell.

At this time, Chen Chen used Field to open the lid of the first petri dish and threw the weird lump of meat together with the petri dish, into the big pit left by the Hive.

Even so, this was not the end.

Next, Chen Chen started flying at full speed in mid-air. At this time, his flying speed was no longer inferior to the world’s top fighter planes. In less than an hour, he found a vast forest and then Chen Chen threw the second petri dish...

In this way, Chen Chen spent an entire night flying to a dozen positions and even dropped Petri dishes in some urban ruins.

After throwing these things throughout the night, he returned to the light spot with satisfaction and then suddenly turned around and looked at this already desolate world.

During the sowing of the “seeds”, he also tried to find survivors, but perhaps because this place was close to ground zero of the outbreak, Chen Chen did not find a single survivor on the map of Northern America. He only found some traces of past survivors but the people themselves were already gone.

In addition, some zombies had been found, but the number of zombies was also very small. After all, decades had passed since the outbreak. Most of the zombies had long since disappeared and the small number of surviving zombies had lain down and entered a deep sleep state in shady areas with slower air currents.

It was only when humans passed by them during their lifetime that these zombies would be awakened again like the living dead, hot on the heels of the survivors.

There was a higher chance they would stay dormant until the last vestiges of nutrients in their body ran out and they died completely.

Long ago, Chen Chen had asked his team to experiment with the effect of T-virus.

They finally came to the conclusion: T-virus was like a program that could restart the human brain whose brain cells had not yet died and place human beings in a state of extremely low energy consumption.

In this state, the zombies could remain active for months or even years, but it depended on the environment. If the nutrition was insufficient for a long time, the zombies would also starve to death and if the zombies were injured, the wound would become inflamed and purulent. Necrosis would also occur but this process was longer than that of a living person.

As for the T-virus brain cells, this was not unscientific because in reality, scientists had carried out similar examples.

They connected a pig head that had been dead for five or six hours to a special blood delivery system. Through this device, artificial blood was pumped into the pig’s brain to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the pig’s brain cells. The result was —

Part of the brain cells in the pig’s brain was “resurrected from the dead”. Some neurons showed synaptic activity and some brain cells restarted the metabolic function, and even the immune system continued to work.

This experiment confirmed that the brain, after four hours of death, still had some salvable properties. The brain tissue might survive the body longer than modern medicine had assumed.

This was why the T-virus could restart the brain of the dead.

Of course, if the death was too long, it was impossible for the T-virus to reanimate the corpse.

At this time, looking at the desolate and decivilized world in front of him, Chen Chen shook his head slightly. The first lunar manned spacecraft of Blacklight Biotechnology was about to launch and the next step was to land on Mars and Europa, to pave the way for the following colonization of space.

This was insurance against the demise of humankind.

Moreover, the establishment of the Blacklight Foundation was also another insurance. In addition, Chen Chen and Blacklight Biotechnology behind him was yet another layer of insurance.

With these three layers of insurance protection, the world he was in would not follow the same path of Resident Evil’s dimension...

Thinking of this, Chen Chen used the cloaking device to return to the real world.


Three days later, two transport ships of moderate tonnage, under the escort of the only two small warships in Mauritius, slowly set out for the area under the light spot.

The two transport ships were loaded with cranes and some unnamed equipment. They were not so much transport ships, but more like scientific exploration ships.

On these transport ships, there were many soldiers in strange outfits.

These people were uniformly dressed in black combat uniforms, holding all kinds of overpowered firearms in their hands. Their ethnicities were of all sorts and they mixed around with each other.

The reason these people were called soldiers was that they all bore the logo of the Earth Federation United Army and it was only the Earth Federation United Army that would have so many races mixed together.

As the ships approached the light spot, one of the ship’s cranes lifted a device with a unique shape and a long cable attached to it. It looked like a massive camera.

Were they going to make a movie?

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