Aether Beasts

Chapter 185

\'That\'s a lot of titles,\' Sandra thought as Aeverie introduced Zirani.

Sometimes, she forgot just how important Zirani was, mainly due to how much time they had spent together, and how casual they were around each other. They were close friends, to say the least.

\'I mean we\'ve literally done erotic things to one another,\' Sandra thought to herself. \'How much closer can we get?\'

Aeverie finished with Zirani and then began with her, adding titles to her introduction, though not as many as Zirani, and not as awe-inspiring. The lost daughter didn\'t have the same ring to it as, the resurrected or verdant princess.

Sandra watched the mix of emotions on Kai\'s face battle each other as he tried to take in what was earth-shaking news. Not only had he been told that Zirani was alive, but also that she, a lost member of the main family, was found, and right in front of him.

She hadn\'t known what to expect from the first member of the Umbrin clan that she would meet since the incident and if she was being honest, she was somewhat disappointed, though Zirani had said the expedition wasn\'t as it normally was, or maybe she had set her expectations too high. This man certainly wasn\'t anywhere near her sister in power.

Kai looked to be in his mid-twenties with blonde hair and the green eyes that so most of the Umbrin clan had, though his were a simple light green compared to her emerald. He was tan with a muscular frame and his dark robe bore the crest of the Umbrin clan, that shifting black symbol that was on her own necklace.

"How do I know you speak the truth?" Kai asked after composing himself.

They had expected that, and Sandra pulled her necklace out.

Kai\'s eyes locked onto the medallion, and he let out a loose breath as his eyes moved from it to her face. She didn\'t look away, though she found the intensity in his gaze rather uncomfortable.

The necklace proved who she was especially since the link was clear and the symbol upon it was shifting and not still as it would have been with someone not of the main family. Those in branch families were not given a mark of blood, only those of the main family.

"Then this is wonderful news," Kai said, and took a step towards her, but Zirani waved a hand, and a nearby root rose up and blocked his path.

Kai turned a glare towards Zirani who stared back at him coldly.

"You are a guest here," she said, her tone icy. "And do you so quickly forget who I am?"

Kai\'s face paled and he quickly bowed. \'My apologies."

Sandra wasn\'t surprised. From what she could tell, Kai was from a branch family and well, Zirani could have his family wiped out and the main family would only ask for a reason, and offense, from what she remembered from early lessons, was reason enough. The Umbrin wouldn\'t risk pissing off the green court, not if what Zirani had said was true.

\'I\'m really glad she\'s here,\' Sandra thought to herself.

"Apology accepted," Zirani said. "Now back away, and speak."

Kai took a few steps back and turned to Sandra. "I am Kai Umbrin, a member of a rising branch family. I was appointed by the main family themselves, and we will be glad to take you back."

Sandra glanced over at Zirani who nodded slightly, easily reading her gaze.

Sandra wasn\'t amazing at reading people, but there was something off about Kai. The way he looked at her, and that intensity spoke of something else, not to mention she wasn\'t about to just walk away with him, no matter what position he held.

"I\'m afraid that\'s not going to happen," Zirani interjected. "She will remain under my care and my people until she so wishes to leave."

"And what right do you have to do this?" Kai asked, keeping his tone polite, though Sandra could detect the anger in his gaze.

Zirani smiled and stood, slowly approaching Kai. "She is here because of me. She is as strong as she is because of me. I have cared for her and trained her from a simple arcanist of the first level with an understanding of the arcane less than that of a child of your clan to what she is now. She draws breath because of me, she stands before you because of me, and she will have the freedom to act as she wished in concern to you because of me."

She was inches away from Kai as she finished speaking. "Even as I am now, I could wipe the floor with half a dozen of you. Sandra is my ward, and the only reason you are here is that she wanted to see you."

Kai kept his emotions in check but Sandra could still see the fear in his gaze and the regret. He knew that he had pushed too far. Zirani as a jungle queen and princess to the de facto leader of the green court, not mentioning them of course. Sandra also knew that Zirani could back up her threat. She had sparred against Zirani, and Kai may have been two levels higher than Sandra herself but the density of his cores wasn\'t anything special. She could sense that one of his cores was iron while the other was hydro. With what Zirani could do, Kai wouldn\'t stand a chance. It was clear he had focused on his level and ignored his core density for whatever reason.

"I did not mean to offend," Kai said slowly. "I only wish to do what is best for her. She belongs amongst the clan and I can assure you that I will watch over her and that the can will hear of everything you have done."

"As I just said," Zirani replied. \'She has the freedom to choose. If she wishes to go with you then that is her choice, but if she wishes to stay here, then she will stay here. You do not get to decide what happens and do not speak of angering your clan. Your clan will be ecstatic to hear that their lost daughter was found and trained by the daughter of queen Atmora. I imagine I would receive quite the welcome were I to deliver her myself. You are not required, do not forget that."

Sandra did see this side of Zirani much. It was similar to how she acted when she had been training them, though different. It was as though she was addressing a child who didn\'t understand their place. In a way, Kai was probably a child to her since she was over four hundred years old.

"I must also add that you have made quite the bad first impression," the lady Aeverie commented. "You started out well, but your ambitions are blinding you to everything else, don\'t deny it. Your eyes show everything that needs to be seen."

Kai didn\'t speak, and Sandra couldn\'t tell what was going on inside his head as his eyes were a mix of emotions. His body was rigid, and it was obvious he was trying to keep calm and show as little emotion as possible. He was failing miserably of course, but then again he was probably still in shock. Sandra knew she would be if she was in his position.

Zirani turned to her. \'Well, what do want, Sandra?"

Sandra considered her choices, and immediately threw out the possibility of going with Kai. If she hadn\'t been sure before, then the Lady Aeverie had confirmed it. Kai saw her as a means to getting something he wanted or furthering a goal, and she had no desire to be a tool or pawn.

Sandra took a deep breath and turned to Kai. "I appreciate the offer, but for now, I will remain with Zirani. She had taken care of me, and helped me tremendously alongside my lover, and frien—"

Sandra was interrupted as Kai blurted out, "Lover?"

Zirani shook her head and Aeverie sighed. "Such poor manners. Let the girl finish!"

The last word was filled with power and Kai\'s mouth snapped shut even as his eyes blazed with a mix of anger, shock, and confusion. She probably shouldn\'t have said lover, but that was how she thought of Aiden and it had just felt natural to say. She loved Aiden and why hide that? Even if it caused problems, wasn\'t it better to make things clear from the beginning so that there could be no misunderstandings?

"As I was saying, I trust Zirani and will stay with her," Sandra finished.

Kai took a deep breath and then bowed. "I apologize for interrupting, but if I may ask, who is this lover?"

Almost as if the question had called him, Aiden appeared in the doorway, a worried frown on his face. That\'s when Sandra realized that she had unknowingly been calling out for him through the bond and it seemed he had answered.

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