Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 212 Two Hundred And Twelve: Separate Ways

"I would be lying if I wasn\'t. We\'ll need every person we can find to man the defences…"

Serin looked to Lisa. "What do we do next, liaise with the city guard?"

Lisa shook her head. "No, I\'ll speak with commander and inform him of our reinforcement. The rest of you need to go home and rest for now."

"But what if we\'re attacked tonight?"

"Then I\'ll call for you. Don\'t worry we\'ll plan where you\'re needed in time. The best thing you can all do right now is rest and regain your strength. You\'ve been out in the wilds for days and once their attack begins there will be little time for rest."

"I suppose you\'re right."

"You must have things you need to attend to in your household to prepare?"

"I do."

"And I expect the rest of you have matters to see to as well. It\'s late in the day, so we\'ll leave things here for now."

No one spoke up against Lisa\'s plan.

Lisa fixed her gaze on me. "Theo, you\'ll be glad to know the door to your room has been repaired."

"Oh right, I\'d forgotten about that."

"Take Aetherin with you to see Jules. She\'ll organise somewhere for her to stay. Make sure she knows to place her close to your quarters, you will be responsible for her…" She glanced to Ameri and Lucy. "She\'ll find somewhere for those two to board too."

"Okay, got it."

"I\'ll send for you all first thing in the morning, but for now you are dismissed."

With Lisa\'s words we all got up out of our seats and began to file out of the room. From there we headed along the corridor the way we had come in and back downstairs.

We were met behind the reception desk by Jules, who lifted the hatch and let us out into the foyer. We assembled a short way in front of the reception desk while we decided what we were to do next.

Liz was the first to speak. "I need to head back to my shop. I want to check on the place and I\'d like to look over the artifact once more before all hell breaks loose here."

Serin was nodding in agreement. "Okay Liz, you go and do what you need to. The more you can find out about that thing the better. Just be careful, our enemy\'s spies had infiltrated the city even before we left."

"Don\'t worry about me, I\'ll watch my back."

"If anything comes us, don\'t hesitate to call the rest of us back together."

"I won\'t."

"Great. If it stays quiet, we\'ll all meet back here first thing tomorrow before Lisa calls us up."

"Right. Well, I\'ll see you all later."

Liz was quick to leave after that. She hurried out of the guild only turning to wave briefly before she stepped through the door.

Once Liz left, Serin turned to the rest of the group. "Well, we should probably do as Lisa suggested and get some rest." She turned to me. "Theo, will you be okay getting the girls rooms sorted?"

"I\'ll be fine, Jules will arrange something don\'t you worry."

"Good…" She looked uneasily toward the door. "I should really check on things back home."

"You go, I\'m sure your servants are worried about you too."

She nodded. "I expect they are… Very well, see you all tomorrow."

"We\'ll be fine… Bye."

Beth gently took Serin\'s arm before she left. "Hold up, I\'ll walk with you."

Serin looked back and smiled. "Sure."

Beth turned to the rest of us. "See you tomorrow."

That left just Altria, Aetherin, Ameri, Lucy and me in the foyer.

I looked to Altria. "What are you going to do now?"

She shrugged. "Unlike those too, there isn\'t much I can do right now… I was thinking about getting some food before I left. Will you join me?"

"Sure. I just want to speak with Jules first. I better not leave it too late if she needs to find some rooms. Do you want to get us a table while we talk?"

"Sure, I can do that."

"Thanks Altria."

Altria headed into the seating area of the guild hall leaving Just the four of us in front of the reception desk.

"Come on let\'s go and speak to Jules."

There was no queue and Jules was standing there waiting for us as we walked up.

Jules looked up with a smile as we reached the desk. "I was waiting for you to come and speak to me." She glanced across to Aetherin. "Who is this, a new member of your party?"

I nodded. "Yes, this is Aetherin." I looked to my side. "Aetherin, this is Jules."

"How did you pick up a new member out in the wild?"

I shrugged. "Three new members." I turned and gestured to Ameri and Lucy who were stood just a little way behind Aetherin and me. "This is Ameri and Lucy."

Jules laughed. "Nice to meet you all… Okay then, how did you find three new members out in the wild?"

"Well, we only met Aetherin out in the wild. I can\'t give you the details here and now, but I\'ll explain once we\'re alone…"

I was interrupted by Aetherin pulling on my clothes.

She whispered into my ear. "Should you be telling her at all?"

"It\'s okay, we trust Jules."

"If you say so."

I turned back to the desk. "Sorry about that… So, we met up with Aetherin in the wild, it\'s a long story. Ameri and Lucy we travelled back with from Silthorn. They\'re from here originally."

"Oh, I see… Well, I suppose I shouldn\'t be surprised to see you collecting more women along the way." She sighed. "I hope this doesn\'t mean it\'s going to be even harder for me to spend any time with you?"

"I\'ll always try to make time for you Jules."

She smiled. "Thanks… The again with things the way they are none of us may have much time."

"Things aren\'t looking great, I agree."

"They aren\'t. Well, what can I help you with?"

"These three need rooms. Lisa wants Aetherin to be roomed close to me, she didn\'t give instruction for the others."

"Okay that shouldn\'t be a problem, let me see." She looked down at the desk and started flicking through accommodation registration. She looked back up. "That isn\'t a problem. Three rooms?"

I turned to Ameri and Lucy. "Did you want your own rooms?"

They both nodded.

I turned back to the desk. "Yes please."

"Okay, I just get the keys."

Jules walked to the back of the reception and searched for the keys. She was only gone for a moment before she returned with a handful of keys.

She handed them over. "Do you need me to show them to the rooms?"

I shook my head. "I think we\'ll manage. I know my way around fairly well now."

"Okay…" She leant on the desk and looked up to me. "What are you doing tonight? I finish my shift in a minute."

"Well, right now we were going to stop for some food here. Altria is already waiting for us. You\'re more than welcome to join us for some food if you like?"

"Aww… I was hoping I could get you to myself!" She laughed. "Sure, I\'ll come and join you all once I\'m done. Don\'t worry about ordering before me, I\'m sure you\'re all hungry."

"Thanks Jules, we\'ll catch up in a bit then."

We left Jules at the desk to finish her shift and went to find Altria in the hall.

Altria waved as we walked over. Luckily, she had found a table large enough for the lot of us including Jules as well.

"What took you all so long? I\'m starving!" She complained as we took our seats.

"Sorry. You didn\'t have to wait for us to order."

She looked in the direction of the waitress carrying over a tray of food. "Phew, that\'s good because I didn\'t!"

The waitress approached the table and laid down Altria\'s food before looking to the rest of us. "Did you want to order?"

I nodded. "We will, but could you give us a minute? We\'ve only just joined the table."

She smiled at me. "Not at all hun. I\'ll be back in a moment."


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