Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 820 - I’m Going To Ask You One Last Time

Chapter 820 - I’m Going To Ask You One Last Time

"Welcome to the Black Tower. You may call me Lord Morax," a two-meter tall demon with bat-like wings, and obsidian eyes, declared. "It is my understanding that all of you came here to compromise with me, correct?"

Avril stepped forward and nodded her head. "My name is Avril Zaleria, and I am the temporary representative of the Alliance. Lord Morax, it is in our sincerest wishes, to have a non-aggression pact between our two parties."

"Mmm… a non-aggression pact? Certainly, that can be arranged," Morax replied with a smile. "But, what can you offer me in return? Since you\'ve come here to ask for a compromise, surely, you\'ve prepared something of value, right?"

Avril took a deep breath as she stared at the Dread Lord who now had taken a seat on his Dragonbone Throne.

"We have discussed this matter for several hours, but we have come up with nothing," Avril answered. "Aside from the resources that can be scavenged here in the Deadlands, there is nothing of value that we can offer you, Lord Morax."

"Exactly." Morax nodded in admiration. "I\'m not interested in the resources you scavenge in these lands in order to survive, and this world isn\'t the best place to find any treasures. In short, whatever little trinkets you have, I\'m not interested in them."

The Dread Lord sneered as he eyed the anxious faces of the leaders in front of him.

"So, tell me, Avril," Morax said in a teasing tone. "Since you have nothing to offer, what makes you think that I will agree to this non-aggression pact you speak of?"

"The reason why we came here today is to ask Lord Morax, what do you desire?" Avril asked. "If it is within our capabilities, we will spare no effort to help you achieve it."

"Hoh?" Morax rested the side of his face on the palm of his right hand. "Good question. What do I desire? I desire many things. Revenge is on top of my list, but all of you can\'t help me get revenge. In the face of my enemies, all of you are mere insects that they can easily crush without even lifting a finger.

"But, even insects have a role to play in the world. Very well, if you can help me find and activate the nine keys of the Deadlands then I don\'t mind sparing all of your lives."

Morax snapped his fingers and a projection appeared in front of everyone. In it were nine mirrors of varying sizes and designs.

"These mirrors are scattered all over the Deadlands," Morax stated. "If you can find them all, I will cease all hostilities with all of you. In fact, I can even help all of you leave this place, on the condition that all the mirrors will be handed to me."

"T-There is a way to leave this place?" Eldon stuttered. "Is this the truth?"

Morax scoffed. "Why would I waste my time lying to insects? Of course there is a way out of this place, but all the mirrors are needed to open that gateway. If one of them is missing then the ritual will not work. It has to be nine mirrors or none at all."

The Leaders glanced at each other with excitement. They had always searched for a way out of the Deadlands, but their hard work remained unrewarded.

Because of this, most of them had given up and just focused on trying to survive one day after the other, in hope that a miracle would happen and all of them would find themselves free from this prison, where the dead were their judges and jurors.

"We agree to this condition, Lord Morax," Avril said in a serious tone. "However, the Deadlands is big, so it might take us a while to find the mirrors that you are looking for."

"Time, my dear, is what we all have," Morax replied, "but I can\'t wait forever, so how about this? I will cease all hostilities with all of you for a week. In that one week, you must hand one mirror to me. Every time you hand me a mirror, I will extend the ceasefire agreement to another week.

"When all the mirrors are collected, all of us can work together to perform the ritual that will open the exit of this world. It\'s a win-win scenario for everyone, don\'t you think so?"

Avril nodded her head in agreement. "We will do our best to find the mirrors. However, we need to have sketches of them so we will know what they look like. Although I have a good memory, I can\'t possibly remember them all."

"Worry not." Morax raised his left hand and several golden orbs materialized in the air.. "I will not make things difficult for all of you. All the leaders get to take one."

The orbs flew towards the Leaders of the different Shelters and landed in their hands.

"That is a recording and communication crystal," Morax explained. "The images of the mirrors can be found there. Also, you can communicate to me directly using that item. However, only contact me if the Mirrors are found. Any fool who tries to waste my time will be punished severely, do I make myself clear?"

The Leaders nodded their heads. They could tell that Morax was a very powerful being, so messing with him was out of the question.

Seeing their expressions, Morax smiled as he thought of a good idea about how to motivate his new helpers and make them do their best to find the mirrors.

"I don\'t want any of you to think that you will not benefit from this exchange," Morax said. "Anyone who is able to give me the mirror will be allowed to make a request to me. As long as it is within my capabilities to do so, I will make it happen."

"Can we trust your words, Lord Morax?" Lindir inquired.

"You\'re doubting me?"

"N-Not at all, Your Excellency."

The Dread Lord\'s carefree attitude disappeared and a powerful pressure descended upon everyone in the throne room.

"I will stand by my word," Morax stated icily. "Bring me the mirrors, and I will grant your desire. As long as it is not unreasonable, I will grant it without fail. Remember, you only have one week. After a week, if I still don\'t have any of the mirrors I have asked you to find, I will send my army to crush all of you. There will be no second chances, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Avril replied as she did her best to remain standing.

All the other Leaders also nodded their heads in agreement. It was very hard to object to someone who was more powerful than them. In the face of absolute strength, all tricks were meaningless.

Seeing that all of his guests had understood the gravity of the situation, Morax smiled and the pressure that everyone was feeling disappeared without a trace.

"Ah! Before I forget, was it you who forcefully converted one of my Death Lords without my approval?" Morax\'s gaze landed on the Half-Elf who was standing behind Lilith and Raizel on the rightmost part of the throne room.

"No," William replied. The red-headed teenager had the "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about" expression on his face, which made the smile on Morax\'s face widen.

"Hahaha, so it wasn\'t you?" Morax sneered. "So you insist that you were not the person who destroyed my bone dragon?"

"What Bone Dragon?"

"Good… you\'re good. Very good."

Morax raised his hand and several Death Lords surrounded William, Lilith, and Raizel.

Although he couldn\'t exert his full divine powers due to his injuries, it was more than enough for him to know when a person was lying. Morax couldn\'t help but sneer inside his heart as he looked at the Half-Elf who was pretending to be oblivious to his question.

"I\'m going to ask you one last time…," Morax said icily. "Are you the one that converted my Death Lord and destroyed my Bone Dragon?"

The Dread Lord eyed the Half-Elf with contempt. He disdained William for not knowing who he was dealing with.. If the red-headed teenager dared to still deny his allegations, he would immediately order his Death Lords to cut him to pieces, in order to serve as an example to the leaders of the Shelters, who had come to compromise with him.

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