Blood Assimilation

Chapter 281 - 281 Deadly Encounter!

At some point, he noticed that there were two paths that led to his left and right and a path that led forward.

As he reached the four-way intersection in the alley, he suddenly bumped into someone coming from the left side of the crossroads.

“Ah, sorry about tha—”

Randy turned to his left and raised his head to apologize, but the remaining words got stuck in his throat as he instinctively reacted and backed away from this unknown person.

When the person he bumped into saw his odd reaction speed, their eyes widened with a mild surprised expression, and then they said in a teasing tone: “What quick reaction speed! Not bad at all!”

Afterward, they stopped to observe him closely, and to their surprise, they seemed to recognize him but didn’t know why or where they met him.


This person pointed at Randy for a brief moment before they said in realization: “Ah! Aren’t you the human in the report? That mysterious human who fought those two useless idiots near the Meistic Forest? Just the person I was looking for. It would appear that my luck is surprisingly great today.”


They then continued with a wicked smile: “Not only did I find the mastermind, but I also came across the little mysterious human shortly after that encounter. Running into the people I was searching for one after another... Without a doubt, today is my lucky day.”

On the other hand, Randy felt that something was strange about the person in front of him. He didn’t know why, but he could instinctively tell that if he gave them a chance, he would surely be killed by them.

Not only that, but this person’s appearance was seemingly imperceptible, as it was covered in this misty and fog-like shroud of black energy substance. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have noticed their presence, much less their appearance.

If it were not for his high sense of perception along with the other factors of his body, which allowed him to perceive their appearance, he would have walked by them without even realizing it. Furthermore, if they had malicious intentions against him, he would have died without any retaliation.

With those reasons in mind, he had already channeled his energy before anything else, and when he backed away, he activated one of his abilities to attack.


At this moment, an intense ray of crimson condensed into a destructive and penetrative force that surged forth and quickly shot out from the tip of Randy’s index finger. Its target was none other than the person in front of him. Furthermore, it was aimed precisely at the forehead of this person with the intent to kill.

Blood Ray!

The person saw the destructive crimson ray of light with widened eyes. They were shocked and dumbfounded by the sudden maneuverability displayed by Randy, coupled with his unhesitating deadly attack.

‘Why so fierce out of nowhere?’

Although they were taken by surprise by the sudden attack, they casually waved their hand and a misty giant maw manifested behind them. The giant maw savagely bit down and devoured the ray of destructive light. However, that was not the end. The ray of destructive light was sent back to its source with a change in nature, speed, intensity, and color.

Randy barely reacted and used his Palm of Double Reflection to absorb the power of the corroded Blood Ray that carried a dark, misty aura. He managed to succeed forcefully with great difficulty due to its enhanced speed and power that was stronger than his own attack.

Even then, he only managed to absorb two-thirds of the dark ray’s power. Afterward, he used the effects of skill to double the absorbed dark ray’s power and prepared to bounce it back at the enemy.

At the same time, he was hit by the residual power impact of the remaining one-third that he couldn’t absorb with his skill. He was sent flying a few meters away in a straight line. Before he landed, he wanted to aim at that person, but that person had somehow evaded his sense of perception and was flying next to him with an amusing smile on their face.

At this time, they no longer bothered to mask their presence and their presence was revealed to him. Their true appearance was that of a young woman, seemingly not much older than him with short brown hair. She wore a tight black garment with a hood at the back.

Once Randy noticed her appearance next to him, he was startled and his heart skipped a beat from the shocking scene. His thoughts quickly turned, and he fully activated his self-created technique without caring about his energy output.

Blood Halt!

With him at its center, a mighty coercion force and invisible power fluctuation surged in rippling waves from his body. Every living being within more than a 100 meters radius was frozen as though their time had stopped moving. Even the slum kids who were running away from him after taking the roasted meat had also been frozen stiff in their tracks and could only tumble over helplessly. This included other people who happened to be nearby. Fortunately, they did not hurt themselves.

With such a powerful output of his technique, there was simply no way anyone could move under its powerful suppressive influence. Evidently, the mysterious young woman that was chasing him didn’t expect to be hit by his sudden technique and was also frozen on the spot while in motion.

Even though they were rendered immobile, they didn’t fall helplessly to the ground. Instead, as though she had predicted the incoming attack, she paused momentarily to guard against the unknown before being frozen.

Therefore, she was frozen with her hands in front of herself. Randy noticed this too, but he couldn’t care less about it. After all, with the current outcome, he could focus on attacking the other party without worrying.

With that in mind, Randy didn’t hesitate at all. He quickly aimed at her chest, which was easier to aim at than her head, as he was still flying in the air. He manipulated and bounced back the power he absorbed from the enemy, who was about 3 meters away from him.

Although it was two-thirds of the original power’s output, after he doubled it with his own mana supply, it was still one-third higher in power than the original power’s output. As such, there was no way it wouldn’t have an effect on that mysterious young woman.

Randy watched as a dark ray the size of a soccer ball manifested from his palm. It surged with a devouring aura before catapulting toward the frozen, mysterious young woman in the distance, who was rendered immobile by his blood technique.


At the same time, there was a cracking sound. A surprised and baffled voice could be heard shortly afterward.

“Huh? Another restraining power?”

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