Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 61 - Sixty-One: Time To Press On

There was no reply.

"Good, we were lucky again. How is everyone holding up otherwise?"

"I used a lot of mana up on that final strike, but from the looks of things I\'m holding up better than you are. I didn\'t see what happened, but it looks like you\'ve pushed a little too hard Lillia." Replied Siofra, looking worried.

"It took more than I was expecting to punch through that golem and just holding them back with the roots had already taken a toll, but I\'m fine." Explained Lillia.

"You say that, but you could barely move a minute ago and if Theo hadn\'t intervened you might have died! Even if you take another mana potion, you\'re going to have to take it easy." Serin added.

"I know… How about the rest of you?"

"Well, I only used the one attack, it took a lot, but I\'m good for another fight." Answered Serin.

"Nothing a mana potion won\'t fix here." Was Altria\'s answer.

We might not have taken any damage, but even I knew that we weren\'t in the best shape as a party after that fight. The others might be playing it down, but Lillia, Serin and Siofra had all used up a power attack. There was only so much a stamina or mana potion could restore, it would still take time to recover back to a hundred percent. Even Altria must have used a lot of mana, she had spent most of the fight trying to pin down one of the golems. I was probably in the best shape out of anyone, but I was also the weakest.

"What do you want to do now Lillia?" Asked Serin.

"I\'m not sure… What do you think the chances are of that tunnel out of here being a safe zone Siofra?"

Siofra looked across the platform to the tunnel that led away, thinking for a moment before answering.

"I don\'t know, but with two guardians like that, the chances are high that it exits into the dungeon master\'s strong hold."

"We would likely be walking straight into another big fight… Then again this definitely isn\'t a safe zone, if we stay here for long something is bound to come. We do have a clear view from here though." Lillia said thinking out loud.

"Whatever you decide we\'ll follow you." Altria said to sounds of agreement from the rest of us.

Either choice had its potential problems and none of us had any more of a clue what might come to pass from either than Lillia did.

"Then I think we should stop here for a few minutes, then we\'ll head to the tunnel. How are we doing for potions?"

"We\'re looking good. We\'ve hardly used any so far, if we\'re really near the bottom of the dungeon we should have plenty." Answered Serin.

"Good. It\'s probably best if everyone takes a mana and stamina potion now. We might as well restore as much as we can while we have the chance. We\'ll set out again once they\'ve taken effect and we\'ve all caught our breath a little."

"Sounds sensible." Agreed Serin.

We all reached to our potion pouches and did just as Lillia had suggested. I had only used a little mana up in the last fight, but I knew from the first time I met Altria that the effects lasted for some time and they also seemed to increase its recovery. It would put me in a better position for what was about to come. The stamina potion was pleasant boost, even when I wasn\'t already physically drained.

While we rested at the top of the stairs Altria kept watch looking down into the cave below and Siofra kept a close watch over the platform. After the golems had fallen the chamber had gone back to being eerily quiet, just like it had been before they activated. We had probably stopped for about five minutes without a sign of enemies when Lillia gave the signal for us to move.

"Come on, time to move."

"Are you sure? There\'s no movement down below, I think it would be safe to rest a little longer." Asked Altria.

"Yes, I\'m almost fully recovered. As long as everyone else is ready, we should move. Delaying is only going to give our enemy time to prepare." Lillia answered.

We all looked at each other. Obviously having time to fully rest up would be the ideal situation, but Lillia did have a point. It seemed pretty certain that the demon lord\'s officer\'s strong hold would be at the end of that tunnel. After defeating the guardians, they must know we were coming and the longer we waited the more prepared for our arrival they would be.

"Lillia\'s right, we should press on." It was Serin that answered.

"Then, let\'s move." Lillia instructed.

The rest of the party gathered their gear and fell into formation without argument. We crossed the platform, passing the severely damaged remains of the two golems as we went. The damage the girls dealt them was really something to see up close as we passed. Seeing that level of damage dealt, I had to wonder if they would really have trouble dealing with any foe, if it wasn\'t for the great strain these techniques had on their wielders.

After crossing the platform, we reached the threshold of the tunnel. It was as tall as the golems that had once stood at either side of the entrance and it was equally as wide. The group paused before entering. The tunnel was long and appeared empty, there nothing to see but a faint light at its far end. After Altria and Siofra had finished checking for traps we entered.

Once inside we slowly and cautiously started heading to the light at the end of the tunnel. We had been walking through the tunnel for about a minute when a creaking and scraping noise came from behind us. We all quickly turned to the source of the noise to see the entrance of the tunnel closing behind us. The steel door had nearly descended halfway down the opening by the time someone spoke.

"What should we do?" Asked Siofra.

"I doubt we would all make it in time if we headed back now." Answered Serin.

"We continue, we can\'t stop that closing and we came here for a reason. I don\'t want to turn back now." Lillia replied.

"Yeah, chances are if we go back out there, we won\'t be able to get back in again." Altria added agreeing with Serin and Lillia.

It soon became an academic question as the steel door closed over the exit and our only option became to move forward. There was silence for a moment as everyone took in our situation before Lillia gave the order.

"Let\'s move, this is what we came here for."

She was right, but I was sure that I wasn\'t the only one that was concerned by our lack of an exit. We no longer had the option of retreat. Our only way out of here now was up ahead and through whatever laid in wait for us. That was if there was another way out.

The light from the end of the tunnel steadily got brighter as we drew closer to the end. When we finally stepped out into the room that lay beyond, I had to squint as my eyes adapted to light. We had spent over a day down in the caves and the only light had been from the lanterns and torches, this was like stepping straight into strong sunlight.

As my eyes adjusted, I looked around the room we had entered. It was laid out like an entrance hall to a stately house. A curved staircase led down to each side of the room from the first floor. On the landing on of the first floor there was a single exit that led out of this room. After we had gathered our bearings it was clear that was our next destination. Lillia pointed to the exit and looked as if she were about to give an instruction when she was interrupted by the sound of clapping coming from the top of the stairs.

With the clapping came an immense sense of pressure coming from the top of the stairs. I didn\'t have to be told this meant trouble. I could feel the power from the yet unseen person. As the clapping grew louder a figure appeared from the corridor at the top of the stairs. What appeared to be a beautiful woman. She was clad in tight fitting black armour, armour that plunged down at her chest. She had jet black hair and if it wasn\'t for the small black horns protruding from her head, I would have assumed she was human. My next thought would have been that she was one of the beastkin, if it wasn\'t for this intense pressure that I\'d never experienced before.

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