Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 176 - One Hundred And Seventy-Six: The Approach

"Yes master."

"Just don\'t take any risks. I know you\'re a demon too, but there\'s still a chance that word got this far about our party. They could be on the lookout for you too. If it looks risky you should head back to us."

"Don\'t worry, I will… I guess I\'ll be going now then."

"Hold on."

"What is it?"

I crossed the space between us and threw my arms around her. "Just stay safe."

She squeezed me back. "I will."

The she disappeared. I knew that out of all of us she was in the least danger checking out the shrine, but it felt like we were passing off a dangerous task onto her. The only thing she had to gain out of helping us like this was pleasing me.

With Celine gone, I joined the others and started putting away my gear. It didn\'t take long for everything to be packed away, there were no tents to deal with like usual. With everything safely stowed back in our bags, we were ready to make a move on the shrine as soon as Celine returned. With nothing else to do, everyone was a little on edge just waiting around. We all congregated together under the trees.

"Don\'t worry Theo, she will be fine." Altria said patting me on the back as she sat down.

"Do I look that worried?"

"Yes… Would you look like that if it was me that was sent ahead, I wonder?"

"Of course, I would!"

She laughed. "Thanks, but seriously she\'ll be back soon. I doubt anyone will know she was ever there and for all we know the place could be deserted."

"I hope so."

I knew what she was saying was probably right, but the wait was still uncomfortable. Then when almost another half an hour had passed, Celine returned. She appeared just in front of where I was sat.

"She\'s back!" I said relieved to see her.

I got up and quickly hugged her.


"Are you okay? Did everything go well?"

"I\'m fine master, there weren\'t any problems."


"Sorry, to interrupt your reunion, but do you mind if we find out what Celine saw out there?" Asked Serin.

"Go ahead." I said letting go of her and sitting back down.

Celine sat down next to me, Serin waited for her to get comfortable before she asked her to report what she found.

"Please tell us what you saw at the shrine Celine." Asked Serin.

"I had no trouble getting inside and looking around undetected, but the area was better guarded than I expected for a simple shrine. I wasn\'t sure that there would be anyone there at all, but I was wrong."

"How many were there and where were they positioned?"

"There were two at the main entrance. They were positioned at the top of the stairs from the mountain path. They were stationed there and didn\'t seem to patrol the site. In the compound there were three pairs that patrolled the outside, I didn\'t have long enough to work out how often they did a round. It seemed like at least one of the three pairs was patrolling at a time. They were all pure demons, like my master was."

"We have to face that many demons like your master?" I asked, a little panicked.

"They are the same kind, but they\'re only low ranking individuals. I don\'t think that they pose us much of a risk. If we can neutralise them all quietly, we shouldn\'t have any problems."

"That\'s a relief."

"What about inside, did you manage to get a look?" Asked Serin.

"I did. There were two more guards inside, they were a little higher ranked, but we should be able to deal with them. They were positioned in the main room of the central building, with the altar. They were guarding something, the divine artifact you were looking for. That\'s if it is what I think it is. I checked all the other buildings in the complex and there was nothing else that looked important. None of were guarded either.

"Thanks Celine, that was very helpful. I think we have enough to work with now, but before we go, I want to check one last time. Is everyone ready to go through with this?" Serin asked looking from person to person.

Everyone was nodding and giving affirmative noises to her question.

"Good, then let\'s make a move. Celine did you spot a way in that misses the front gate?"

"I did, if we climb this ridge, we should be able to enter through the rear, just behind the main building. I can lead the way."

"Please do…" Serin thought for a moment. "Altria, can you work with Aetherin and take the lead alongside Celine." She asked.

Altria nodded. "I can."

"Great, is that okay with you Aetherin?"

"It is, I\'ll do whatever I can to help."

"Thank you… Then I think Theo, Enna and I will follow behind. Liz, Beth are you two happy taking up the rear?"

"No complaints from me." Answered Beth.

"No problem." Replied Liz.

"Good. We\'ll make our way up the ridge and enter the compound in that formation. Once we\'re inside we\'ll need to split up to take out the guards outside. Considering there is always at least one patrol at any one time, we might be best to try and hit them all at once. Hopefully we can prevent them from alerting each other to our presence there. Once we\'ve done so, we can focus on the one\'s inside the altar building, but we\'ll decide for sure once we\'re inside."

"Sounds like a reasonable plan." Answered Liz.

"We might need to make adjustments, but until we see the situation for ourselves that\'s the best we can do for now. Let\'s grab our gear and head up that ridge!"

Everyone got up and started to gather their bags and weapons. After sitting there and waiting for some time for Celine, we were now a hive of activity. The mood had switched from tense to almost buzzing now we were finally making our move. It only took a few moments for everyone gather their equipment and we were soon all waiting for the signal to go. Serin gave us all one last look over, before turning to Celine.

"Please lead the way, Celine." She asked.

"Right, follow me everyone." Answered Celine

Celine took the head of the group and started climbing up the ridge. She was closely followed by Altria and Aetherin. We gave them a small head start so they could check the route and then followed behind. The climb was steep, but just as Celine had said, there was a passable route up.

"How are you coping?" I asked Enna as she walked alongside me.

"I\'m fine. I\'ve recovered from that long walk now. Don\'t worry, a short distance like this is fine even for me!" She answered.

"Good, a shame we can\'t really let you fly here."

"It wouldn\'t be very covert would it."


It was about a fifteen minute walk from where we had camped to the top of the ridgeline. From there, there was a small descent until we reached the little plateau where the shrine was located. The tree cover was patchy as we had climbed the ridge but as we descended down the other side, we managed to find good cover as the edges of the compound were wooded.

The weather was on our side too. It was cloudy than it had been the past few nights, and the moon was yet to grow high in the nights sky. As we approached the edge of the Tree\'s, Altria signalled for the party to halt. Everyone stopped on the signal, Altria walked back to the main group leaving Aetherin and Celine right at the treeline.

"I think we should get Celine to confirm where the guards are now, before we move to take them out. Is that okay with you." She asked quietly.

"I think that\'s a good idea, is it okay with you Theo?" Serin said turning to me.

"As long as Celine is fine with it." I replied.

"She suggested it herself." Answered Altria.

"Then it\'s fine with me."

"Good. Altria, pass the word onto Celine. We\'ll group up to take out the guards while we wait for her to return." Serin said.

"Will do." Agreed Altria, before heading back to the treeline.

I could see her speak with Celine, who disappeared from sight shortly afterwards. Once she was gone Serin turned to the rest of the group. She looked as if she was weighing up the best groupings to send out, the plan was to hit them all at once after all.

"I want Celine to pair up and take the two at the front gate." Serin said when she\'d finished thinking.

"But does Celine have enough offensive ability to do that?" I asked.

"It doesn\'t matter, Altria will be able to deal with both of them if it comes to it. What matters is that they reach there undetected. They\'re the furthest group, and those two are the most likely to make it there without being noticed."

"I suppose that makes sense. What about the other groups?"

"I want to pair you with Aetherin, I was going to have you with me, but if I\'m honest I think you\'ll be safest with her…"

"I\'m happy to go with her."

"Good… Now for the rest, I think I should pair with Enna, Liz and Beth will be the final group. Is everyone okay with that?"

"I don\'t want to sound suspicious, but will you be okay with Enna?" Asked Beth.


"Then I\'m happy to go with Liz."

"I won\'t let you down Serin. Don\'t worry I can hold my own." Enna said trying to sound reassuring.

"Thanks… Then we\'re decided. Once Celine returns, we\'ll move in and take out the guards. Once they\'re cleared, we\'ll move in on the main building together."

It was now just a case of waiting.

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