Aether Beasts

Chapter 186

I was in the middle of talking to them about maybe sparring when I felt Sandra through our bond, though it wasn\'t a message, at least not one of words. It was more like she was sending over emotions as a message. Like she was calling me.

I could always feel her at the back of my mind, but for the most part, I had to focus on her to feel and sense things, however when she was directly sending something through the bond or emotion or feeling was very strong, I would notice immediately.

In this case, she wasn\'t in danger or in pain, but was worried. I knew she had said she could handle herself and Zirani was with her, but I couldn\'t just ignore what she was feeling. She was in trouble and had told her I would always come when needed.

It seemed I was needed.

"I need to go," I said to Venn and Garth. "It seems I\'m needed."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Garth asked, and I really did appreciate the gesture, but I shook my head. "No, it doesn\'t seem to be danger, just that she needs my help."

"You feel her through the bond, the princess?" Venn asked.

I shook my head. "Not her, Sandra."

"Oh." Garth nodded. \'Well don\'t let us stop you, go on."

I smiled and thanked both of them, promising that we\'d talk more later. Both were very nice and I enjoyed speaking with them, though they had both been hesitant when I had asked about sparing. I wasn\'t sure, but neither seemed to be fighters, though both had assured me they could as most everyone in the court learned to fight and protect themselves. Zirani had said much the same once, that most everyone in the lands beyond the scar knew how to fight in some way.

"I need to remember the plains are the peaceful lands to them," I muttered as began to quickly walk to Aeverie\'s building.

The door was open and I stopped in the doorway to take everything in.

I had expected Zirani, Aeverie, and Sandra, but not the fourth person.

He turned, his short blonde hair swishing with the movement, and I locked gazes with his green eyes. He was tan with a muscular build and wore robes that labeled him a member of the Umbrin clan, though it was mostly the crest, that shifting pitch-black symbol that gave it away.

Was this why she was worried?

"Sandra, you ok?" I sent over mentally as I took a few steps into the room.

I saw her relax in the corner of my vision as she sent over a message. "I\'m fine, you didn\'t need to come."

"Tell that to the bond," I replied mentally as I addressed the blonde man. "We haven\'t been introduced, I\'m Aiden, Zirani\'s bonded, and you are?"

"Kai," he replied somewhat shocked. He glanced over at Zirani who smiled. "How do you think I survived."

I kept my eyes on Kai as I walked over to Sandra and placed a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into the touch and I noted the anger in Kai\'s gaze as she spotted the action.

"That\'ll be all Kai," Aeverie said, but the blonde just kept staring at me.

"This is him?\' Kai asked, and Sandra nodded, though I had no clue what he meant by him. Whatever it was, Sandra\'s nod seemed to enrage the man, though he was trying and failing to keep his anger in check.

"You cannot be serious," Kai said as he turned to Sandra. "He is just a commoner from the plains, even if he is bonded to the princess."

Sandra\'s worry turned to anger. "He is more than you could possibly know, and even if he was a commoner, it wouldn\'t matter as I love him."

I felt my chest swell at her words, and I took a step forwards, placing myself between her and Kai. I could sense his power and in truth, I doubted I could beat him in a fight, but I sure as hell wasn\'t going to back either way.

It was clear this man was the reason for Sandra\'s worry, and that meant he needed to go, not to mention his comment.

Commoner, he called me, in that arrogant tone I had heard from so many stuck-up rich kids playing arcanist. Zirani had been right it seemed when she had said we would meet similar people in the scar. I just hadn\'t thought it would be so soon, and not before we had even arrived there.

There was also the matter of Zirani. I knew for sure, she could wipe the floor with the guy. There was also the fact she was a princess and this guy was probably just another one of the masses of the Umbrin clan.

Aeverie, who had been silent after her command, sighed. "You ignore me in my own domain, and you show such a lack of respect and manners. The Umbrin must have been mad to send you, and I imagine they would quite furious when they hear of how you spoke to not only a lady of the court but the daughter of its queen who was responsible for saving and returning their lost daughter. Now, I shall ask you once more, and if you do not listen, then your blood will feed the green, and I shall make my apologies to your family and clan."

Whatever anger or rage he\'d been in, Aeverie\'s words quickly snapped Kai out of, and he bowed low, so low he looked like he might fall. "You have my utmost apologies. I was simply overwhelmed and in shock. Once again I did not mean any offense."

He looked like he wanted to say more, but Aeverie held up a hand. "Since it is clear you are new to your position and clearly have spent little time away from your family and homeland, I will let this go, but only this once, do I make myself clear?\'

Kai nodded. "You do, lady Aeverie."

With that, he glanced over at me and Sandra one more time before he left quickly, practically running out.

"So." I turned to Zirani and Aeverie. "Wanna tell me what just happened?"

Aeverie smiled as a thoughtful look came to her eyes. "A man dreams a dream he did not know he longed for. A bright sun for a child who has known so little light, and he eagerly reaches for it. He draws closer, even as it burns, but he is too overwhelmed by the dream to care. His hands blacken and turn to ash as—"

Zirani coughed, interrupting the fae and shooting Aevire a look. "Really?"

Aeverie shrugged. "What, I wanted to see if he understood."

"I did," I said. "But what was with the poem or whatever it was?"

"A topic for another time," Zirani said then frowned. "I really am saying that too much as of late."

"That man was the head representative for the clan on the expedition," Aeverie explained. "Sandra wanted to speak with him, and things didn\'t go as expected, at least not for her. I imagine he wants to use Sandra to further his own goals, and position in the clan. Of course, we did not allow such a thing and will not."

"Why was he so angry at me?" I asked. "I\'ve never even met him before just now."

"Ah, but you and Sandra are lovers and bonded," Aeverie chuckled. "I imagine he noticed it just before he left. Oh, he\'ll be in quite the rage."

I thought about her words and slowly things came together. I felt my anger rise, and I turned to Zirani. "Is she implying what I think she is?"

Zirani nodded. "Most likely. What\'s the quickest way to form a connection between families?"

"Marriage," Aeverie answered. "If he or someone of his family married Sandra, then that would be a one-way ticket to power, wealth, and position, if the main family allowed it that is, which they would not with somehow as lackluster and average as Kai, so I\'m guessing he has someone else in mind."

She tapped her chin and muttered to herself. "Perhaps that boy, what was his name, Pate?"

"No one is marrying me," Sandra said before she glanced up at me. "At least not until I\'m ready."

I took a deep breath as I tried to push down my anger. Sandra was ok, and things would be fine. I had Zirani, Aeverie, and myself. I would not allow that slimy prick to lay a hand on Sandra. She was mine as I was hers.

I felt Sandra\'s hand grasp my own and she sent reassurance through the bond.

As I calmed, I heard Aeverie mutter, "Seems the return journey will be far more interesting."

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