Ero Skill Tree

Chapter 13 - Thirteen: Liz Fills In Some Gaps

"Doesn\'t act like one what?"

"A member of the Elven royal family, a princess and heir to the throne in fact."

"A princess!"

"I\'m surprised you didn\'t realise. All of the summoners are a princess or high priestess from one of the allied races. I think you\'ve also made the acquaintance of one of the others that are in town, Altria?"

"She\'s a princess too!" That seemed even more unbelievable.

"I wouldn\'t worry about it too much, the catkin are pretty lax about these things. It definitely wouldn\'t be the first time that Altria has messed around. Lillia on the other hand… The elves would probably have you killed, but you wouldn\'t be silly enough to have…" My face must have said it all. "Oh my, haven\'t you been quite busy in such a short period of time since your summoning!"

"I had no idea she was a princess!" I had done more than just fooled around with her a little. I didn\'t want to think what they would do to me if they found out.

"Don\'t worry your secret is safe with me… So, just how much has Lillia told you?" Liz asked switching subjects.

"Well, I know that there is a demon lord and that I am expected to fight him for some reason, but that is all know!"

"Oh dear, she really has kept you in the dark. Then I\'m not surprised after what happened with her last summons."

"I heard that he was destroyed, but when I asked her about it, she wouldn\'t tell me what had happened, she just said the memory was too fresh for her."

"I expect it is."

"Please, can you tell me what happened?"

"I can, I don\'t mind telling you, seeing that the shop is quiet at the moment and telling you will probably save Lillia reliving some of the trauma for a little while, but you will have to come in off the street. This could take a while I don\'t want to stand out in the street all that time."


I followed Liz into her shop. Once inside she popped behind the counter for a moment, before reappearing with a stool.

"Here sit on this."


I did as she suggested and sat down in front of her counter. Liz made her way back behind the counter, taking her own seat. She leant over the counter resting on her elbows, her ample cleavage leaning on the top.

"Well, where to start? Hmm…"

"How about you just tell me what happened with the previous hero and then see if I have any questions?"

"Sure, I can start there. When your predecessor found out that he could never return to his own world and that the only way to gain a permanent existence in this world was through the destruction of the demon lord, he shirked his duties and left town…"

"Hold on." I interrupted. "I can\'t ever return to my own world?"

"No, well your body there has died after all…"

"I\'m dead!" I yelped.

When I was summoned, it didn\'t just feel like I was dying, I actually did die.

"In way yes, but you aren\'t really dead, dead, are you? Otherwise we wouldn\'t be having this conversation."

"She killed me!"

"I wouldn\'t hold it against her, she had no choice in the matter. It\'s a closely guarded secret by the allied races that even I don\'t know, but there is some mechanism that ensures that the selected summoners from each of the member races complies with the request to summon the heroes. Knowing them it is something particularly unpleasant."

"But Altria hasn\'t got one right now?"

"Yes, well like I said earlier the catkin are a rather lax race, but even they will eventually trigger the mechanism if Atria doesn\'t summon a new hero. That is if someone doesn\'t kill the demon lord in the intervening time that is." She answered, looking me in the eye expectantly.

"And you think that might be me?"

"Hmm, I\'m not so sure, but the other two seem to have high hopes for you."

"If the all the others have failed, I don\'t see why it would be any different for me…"


"So how was the previous hero destroyed by the demon lord?"

"Oh, it wasn\'t the demon lord that destroyed the last hero that Lillia summoned. It was the guild elders; they destroyed the relic he was bound to in the world…"

"What? A relic he was bound to?"

​ "Are you going to keep interrupting me? It was you that suggested I start from his demise." Liz said giving me a sideways glance.


"It\'s okay, I was expecting as much. I am only teasing." She told me with a laugh.

"What did you mean by a relic that he was bound to?"

"It is part of summoning ritual. The details are hidden, but in order for them to summon you to this world they need to bind your soul to a relic in order to hold your presence here. It is also a means of controlling the heroes and stopping them if they out of control. As only a summoned hero can defeat the demon lord, they are necessary, at least according to the ancient text. The relics are held by the guild masters in the capital."

"And they killed him by destroying his relic?"

"Yes. Lillia found out they planned to do so after the masters discovered that he had fled his task. She found him and begged him to return to his duties, but he was killed before she could convince him otherwise and died in her arms. It is a rather unpleasant death, so I am told…"

No wonder Lillia was shaking a little when I first asked her about it.

"And I suppose if I don\'t do what they say I will suffer the same fate?"

"Of course. As I said before the only way for you to gain a permanent existence here is to claim the heart of the demon lord."

"So, chances are, whatever I do, I am going to die horribly?"

"That is the fate that has befallen all of the others that have come before you. I am sorry that you have been forced on this path." The pain in her eyes was visible as she told me this.

"Thanks, but this really isn\'t your fault… Anyway, you do seem to know a lot about this for someone that runs a potions shop."

"Ha! Someone that runs a potion shop. I don\'t simply mix potions I\'ll have you know, once upon a time I was considered the high sorceress of the west… Granted that was many, many years ago. Most people here simple think of me as Liz the witch in the potion shop."

I must have given her a sideways glance when she mentioned many, many years ago… There was no sign that she had lived that long.

"Don\'t expect to ask my age." She told me. "But to avoid confusion I will let you know that I am a half elf, that is why my age is hard to guess."

"I would have guessed you were only in your twenties!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere!" She said whilst winking at me.

We had been sat talking away for quite some time, Liz got up from her seat stepped out from behind the counter.

"I\'m afraid, that will have to be all for now. I have someone to meet later and I need to close the shop. I hope you don\'t mind."

"Not at all. Thank you everything you\'ve told me."

"Oh, don\'t worry about it. Please do come again, I would love to find out more about you and these special skills that you seem to have acquired." She told me with a suggestive smile.

"S-sure I will."

It was early evening when I stepped out of the shop. I decided that it was late enough to head back to the adventurer\'s guild, and it was definitely time for me to find something to eat.

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