The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 506

“Cimier,” began éclair’s tale, “-have been on the prowl for more than a few years. Ever since they acquired Meldorino and conquered the Eastern side of Iqeavea as well as Alphia, the business between our two groups grew into war. Just like we’re allied to the Federation on a secretive level, they’ve allied with the Emperor. The value in technology and advancement outweighed the always war mindset attitude. The five-conglomerate only grew to become pillars, a full-fledged mountain in our path. They hold the key to where we want to step into, the place from where came Snow. Things aren’t that difficult. The Larson Family managed to etch a strong base and control over a small village in Skouso. We deal with them and they deliver to other gangs throughout said continent. Phantom allied with Elon’s Dynasty is just about strong to go face-to-face against the five-conglomerates and their bountiful continent. Illegal as it may be, we’re still smuggling drugs into their turf. The more the risk, the higher the pay. Our produce all but grew better, Lady Courtney came to invent another simulant named Dragon’s Breath. Seemingly innocent tablets at first glance. Once inside a person’s mouth, the eruption has them always opening wide and blowing over the heat. We’ve no idea about the composition – the formula keeps on changing. The success of the novel drug is very much appreciated.”

“Many battles and turf wars have been fought in the underground. The Dark-Guild is holding head against Cimier, for the most part. Elon’s Dynasty and the Overlord went under much change three years ago. Lord Elon, our benefactor, went into cardiac arrest at his residence. Lucky for us, lady Elvira was on a visit – she quickly managed to turn the man into a nightwalker. The decision was of her own volition, losing someone of such power would turn the tides onto us. The advantage of immortality can’t be refuted. Thus, opposed to the old man dying, he rejuvenated into the young-man who clawed into hell. The succession, as to not arise suspiciously, was handled privately. Those in the front know him as Elon II, the bastard son of Elon, who is in fact, himself. Quite a confusing affair though it doesn’t matter. Thanks to that, we’ve managed to secure part of Hidros; mostly, Queen Elendor’s land. Airbases, army, tanks, weapons, name it, and they have it. Phantom saw fit to bring about fear into the heart of the Emperor. And so, the animosity of the East and West began. Hidros stands in the middle of the conflict as originators of the revolt against Cimier.”

“Tis a battle you began six years ago, a battle to fight against Snow. Fate had another decision in-store, and the revenge was brought to an untimely defeat per the god’s themselves.”

“Are you done?” an hour and a half passed. The roads gentled into flatlands of agriculture, cattle, farm-villages, and overall pleasant countryside. The balance between modern and tourist-friendly was counteracted by hard work and effort. Bluer skies had the eyes narrowed, ‘-the beach, we’re half-way there.’

Rotherham, the day began normally for those working for Phantom. A special clinic dedicated to those deemed worthy by the organization awoke to the gentle pulling of a cranky tray. The building might seem new and comfortable, and in the most example, was more of a hotel than a treatment area, the rusted squealing of a particular tray always waned the empty halls of dawn.

“Hey, are you guys ok?” walked heavy footsteps.


“Leonard,” glanced piercing blue-eyes.

“Frost,” they stopped to give firm handshakes, “-didn’t think I’d see you here so early.”

“Yeah, me neither,” he shuffled towards a window, “-dreams have been more of a hassle.”

“I get what you mean,” added Leonard peering over the shoulder, “-it’s hard. That day can’t be erased from my heart, I can’t.”

“You’ve certainly gotten more dependent,” said he half-seriously, “-it’s not easy to stand up and walk with all that’s happened.”

“Well,” breathing a sigh, “-I can’t afford to be left in despair. I want to be a better person for when Jen wakes up.”

“About that,” he pushed away to head for the waiting area down the hall, “-she’s undergoing special treatment, is she not?”

“I guess,” the couches gave to their weight. The white floor, white ceiling, and a single line running horizontally across the walls. Nurses in white, doctors in white, assistants in white, here white there white everywhere white, there laid a good reason for the ‘white’. One he didn’t know. “She’s been receiving treatments from multiple scholars. I don’t really know myself.”

A tall figure ambled into the waiting area, “-Hey guys.”

“Lampard,” stood Leonard for a hug, “-you seem well.”

“I guess,” he sat with slight twitches of the eyes and head, “-what brings you here today? I heard the school sent another expedition into Coria.”

“You heard right,” exclaimed Frost,”-they ignore us and now this. I’m honestly ashamed to call that institution a place for growth.”

“Calm it,” said Leonard, “-you’re disturbing them,” the looks on the worker’s faces greatly worried him. The lower the pitch went, the sooner they returned to work.

“I see,” sighed Lampard,”-man, a lot has happened. I just wish the other students do suffer what we went through.” An unexplainable bond formed between them, the strongest of those who joined at the same time Igna arrived. Mild differences of the past were changed to compassion, empathy, trust, and love. On one where society and the student-body rejected their fight and dismayed to ignore their presence, the comfort given by those who shared the same experience brought closure. A single hug, words of comfort or even a lie would have done. The craving, the want for acknowledgment ultimately became their regret. Licking their wounds, stitching each other’s hearts; the broken mended the broken into a complex maze of emotions.

“Lampard, Lampard,” skips and hums dissolved in where they sat. All came to a stop as she jumped and landed with hands in the air. Her eyes narrowed to glare at the faces with pouted lips. Locked onto Leonard, the frown brightened into a smile. “Found you,” she sprinted to tag him.

“Rena,” said Lampard patting her head, “-Come, sit.”

“Ok,” she gayly skipped to sit and bob her head.

“What about her?” wondered Frost.

“Doctors say the scars will go away in due time. Her delirious state is because of the medicines she’s using. I’ve seen the results first hand; she’s slowly coming back.”

“Question is,” mumbled Frost, “-what’s going to happen to Anna and Jen. They’re still in bad shape.”

“Anna’s body has healed. The psychological trauma she suffered; the strain the body had to endure whilst putting up that barrier for our safety.”

“That’s not it. Lampard, that’s not the whole story,” said Frost with frustration, “-she took on a vampire to buy us time. Gave into his crazy sadistic libido for us. She deserves more than I can ever repay.”

“I know,” said Leonard staring the floor, “-the girls were more powerful than us. We were worthless when it mattered. How useless can a boyfriend be!”

“Stop it,” fired Rena, “-you guys did your best. We did our best too. What we knew in that moment was to save the other. It’s all that matters,” stern to childish, the hands returned to playing with the teddy. The conversations were always in this manner. None of them ever realized. Anna and Jen were the links gluing the newly formed group together. Ila and Cole weren’t much of help. The duo spent their days at the academy, focusing on studying.

‘Hot,’ the bike came upon a gentle hill overlooking Ami’s bay. Waves crashed into white fuzz over yonder. The aroma of salt and heat, to the right, crashed bigger waves. Visitors ran about in swimwear. Children made sandcastles; food stands were gathered to the left. ‘I’ve made it.’ Blue, greenish-blue, the discoloration of the lagoon added vibrance. Climbing down the stairs, the sheer size of the place came into perspective. ‘So many people have come to enjoy the sun, sand, and sea.’ The sand made it hard to walk, most of which entered the sneakers. The discomfort didn’t matter. The water glimmered invitingly. Who’d refuse such an invitation; the unpleasant heat gave rise to sweat, and sweat led to sticky clothes.

“There’s a locker for hire,” commented éclair, “-over there.” Freed from the things in the pocket and all now safely kept inside the locker; the time came. Walking into the lagoon, the water moving against the legs, he pushed across the current and jumped. The instinct to dive and just swim. Contact lenses and earpieces were kept in his bag. A moment’s peace without displays of people’s names and information. He resurfaced to laid afloat drifting by the whims of the sea. It sure was tightly packed. A school had come for an outing, the screaming and shouting of the innocent children put a smile.

‘The sea is nice, too nice. One wrong move and the ocean can steal a life as easily as she gives sustenance for the people. What was the point of coming to this beach? I’ve acted upon my whim. The peace is but fleeting. I’ll have to aid Chef Leko for the graduation in 2 days. After that comes Cle, what dish am I going to make. Dungeon-Styled cooking. Experimenting with that new fish sure opened a lot of options when it comes to taste. Using wine to enhance the flavor seems too mundane. God’s ale could work... well, I doubt the chefs will be pleased by me using narcotics. Sure fire way to get expelled from the cooking world.’ There and then, a foolish idea dawned on him. The mention of Hephon and the five-star hotel named Msiza. It was bound to have great food, learning all about fine-dining could help for the contest.

‘No, I can’t,’ water splashed onto his face forcing him to stand, ‘-it’s going to go against the idea of cooking for normal people. Cle, I can’t afford to shame those who’ve trusted me. Letting go of this pointless ideal is rudimentary. If I make a simple dish using simple ingredients and average cooking style, it’ll look bad.’

An open shower close to the lock rinsed the salt, ‘-there’s no question about it. I have to show the greatest aptitude of them all. No need to hold back.’ Changed into lighter clothes, ‘-I’m going to use everything I have. Ignoring the fortune isn’t worth the hardship.’ An on-going struggle of whether he deserved what he had resolved in the most anti-climatic way. Part of his forgotten past showed how much he had to work for the gains. Using all of it now felt normal.

“éclair,” shutting the metal-door, “-I need to make a reservation.”

“About what?” he asked.

“What’s the best place with the best food around these parts?”

“Hephon, in a four-star hotel named Balna. The owner went bankrupt a few years ago, service dropped considerably until an unknown owner took over the business. Their motto, affordable rooms and expensive food made for anyone’s wallet and taste.”

“How far is it?”

“Four-hour drive along the coast. The scenic road should more than makeup for it.”

“It’s decided then,” helmet on, “-we’re going to Balna.”

‘How hard must it be to run a business between those sharks. Balna’s policy goes against what I’ve heard about Hephon. The competitors must hate them, bring down the value, and allowing for the norm. Not hard to imagine the comments, ‘-a stain on our exclusive area.’ What pompousness.”

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