Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 362: When A Demigod Sets Up A Flag

Chapter 362: When A Demigod Sets Up A Flag

“You have very little time, Little Will,” Takam said. “In three months’ time, the teleport gates that the Elves and the Kraetor Empire are building will be completed. By then, they will be able to bring more of their forces to the Southern Continent.”

William listened seriously and pondered how he would be able to prevent such a thing. After wracking his brains out, he figured out that it was impossible for him to fight the two foreign invaders alone.

Even if he added the members of the Angorian War Sovereign to his forces, hundreds of children wouldn’t be able to fight off against armies that numbered in the tens of thousands.

Naturally, there was also Princess Sidonie by his side. However, William wasn’t sure if the Princess would change her mind in the future. Her loyalty didn’t belong to the Hellan Kingdom, and the Emperor of the Kraetor Army was her maternal grandfather.

If she wished for it, she could return to the Kingdom of Freesia and become its Empress.

When that happened, William would be left to fend for himself. This is why he was preparing for the worst case scenario.

“An organization that is not well known and two foreign invaders.” William sighed. “Do you have any advice for me, Your Excellency?”

Takam chuckled, “As a matter of fact I do. The first thing you need to do is reach a compromise with that Pseudo-Demigod in the Undying Lands. He is the greatest threat that you are currently facing. Of course, if you can’t reach a compromise that is fine as well. He won’t be going anywhere for at least four more years.”

William rubbed his forehead because he felt that he was going to have a headache. According to Takam, the Pseudo-Demigod was imprisoned on the floating island of the Undying Lands. However, it still had a few means in order to make William’s life difficult.

The attack he received when he was trying to relocate the Hidden Valley to his own Domain proved that the prisoner on the floating island was a force to be reckoned with.

Takam added that the Pseudo-Demigod also had an army at its command. Although they were restricted to the Undying Lands, that didn’t mean that they weren’t any less threatening.

These forces could prevent William from gathering resources inside their Domain and make things difficult for him.

“Is there a more effective way of dealing with this Pseudo-Demigod?” William inquired.

Takam pondered before giving the boy his thoughts about the matter. “You have two choices. The first one is to hide the valley in a place where it won’t be discovered by anyone. The second is to permanently seal it in the Domain which you currently hold.”

William’s body stiffened because he hadn’t told the Demigod that he had his own Domain. His dumbfounded look made Takam roar in laughter.

“I bet you’re thinking, ‘How did he know that?’.” Takam grinned. “Unfortunately, I can’t answer this question.”

Takam looked at William with a smirk as he gave him another piece of advice.

“Although the charming Princess by your side has an Ant Army, it will never belong to you. You need to have your own army that will fight by your side.”

William nodded. He also understood the importance of building his own private force.

“I don’t want to spoon feed you, so you will have to deal with this yourself,” Takam said with a smile. “Also, just like last time, none of the Northerners will be allowed to join the war. I will not allow any of the children of the Tribes to step out of the Kyrintor Mountains to fight for you.”

William once again nodded his head in understanding.

He would be lying if he said that he hadn’t thought about recruiting the warriors of the Tribes. He knew that if he asked Brianna, the latter would do her best to accommodate his request.

Unfortunately, Takam cared for the Tribes’ well-being as well. He would not allow the young warriors of the Kyrintor Mountain to spill their blood in a war that they didn’t need to fight.

“Your Excellency, can you tell me, aside from the Pseudo-Demigod that is currently imprisoned, who is the greatest threat that I will face next?”

“The Elves.”

Takam didn’t even bat an eye when he answered William’s question. If they were to think about the overall might of The Organization, the Kraetor Army, and the Elves, The Organization would probably be the weakest among the three.

The Commander of the Kraetor Army was Princess Sidonie’s relative. Takam had told William that it would be a great idea if the Princess were to meet them. That way, a proper dialogue could be held and they could come up with a compromise between the two sides.

As for the Elves, they came with the intention to conquer. Takam assured him that negotiation with them was impossible. He even warned William that he was included in their priority list to be captured.

The moment the red-headed boy showed his face to the Elves, the Commander in charge would immediately give an order for his capture.

“Lastly, watch out for the members of the Holy Order of Light,” Takam’s expression became serious. “They are more annoying than the Seven Deadly Sins put together.”

William was surprised because Takam showed a very rare hint of irritation from his usual calm countenance.

“Understood,” William replied. “I will not involve myself with them.”

Takam snorted, “Even if you don’t involve yourself with them, they will involve themselves with you. They are like pesky bugs that won’t die no matter how many times you step on them.”

“Are they that annoying?”

“Super annoying. If you kill one, another will come. If you kill two, another two will take their place. It’s a never ending struggle. Although the chances of them appearing here in the South is slim, the possibility still exists.”

“How should I deal with them?” William inquired. If he were really not able to avoid a confrontation, he’d like to have some foreknowledge as to the best way to deal with this pesky organization.

Takam became silent as he seriously thought of a way to answer William’s question. Several minutes passed in silence as William nibbled on the snacks on the table, while waiting for the Demigod to finish his thoughts.

“Bury them alive,” Takam answered after not talking for a long time. “There is no other way to make them stop coming after you.”

William almost choked on the cake he was eating after hearing Takam’s unreasonable answer. He hastily drank the tea on the table in order to regain his breath. He then looked at the Demigod in disbelief while the latter just shrugged.

“Well, you can put them aside for now,” Takam continued. “Their base of operation is in the Central Continent. Unless you have dogsh*t luck, they won’t be appearing here in the South anytime soon.”

William wanted to cry bitter tears. A Demigod was setting up a flag, how could it possibly not come true?


“Castilas, how long would it take us to reach the Southern Continent if we left in a week?” a person wearing a white robe asked the person that was right next to him. Although he was wearing a hood to cover his face, his voice sounded young and cheerful.

“We can’t possibly leave now, Fides,” the voice that belonged to a young lady answered from the side. “The academy is still busy with the upcoming event. Don’t think about ditching your work to play.”

“Eh? But something interesting is happening in the South. Isn’t your sister there as well? Are you not worried about her?”

The young lady raised her head and gave her acquaintance a glare. The man named Fides stuck out his tongue playfully as if to tell her that he was just joking.

“There’s no need to rush,” the young lady answered. “We will leave in two months. Just focus on your work first and don’t think about running away. If you dump your work on me, I won’t forgive you.”

Fides sighed as he raised his hands in surrender. “Fine. You win, My Lady. However, after the event is over, we are going to the South, okay?”

The young lady hesitated before nodding her head.

“Can we bring Caritas as well? I’m sure that he will be angry if we don’t take him with us.”

“… Fine.”

Fides clapped his hands together and left the room in a good mood. He was the type that couldn’t sit still and immediately went to find his friend, Caritas, to tell him that he decided to go on a whim.

The young lady could only shake her head because this was just how her acquaintance was. She resumed going through the documents on her table in order to give the students of the academy a memorable event that they would fondly remember for life.

A little girl, who was only as big as an adult hand flew inside the room from the window.

“That unruly Fides has left to go find trouble again.”

“What sort of troublesome agenda is he brewing now?” Another little girl, who had the same features, appeared not long after.

The two fairy-like creatures landed on the young lady’s shoulders and sat on them. If one were to look at this scene, they would certainly be surprised.

The reason was because the faces of the young lady and the two little fairies looked exactly the same.

“He’s planned to go on an excursion to the Southern Continent and plans to drag me along,” the young lady whined. “Claire, what do you think I should do?”

The little fairy that had short green hair, with curls at the end, grinned. “Why don’t you let Chloe beat him to a pulp? She can even break his legs. That way he won’t be able to go anywhere.”

“Nice Idea!” the little fairy, Chloe, who had short blonde hair with curls at the end, clapped her hands. “Wait here, I’ll go beat him up for you!”

Chloe was about to fly away when she was grabbed mid-flight by the young lady. “Violence is not the answer to everything. How many times do I have to tell you to not always deal with problems using your fists?”

“Tehe~” Chloe stuck out her tongue cutely.

The young lady sighed and placed her adorable little familiar on top of the table.

“Be good and just help me sort out these documents,” the young lady ordered. “No hurting people. Understand?”


After asking the two fairies for help, the young lady removed the glasses from her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. She then looked towards the South where her sister had gone to live her life in peace, away from the conflicts of her race.

The young lady was worried about her older sister, but she also knew that her sister was not a delicate flower that needed to be protected. They hadn’t seen each other for many years due to special circumstances.

Now that an opportunity had presented itself, she decided to take the chance to reunite with her sister after many years of separation.

A reunion that would make a certain Half-Elf realize that all of his earlier assumptions were completely wrong.

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