How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 145 - Sleeping Princess

Chapter 145 - Sleeping Princess

Now, time to wipe out the memories of this little mamacita.

I mean, it\'s all well and good that Noelle came back with a sane mind from the information dimension which in turn will allow her to see the world from a new perspective and might become the much-needed catalyst for her evolution, but that would require me to deal with her and guide her on that path.

And yea, that\'s gonna be a no from me.

So the safest way to resolve this problem is to, you know, eliminate it.

There will be nothing to handle; no questions to answer, no doubts to resolve, no awkward situations to deal with, nothing to teach her, if I just make Noelle forget everything about the Information Dimension.

In other words, get to work, Memory System.

?I unfortunately cannot mess with the memories of others.?

[Ah, right, you\'re fucking useless.]

?A creations is only as useful as its creator.?

[That\'s where you are wrong. The very point of creating AI is to make it do things that its creator couldn\'t.]

Why else would someone create something that had exactly the same skills as himself (unless he was creating a clone)?

?But the creator still has to provide the AI with the necessary tools to enable that AI to reach those goals. In my case, you haven\'t.?

[Well, we didn\'t like the idea of a rogue AI going around and messing with people\'s memories.]

Imagine you\'re romantically walking along a beach on a starry evening with your loved one when he suddenly stops, takes a step back, kneels down and produces a ring, asking you to marry him.

You obviously want to, but just before you can accept it, a random System comes out of nowhere and wipes out the memories of your partner; specifically, the memories of you.

The partner, having no clue of who you are, or what he\'s doing here with you, or what\'s with the ring, stands up confused and tosses the ring in the ocean, thus taking away your chance at happiness.

That would be a yikes from me.

?Then stop complaining like a bitch and do it yourself.?

[Why did I ever give you so much sass…]

Good grief.

I should probably reset this System sometime soon, or it\'ll start refusing to recover my memories simply because it\'s not in the mood to do so.

We can\'t have that now, can we?

?That\'s not a bad idea, actually.?


Let\'s stop giving stupid ideas to the Memory System and get some actual work done, namely, wiping out the memories of Noelle.

Thankfully, the wankers of the New Dawn and Old Blood Guild had closed the door on their way out.

After all, it would have been pretty awkward to close the door myself with the guards Voloha had posted watching me do so.

So, I just need to complete the procedure before any of those motherfuckers outside has a change of heart and thinks \'Oh, I shouldn\'t have left Noelle alone. What if she needs me?\' and decides to come back.

…It\'s scary how realistic that situation actually is.

But how should I go about doing it?

Should I crack open her skull and operate on her brain to wipe all memories of what happened today?

Hmm, that would be the best method but if I do that, Noelle will also forget about my Epic Prank as well. I can\'t have that.

The next best solution is magic.

Huh, literally all of my problems can be resolved with magic. Like, what is this, a shitty isekai fantasy webnovel?

Whatever, let\'s go on with it.

I took a stool and took a seat right beside Noelle. She was lying on the bed with her eyes closed while calmly breathing, as if she was in a deep sleep.

Now that I think about it, isn\'t the state of unconsciousness nothing more than a deep sleep?

Now, which spell should I use? It has to be both quick and precise, and should be able to bypass her mental defences if she has any.

[Search through the archives, please.]


After 7 seconds.

?Match found.?

[Give it to me.]

?Downloading Magic Spell No. 3X4859. Download complete.?


The Memory System completed its assignment without any arguments or retorts, didn\'t it? Is it experiencing personal growth or what?

Let\'s take a look at the spell… ah, it\'s this one.

This should work perfectly.

But before using it, let\'s knock Noelle out one more time because jokes aside, if she wakes up while the memory wiping spell is active, she\'d literally turn into a vegetable.

Which would be pretty unhealthy for her.

So, I moved the mana in the air once again and attacked her spinal column and brain.

Yup, after this, she shouldn\'t wake up for at least 2 days.

Time to do the actual work aka wipe the memories.

I activated the Magic Spell without chanting (that\'s just how awesome I am) and a small green magical formation appeared in the air between me and Noelle.

The next moment, strands of mana extended from the magic circle and attached themselves to the head of Noelle.

Now all I need to do is input the timeframe of which I want to erase the memories.

Hmm, the 10 minutes from when we asked Noelle to stop being so quiet and her fainting should be enough.

I put in the time stamps (using magic, obviously; it\'s not like there was a fucking keypad above the magical formation to input the time).

The Mana Strands glowed with a green hue and started their work.

Behind her eyelids, Noelle\'s eyes started moving frantically while her breathing hastened, but because of my spell earlier, she won\'t be waking up no matter what I do to her.

Hmm, that sounded like what a sex offender would say after drugging his/her victim.

Anyway, within seconds, the Mana strands stopped glowing and receded into the formation. The next moment, the formation crumbled away, thus leaving a calmly sleeping (unconscious, actually) Noelle on the bed.

GG, mission complete.

She should no longer have any memories of what she saw and understood in the Information Dimension after her existence was erased.

I no longer have to deal with her. Nice.

Anyway, since the problem at hand has been resolved, there\'s no need for her to stay unconscious.

Let\'s wake her up so that I can go back to the party and enjoy people awkwardly trying to hold conversations I mean enjoy the party just as normal people would.

And so, I moved the mana again. When I did, her eyelids fluttered, as if struggling to open.

"Wake up, sleeping Princess."

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