The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 343

“Where are we?” asked Achilles upon teleporting with the rest.

“Noctis’s hallow,” replied Staxius with a cigar in mouth. Intherna had casually locked arms, it made smoking harder. Glancing her innocent face, he could but sigh away and left to do her bidding.

“Are we elevated?” asked the hero who stared all round in search of answers.

“The noble district, high-born, pureblood, call it what you want, that’s where we stand,” answered Serene who seemed to miss the dry air. No people around, faint gazes could be felt on the backs.

“Blood King,” said a voice coming out the middle mansion. The Nox’s clan exited with butlers to welcome their monarch. Lord Balthazar led the group with a red-cape on which had blood dripping.

“Did we interrupt?” asked Staxius with a neutral face.


“Pardon the not so suitable attire,” noticing the stain, he bowed to not seem disrespectful.

“No matter,” turned to Alaric and Julia, the other two leaders arrived in stride. The former seemed to have a change in heart. Julia, on the other hand, seemed fiercer, the face screamed of torturous training to uphold their pledge.

“Welcome to thy domain,” they bowed as soon as entering his line of sight.

“Thank thee well,” pointing to Intherna and Achilles, “-I’d like to introduce my companions. On the right, please meet Achilles, an argonaut from another world. As for on my left, the lady who’s locked my arm is Intherna. I suppose she’s my bodyguard and a very efficient one at that.”

“What about me?” asked Serene taking a step forward, “-I’ve not been back here for ages,” she pouted.

“Serene, what?” frowned Balthazar with Aurora by his side.

“I see,” spoke the king once more, “-Serene is my secretary. She’s made my life so much easier, I’m very grateful for her.”

“Warm words from my king,” she bowed with the face a little flushed. Stood outside with the sun hidden from view, introductions went back and forth. Gabrielle, the remaining clan leader headed to her house. She needed medicine for her sickness. A few minutes later, the exchange of words continued inside where Ruslan spoke with many maids. Nodded as hello, they walked up the third-floor where a meeting room rested. Large and spacious with many o’ seats. Heavy red frilly curtains covered the windows that gave onto the somber forest. The latter seemed to glare to any who cast their gaze. Achilles curiously watched a minute too long, in that instant, multiple of blood-crazed fiends returned her gaze.

“What happened exactly?” asked Balthazar unknown to the situation at hand. Sat around a round table with the four clan leaders and Staxius, the discussion began. Serene, Intherna, and Achilles were at the edge of the room partaking in a few snacks and drinks.

“Nightwalkers aren’t part of the council,” he replied ominously, “-all the leaders know of what happened.”

“Let me go into more detail,” interjected Aurora, “-Queen Shanna had our king abdicate his claim to the throne. I have no idea why or what – Lord Ruslan was slapped. In that instant, a decision had to be made.”

“Which is why the four clans are now under the rule of the Blood-King,” added Alaric with a smug expression.

“The Blood-King’s Faction is alive,” smirked Julia.

“I thought as much,” sighed Balthazar, “-it was in the making. Our race was never part of the alliance, just a convenient way to not have us go on a rampage,” the olden face lit with passion, “-disrespecting the only thing we care, slapping a noble from our clans, those are the things we can’t have.”

“I agree,” voiced Staxius loudly, “-that’s why, that’s why we’ll take the fight to them,” determined, a pin drop silence befell the room.

“A-are you m-meaning to say war, my liege?” stuttered Alaric formulating words.

“Obviously,” turned to Lady Fawn, “-what would you do if a potentially harmful tribe is left untouched. Let me rephrase it, what would you do if a virus infects thy body. One takes medicine, in the eyes of Arda’s council, we’re the same as the virus.”

“If I may,” voiced Aurora, “-if we’re to go to war, our numbers aren’t that sufficient. The only few nightwalkers abled to fight are in the Sabbath’s clan.”

“Who said we needed a head-on assault,” he grinned, “-we’ll take it to the shadows. Manipulation, gathering pawns, shaking the kingdom from within.”

“Are you referring to a political battle?” inquired Balthazar.

“No,” sighed, “-Adete, would you please?”

“Finally,” flew from out the front pocket, the first progenitor stood in the middle of the table with a victorious stance. “I’ll take it from here,” she winked. Baffled by her involvement, no questions were asked for curiosity took precedence.

“It’s time that I speak the truth. My heir sent me to spy and survey the activity of the palace. Upon my travel, I came across many incoherent things. First and foremost, Queen Shanna didn’t betray the vows of marriage. I’m sure the King knows the truth. The reason for said action was to have her husband explode in fury and leave Arda or fight. She wanted the people close to her to be evacuated without getting involved. The simplest solution was to rely on the King’s vindictive nature. Thus, Ryul became a target. Posing as the devil, she wanted all to hate her,” paused to gather her breath, “-the reason is that Arda’s on the brink of catastrophe. She’s being held hostage by an unknown group that hails from Kreston. The infiltration grew so bad that they’ve won over the noble faction as well as seats in the council.”

“Which means,” added Staxius, “-Kreston is the real enemy. An invasion by culture and religion.”

“Oh...” ashamed, the feeling of being so uninformed went around the table. Jumping to the conclusion, doubting her loyalty, things unbefitting a noble clan. The Royal Couple of Arda had played everyone for fools.

“What then?” asked Lady Fawn, “-if her majesty is in peril, should we not help?”

“No,” sharp and direct, “-we’re not going to save the Queen,” cold and heartless, the decision was final. “The real victim is the people and the Kingdom – monarchs can be replaced, not the people in it.”

“Are you going to abandon thy wife?” asked Balthazar with a stern glare of disapproval.

“Of course not, I’ll save her. However, the people come first, we need to shake the kingdom from the core upwards. The council has been infected by sweet words of Kreston. Invading by wit instead of force is the only way forth. The moment Kreston takes up arms, Queen Gallienne will take arms against them. In that eventuality, Arda will be the winning factor, if we ally with Gallienne, Kreston will lose. Tis a simple idea; divide and conquer.”

“Do thee have an idea in mind?” asked Alaric.

“No, not at the moment,” faced away, “-I need to head to Mont Blanc as soon as possible.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s a personal quest, I need to head there soon. Besides, if we make a move now, it will only harm us. We’ve got about four years, I believe in the Queen, she’ll hold as long as her body permits.”

“What about us then, what will we do?” sighed Lady Fawn in disarray over what to believe.

“Allies, we need allies. Our Faction is strong without much influence. I’ll pull as many strings as I can, sadly, we need other non-human factions to ally with us. I’ve my sights on the Winged-Wolves, they desperately need help,” paused, an idea came to mind. “Alright,” the somber chessboard came from within the subconscious, no pawns nor pieces to speak of with the opposition holding the upper hand. ‘I need allies, we need allies. We need to capture their king without causing that much chaos, no forget tact, we’ll destroy if need be.’

“What is the plan?” spoke a voice that broke the day-dream. The curious and needlessly close faces forced a cough.

“Send a messenger to the Winged-wolves. Have him spread the word that the Ardanian Alliance has forsaken their village. Help isn’t going to come, spread the word of the ousting of the King. Create and flame the fire of hate. After that is done, the nightwalkers will swoop in as heroes.”

“I see,” nodded Balthazar, “-it’s a good plan to gather allies. However, I wonder about the travel, we won’t be able to teleport – tis hidden and unknown to us.”

“That’s why it relies on the messenger, he’ll carry this scroll,” reached into the suit jacket, “-it’s an Analysis spell. The moment it’s open, an impulse of Mana will allow me to concentrate the All-Seeing Eye to that point. Thus, we’ll be able to teleport without much trouble.”

“Impressive,” smiled Lady Fawn.

“Lady Aurora, find the messenger, hand the scroll, and let the plan begin.”

“Sure,” she smiled.

“Should we end it for today?” offered Alaric sensing Staxius’s fatigue.

“No objections here,” one by one, they stood with a bow.

“Lord Balthazar, I wish to have a word in private,” spoke the king rather forcefully. Understanding the intent, the rest left. The door closed to give the feeling of emptiness and fear.

“What is it?” asked the old man with a smile.

“I have a favor to ask,”

“I’m at thy command, Blood King.”

“Do you have a laboratory I can utilize?”

“How so, in no way is there something that advances here,” the eyes rolled to the left.

“Please, Lord Balthazar, the whole incident of the coronation was a scheme you put in place. Those fighters were not human, they were made using magic and alchemy. Thus, it leads me to you, the only one to gain out of that exchange.”

“You figured it out,” he laughed, “-I suppose there’s no point hiding the truth. The lab is in the basement, why would you need one?”

“Simple, I’m going to find a cure for the allergy to sun-light. It’s the only limiting factor holding our clan. With this, even the low-born will be able to assist.”

“Surely you jest,” astonished, he could but gulp at the prospect.

“No, I’m serious. The messenger will take more than two weeks to arrive at Mont Blanc. Add another few days to try and persuade the people. Should provide ample time to research the curse and find a cure.”

“I wish you the best of luck, majesty, here’s the key to the basement. It’s filled with equipment and machines suitable for alchemy and anything related to that,” with an obnoxious smile, he left as if a child being promised candy.

The arrival at Noctis’s hallow, a province that seemed to be untouchable was teetering on the edge of defeat. Kreston, the same faction that had ailed him for so long, returned once more. Two weeks for the first plan to go into effect – the world outside Arda was oblivious to the trouble brewing. Trying their hardest to support one another, Staxius and Xula, walked a narrow path – one riddled with traps and hardship.

‘Don’t worry Eira, I’m coming soon. It feels harsh to focus on other matters while you’re out being the puppet of the Lady of Ice. If the ancient dragons are going to be awakened, Undrar’s blessing will come in help. Dragons can only use one type of magic, her boon will nullify their power. If they are allowed to run rampant, Arda will fall no matter what Kreston does. Such a predicament,’ a swipe had the locked laboratory opened with the glee of a thousand hue.

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