Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 173 - One Hundred And Seventy-Three: Walking The Night


"I don\'t know anything. I don\'t even know the reason why we were sent to this realm. All I know is that the lord commanded it. I definitely know nothing of the shrine or what the taboo breakers are\'¦ Sorry."

I laughed. "No, it\'s fine. I just had a misunderstanding that\'s all."

"Oh\'¦ But haven\'t that succubus and vampire explained a lot to you already?"

Celine had told me what she knew. It wasn\'t much, but it had provided some insight. I had barely thought of asking Aetherin, and there hadn\'t really been much time to enquire.

"Well, a little\'¦"

"Really? I thought they would be able to explain a lot more than someone like me. Harpies aren\'t generally high in the ranks at all. Despite being a captain, I was told very little. We\'re mainly used for reconnaissance and to run messages."

"I didn\'t know, but why would they be able to tell me more?"

"Succubae are often adjutants to powerful demons. I don\'t know, but I just got the feeling that Celine was before she started following you\'¦"

She was right there.

"Well, she was, but I\'m sure she\'s told me everything that she knew."

"I don\'t doubt that. I suppose she might not have been kept in the loop on everything by her previous master\'¦"

"But what about Aetherin? She was living out in the wilds by herself when we came across her."

"I suppose that would explain that, but well\'¦ She\'s a noble vampire. They\'re part of the ruling classes. Some of them are of the highest rank, directly under the lord. I suppose that isn\'t her, but just the fact that she was free to live out there as she pleased, means she at least has some connections."

"I didn\'t think of it like that, I didn\'t realise."

"I don\'t mean to say that\'s she\'s keeping anything from you."

"That\'s okay, I didn\'t take it that way\'¦ I haven\'t asked her much if I\'m being honest."

As we walked and talked, I noticed that Enna was starting to flag a little. It was as if something was off with her. Then she stumbled. Both Serin and I helped her back to her feet.

She brushed herself down, looking a little embarrassed. "I\'m sorry about that!"

"Don\'t worry about it! Are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-yeah. I\'m fine."

Serin made a signal to the others to stop. "I think it\'s about time we stopped for a short break."

Enna was waving her hands. "It\'s okay, I can continue. I don\'t want to hold us back!"

Serin slipped her bag off her back and onto the ground. "You won\'t be. We\'ve been walking for hours anyway. We should take a rest. We won\'t stop for long don\'t worry."


The rest of the party stopped around us. Altria and Celine soon returned from scouting up ahead and sat with the others.

As they did Serin turned to Altria. "Anything out there?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, it\'s quiet. Not a soul in sight."


I passed Enna my flask while we took our short break from walking.

She looked up and smiled before taking a sip. "Thanks."

"Are you sure you\'re okay? You looked a little wobbly before you went over there."

"I\'m fine, it\'s just\'¦ Well, I\'m not used to walking this far. I\'ve never taken a long journey on foot before."

Of course! There\'s no way she would be used to it. If she had to go somewhere it would hardly make sense for her to walk when she could just as easily fly, there in most situations. This must really have been hard going for her and we were probably only halfway across the plain.

I needed to do something about that. "I\'m so sorry, I didn\'t even think about it!"

"It\'s okay. I\'m fine!"

"Maybe you should fly the rest of the way. Would you be able to keep with us for that long?"

"I could, but will that really be okay?"

She looked relieved at just the idea.

"I don\'t see why not. It\'s dark, it would probably be hard for anyone to spot you and even if they did, this is your territory. You probably stand out less than we do\'¦ What do you think Serin?"

"About what?" She asked, confused from being suddenly pulled into our conversation.

"Enna, she isn\'t used to walking these sorts of distances. I think she is struggling because this is something she would normally fly\'¦ Because you know, she\'s a harpy. I was thinking maybe we could let her fly the rest. What do you think?"

"I hadn\'t thought\'¦" Serin said looking at Enna\'s bare feet. "It must be tough on her. I don\'t see why she can\'t, at least while it\'s still dark out. It means we\'ll have another look out\'¦ Is everyone else okay with that?" She asked turning to the rest of the group.

Altria shrugged like she didn\'t mind. "It\'s fine with me. The risk of someone spotting her is outweighed by having a pair of eyes in the air, in my opinion."

"I suppose I should say something like, can we trust her not to go back and give us up? But\'¦ even I think that\'s not likely, there wouldn\'t have been any point in her helping him escape if that was the case. If Altria isn\'t worried that she\'ll be spotted, then I\'m fine with it too." Beth added.

Liz\'s head bobbed in agreement. "It\'s fine with me."

Aetherin and Celine both just nodded in agreement when Serin looked to them.

Serin turned back to Enna. "Looks like everyone is fine with it. We\'ll move shortly, please keep a watch over us from the sky."

"I will." Replied Enna.

With that sorted we packed up, ready to move again. Dawn was only a few hours away and we needed to reach cover before then. We still had some way to travel before we reached the mountain that stood alone.

As we left Enna took to the skies, lifting herself into the air with powerful strokes of her wings. Celine and Altria both went ahead of the main group to scout the way. I was glad at how well the two of them were working together now. Aetherin joined Serin and I at the front of the main group, while Beth and Liz followed behind us.

We had been walking for about another hour before even I could make out a large black shape looming in front of us. It was the mountain we were headed for. Everyone was tired, we had been travelling for hours and hours, for most of the girls it had been even longer.

The sight of the mountain raised everyone\'s spirits and despite of our collective exhaustion we picked up our pace for the final leg. As we reached the very foot of the mountain and the ground begun to rise, the first signs of dawn were upon us. We needed to reach the low ridge behind the shrine if we wanted a chance at staying hidden when the sun rose.

As the path rose our pace slowed, and with every passing minute the night was giving way to morning. A sense of urgency had fallen on the group, but it was hard to move fast when you were climbing a pathless mountain side. Then before the day had shaken off the morning haze Altria returned to the group.

I could tell she had good news by the look on her face. "There\'s a perfect spot for us to rest just over this rise. A small dip between here and the main ridge and it\'s lined with trees. It\'ll be hard for anyone to spot us there. Come on hurry before it gets any lighter." She said turning back and waving for us to follow.

I could feel my legs groaning under my own weight as I willed them to pull me forward. I looked back to how the others were doing. Liz was visibly tired, her steps looked laboured. Beth was doing better than her, but she wasn\'t moving as quickly as normal either. Serin had pushed on, she was a few steps up ahead of me. Watching her behind move gave me the extra strength to press on I needed. The only member of our party that didn\'t seem worn at all, was Aetherin. She was still climbing up like she was on fresh legs. The perks of being immortal I suppose.

Altria hadn\'t been exaggerating when she said we were close. It was hidden from where we stood at the time, but after a couple more minutes of climbing the ground dipped down a little. It would hide us well from the ground down below, and the tree cover would hide us from above.. Relieved we all nearly dropped to the ground as we finally reached it.

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