The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 245

“Are you alright?” he asked seeing Adete’s demeanor, or rather, sensing.

“Yes, just a little shaken up,” she replied with a smile thought her mind could not have been any different. A vision or dream, she knew not what had happened. The death reaper’s curse seemed to have taken a part of her mind as well. Thus, a new morning rose. It went the same as every other day, after taking Lizzie to school, he made the trip to Pandora. Though, before leaving the house, an announcement was made. One about the possible return being in a few days or even weeks. Not wanting to intrude, the companions sent him off with a smile.

“The Evaluation Orb and machine,” Diane said surrounded by curious adventurers. None was given access to touch for guards had taken a stand before the machine.

“How is one supposed to transfer this thing to another province?” one of the receptionists of Rosenvan asked.

“No idea,” Diane shrugged and waited.

“I’m here,” a voice came from the elevator. Staxius used the portal in the shop.


“Good,” Diane voiced without much interest, “-Guild Master,” the voice seemed as if holding a grudge.

“Still unpleasant as usual,” a path opened amidst the crowd of high-ranked adventurers.

“Humph,” a roll of the eyes followed by silence for it was supposed to be a day off.

“Tell Raulf that I’m grateful for everything,” five scrolls were taken out his belt.

“Aren’t’ those magical scrolls?” many asked for it was rare. Rare and expensive; though the man before them had five of the parchments.

“Could you kindly step back,” he asked of which the crowd followed.

‘Obnoxious and always showing off,’ Diane thought, she hated his guts since the man was incredible in every way imaginable. Rich, strong, and unforgiving, a perfect recipe for chaos.

“Do take care of Kniq in my absence,” the scrolls were placed in a pentagram, “-understand? Diane,” he eyed her intently.

“Yes, I’ll help however I can,” she nodded out of respect.

*Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* hands pressed together, a purple light came from the scrolls – paired with his spell, it amplified and poof, vanished into a mist of vibrant colors.

“I’m guessing we’re going to stay here till Eira’s tournament, aren’t we?” Adete asked since the duo arrived on the fourth floor of the guild building.

“I suppose, it’s a long time coming. Besides, if things turn sour – anyone can reach me with just a few press of a button. It involved the dark-guild as well. But I doubt we’ll hear from them soon; we did defeat Lord Desmond. Leave it to Cake, let’s focus on the guild for today.” Installed behind a stone brick wall with two seats, one for the examiner and the other for the would-be adventurer, Arda could finally give ranks to people who wished for it.

“Xula,” not even a second wasted, a teleport straight into her office where the lady had her face plunged into paperwork.

“Who’s there?” she asked in a not so healthy tone.

“It’s me,” he walked over, “-Sorry to spring this on you, but the guild is ready to be opened. All we need is to hire the necessary staff and we shall be golden,” now leaned over the table, he waited for a response.

“STAXIUS,” she stared up and gave a kiss, “-welcome back,” her mood changed completely, “-here’s the list,” she reached for the drawer.

“Impressive,” he took a look, “-I forgot how reliable my wife is,” with a smile, it was settled – the staff was employed. It would take a few days for it to work – first, it was basic training. Staxius called all the workers Xula chose and began a few tests and lectures. The guild assistants were of the elven race, smart and quick to adapt – the perfect match. The ones in charge of the tavern, demi-humans, and beastmen. For the common shop, an up and coming trader, one from the lizardman race. Last but not least, the magical shop – handled by a retired scholar from one of the universities; a dark elf who had lived three centuries. Thus, with maximum effort in explaining how a guild was run – how to evaluate orb functioned, they understood within mere minutes. Ardanian’s were smart, very smart.

“Now that we’ve reached the end of the explanation, does anyone have questions?”

“Majesty,” one of the would-be guild assistants rose her hand, “-Is there any way to contact thy if things are to get loud and uncomforting?”

“Yes,” he showed the guild card, “-anyone who works the guild will be given my contact info. Do reach out if anything happens, I’ll be there to help.”

“Could we have a demonstration of how the orb works?” another assistant asked, the question rendered the man silent for he thought.

“Give me a moment,” the guild master left for the castle, there; he managed to get a hold of Xula’s guard unit. With her permission, four out of the five members arrived at the building.

Now on the fourth floor, a crowd gathered around Staxius. The evaluation machine was to be used for the first time. “Oenus Tuyon,” he called, “-take a seat,” he offered. A few seconds later, the orb turned on with loud noises. It took a while,

[Oenus Tuyon: Tier 3-Silver]

[Magra Yeltris: Tier 3-Silver]

[Rasu: Tier 3-Silver]

[Kearen Ellican: Tier 3-Silver]

In the end, all got one of the top-three ranks. The potential feature was removed per his orders. During that process, four notification popped up in the guild card. Adventures readied to advance to Tier 2-Gold: Oenus Tuyon, Magra Yeltris, Rasu, Kearen Ellican. ‘They sure are strong,’ he thought and stared the unit,’-that should be enough for today, can’t give the gold rank out before they’ve proven their worth first.’ On that note, the guild assistants knew what to do when the time comes.

“Well everyone, I hope the guild becomes a place of refuge and not hell,” the guild master left, leaving the others to prepare for the opening.

“Where are we off to now?” Adete asked whilst flying around.

“Back to the castle, the guild should be fine. It’s going to open in a week; the workers need time to adjust. Supplies have to be brought in for the shops and taverns. Ample time to head for Noctis’s Hallow,” they walked through the ground floor and visited a few stalls and merchants. None paid heed to who he was, business as usual for many.

“Adete,” he whispered, “-we’re being followed,” a cold gaze could be felt, one of murderous intent.

“I know,” she voiced, “-use the All-seeing eyes.”

The pace slowed, he shared eyesight with Adete, the same as back at the Outpost. With her aid, staring at people and watching every corner and rooftops grew easier. Paired with the ability to sense a person’s personality and their aura, the combination was perfect for detecting the unknown. Left, right, he cleverly walked into different alleys till they reached a lesser populated area, a storage site for the army.

“I must have taken a wrong turn,” he voiced and stared around. *Woosh,* the moment he turned around, a blade veiled in a crimson aura flew at him. ‘Got you,’ the head tilted back at the last fraction of a second. Another scan later, no one, invisible to the naked eye.

*Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* A snap later, “-where did he go?” the man asked.

“Right here,” he said whilst leaning over the crouched assassin.

*Scarlet Prison,* the attacker jumped back and summoned a cage made of blood.

“A vampire?” Staxius asked nonchalantly to what had happened.

“...” No response for he remained guarded and alert.

“Give me a break,” a step later, the cage broke, he dashed behind the assassin, gave an elbow which plowed the man’s head onto the roof then vanished once more.

“You’re the leader,” he teleported a few buildings away to where Adete hovered.

“Impressive, majesty,” a familiar voice. Her feet dangled off the edge for she sat atop a balustrade.

“Serene,” he voiced and rested next to her, “-aren’t you the least bit ashamed for trying to kill a king?”

“Not really,” her voice calm and gentle, “-if the king of Arda was to die by the hands of a mid-ranked vampire, then what is to happen to the Blood King.”

“Roundabout way to say that it was a test?”

“One could say so,” she sighed.

“Care to tell me why you were exiled from the Nox’s clan?” he turned and asked.

“A monologue about how I grew to become the person I am now,” she turned, “-isn’t it a bit cliché. Revealing my plot in front of a hero to then die by his hand after a long and exhausting fight.”

“I do agree on that one,” he gave a smile, “-why not,” he put out his hand, “-rather than fight, let’s do rock, paper, scissors for the final duel,” the intent was legitimate.

“Seriously?” baffled by what he said, she laughed, “-a match of rock, paper, scissors to decide the outcome,” her eyes teared up, “-I accept thy challenge, worthy hero.”

“I’m going paper,” she said, *Rock, paper, scissors,* she pulled out paper and he pulled out scissors.

“Thanks for telling me that you were going paper,” he smirked.

“Mind game atop mind games,” she sighed, “-fine, what is it that you wish to know?” her laughter turned into a frown again.

“Why were you exiled and what’s your intention, in no way am I saying that we should become friends or allies. I care not – what matters is if you’re going to stand in my way or not,” the tone as cold as hers.

“I’m sure that you know the reason,” she stared out into the city, “-I killed my parents. That much is true; I wanted power and strength. Being tied by the ways of nobility and living to just be married off so our clan could grow more is a prospect I hated. In no way was I going to allow such a thing. Then, on a moonless night, a voice called out and said to kill whoever stood in my path. My reply was that I’m weak, then it followed up with, I’ll give you power. I found a way out, an opportunity to be set free. The next thing I remember was the bloodless corpse of my father and mother on the floor with grandfather right beside me. I later came to find out that it was he who forced my hands – a desperate need for a successor to take over the clan – one who could control the blood of the first progenitor. After that night, everything changed. A failed host, thrown out to be replaced by someone new,” she paused and glanced over to Staxius. “As for my reasons,” the gaze returned to the city, “-it’s his death of course. I want to make Balthazar pay for what he did, I wish to see him suffer – what better way to kill Aurora and leave him heirless.”

“Would that not make you the next heir, exiled or not, if Aurora died, you’re to take over the clan. I doubt he has any other heirs laying around. You want revenge; do as you wish, I’m not going to say how one must live his life,” he turned, “-but, killing Aurora isn’t going to make a difference. The Nox’s clan will end soon enough, her alliance to the next Blood King will force their clan into becoming a lesser force. It applies to the other clans as well, nothing you do can stop this truth. Balthazar has already accomplished his goal,” after which, he deployed his wings, “-I’m the true host of the Progenitor’s blood. I’m what he tried to make you become. It might be unfair,” he walked closer, “-the wings and Blood-Arts prove who I am.”

“I see,” her tone fatigued, “-Blood King,” she flew backward, “-my revenge might be for naught,” now knelt on the floor, “-I know killing Aurora won’t do anything, I know that grandfather has won the fight. Nothing I can do will change the outcome,” she stared up, “-which leads to one end,” her nails turned into claws,”-I’ll kill you since you’re what he wanted to make.”

*Slash,* blood splattered across the roof, “-what a waste,” he sighed and crouched. “Aren’t you supposed to be strong?” he asked, for her stomach was cut open.

“Heh,” she laughed and coughed blood.

“I’ll ask you one more time, Serene,” he stood and pushed her body with his feet, the eyes emotionless and stance without mercy, “-what is it that you want?”

“I w-want t-to r-return home and p-pay mother a visit,” in that instant, her wound closed.

“Good, then you’re coming with me for the succession of the Nox’s clan,” he jumped and landed on the edge, “I didn’t spare your life, vampires are hard to kill. Immortal beings require more than claws to slay,” his hand dripped in blood, “-two zero, fight me whenever you want, I’ll be waiting,” a flap of the wings later, he disappeared.

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