Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 343: The Presence Of A Demigod

Chapter 343: The Presence Of A Demigod

While riding inside the flying carriage, Matthew and Leah narrated everything that they had experienced during the war. The swarm of ants that covered both the land and the sky, and the sacrifices that were made to prevent the fort from being overrun by the invaders.

William listened with a serious expression to his Big Brother’s and Big Sister’s tales because he had no idea how the war between the Hellan Kingdom and the Two Dynasty transpired. Issei, David, and Lily didn’t tell him anything about the war and prevented him from making contact with Ian, who was constantly nursing his Spiritual World.

He understood that the Gods didn’t want him to worry, so that he could train in peace. Now that his training was over, he wanted to know everything, so that he could formulate his next course of action.

“So, we’re dealing with an unknown Organization and they were in cahoots with the Crown Prince and the Second Prince.” William frowned as he digested the information taken from his relatives and the two prisoners that he had brought along for questioning.

“I never liked the Crown Prince,” Ian commented from the side. “The Young Master doesn’t like him either.”

William nodded his head as he glanced at the two tied up men that were looking at him with anxious faces.

“You said the name of your leader is Conner, right?” William asked.


“What is the name of your Organization?”


The two men answered simultaneously because they were afraid that if they didn’t answer right away, William would kill them, just as he did to their superior, Lewis.

“What can you tell me about him?” William wanted to know more about the main culprit behind the Continental Spell that had turned everyone into crystal statues. If he could find a way to reverse the curse, he would be able to seek the help of the adults in dealing with this Organization that went by the name Deus.

“T-The leader, I don’t know anything about him.”

“R-Right. He just gives us orders. We’re just grunts, so we didn’t get to interact with him much.”

“What does he look like?” William pressed on with his questions. “Tell me his age, race, or anything that would help me identify him.”

The two men glanced at each other before lowering their heads. Both of their lips were quivering as if they were fighting an internal battle.

William noticed this and immediately changed his line of questioning. He was familiar with this condition because he had encountered a similar situation when he was traveling with Ezio.

“Forget my earlier question, just listen to me first.” William narrowed his eyes as he observed the body language of his two captives. “Nod if the answer is yes, and shake your head if the answer is no. Understood?”

The two men nodded in understanding.

“Is your leader Human?”

The two men hesitated, but didn’t nod, or shake their heads to answer William’s question.

“Does he always wear a mask?”

The two men nodded this time.

“Can you tell me the location for the headquarters of your Organization?”

The two men shook their heads.

“Do you know the goal of this leader of yours named Conner?”

The two men shook their heads once again.

William noticed that both of them were perspiring so much and a subtle magical pulse was starting to radiate from their bodies. The Half-Elf finally understood that the oath they had made rendered them incapable of answering certain questions.

He knew that if he continued his inquiries, the two men would probably suffer a backlash and die in front of him.

The interrogation came to an abrupt halt, and no more words were spoken inside the carriage. Matthew and Leah slept because they were exhausted from their escape from their pursuers, as for the two men, William knocked them unconscious to prevent them from doing anything unsatisfactory.

A few hours later, the familiar scenery of Lont appeared in their eyes. William’s face immediately became serious when he noticed some craters and deep cracks in the ground as they neared his hometown.

A single glance was enough to tell him that an incredible battle had taken place, while he was away.

‘Dave, fly higher. We will first check the situation from the sky. Don’t land until I tell you to do so,’ William ordered Dave using telepathy. This was an ability that he could freely use with the people that were part of his King’s Legion.

He hurriedly woke up Matthew and Leah to tell them about the current situation. Just like William, the two’s expressions immediately became serious as they saw the destruction that had taken place near their hometown.

With his keen vision, William noticed something golden in the distance. It didn’t take him long to see that it was none other than Lufie. The golden ape that guarded his hometown.

Ourobro was currently lying on the ground and seemed to be unconscious. Not far from Lufie, several Wyverns were also lying on the ground, as if they were in deep sleep.

The flying carriage circled Lont from the skies as William and the others observed the surroundings.

It was at that moment when they saw something fly from Lont and head in their direction.

A loud piercing cry reverberated in the air as Blitz, John’s trusted animal companion, greeted William and his entourage.

The hawk shrank in size and flew beside the carriage. Blitz shrieked once again and William nodded in understanding.

“Let’s land,” William ordered Dave. “Head towards our family residence.”

Dave acknowledged William’s order and maneuvered the flying carriage to descend from the sky. As they neared the hometown, they noticed that the streets were deserted, and none of the residents could be seen anywhere.

As William focused his attention on the house where he grew up, he noticed three figures standing near the entrance of his home.

The Half-Elf immediately recognized his Master, Celine, and the Dentist of Lont, Jekyll. Both of them were standing beside each other. He was quite surprised to see that his Master, and the Dentist of Lont had not been affected by the Continental Spell.

Even so, he was very relieved to see that both of them were safe. After taking control of his emotions, William then shifted his attention to the stranger that was standing a few meters away from the two.

A sense of dread immediately gripped William’s heart when he felt the aura that leaked out of the man’s body.

William was quite familiar with this aura because he had been in close proximity to one of them.

‘Demigod,’ William thought as he once again glanced at Celine and Jekyll who were giving him the “Don’t do anything reckless” stare from where they stood.

William nodded to tell them that he understood.

An expression of relief immediately passed through the two people’s faces as they nodded back at him.

The black-haired stranger looked at William with an intrigued expression. There was even a hint of appreciation on the man’s face as he watched the flying carriage land on the ground.

When Dave jumped down from his Gryphon to open the carriage, the first to step out was not the Half-Elf, or any of the people that were by his side.

It was none other than a white and fluffy Angorian Goat.

Ella stared at the black-haired man for a brief moment before jumping out of the carriage. She had been resting inside the Thousand Beast Domain when she felt the presence of a strong entity near William.

Naturally, she wouldn’t allow the boy to be harmed by someone that was way out of his league.

The brows of the man rose up as he stared at the harmless looking goat that was standing beside the red-headed boy.

The black-haired man had come to Lont to visit an old friend. He didn’t expect that what was waiting for him was a surprise beyond his wildest imaginations.

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