Inverse System

Chapter 127 - Practical Exam Conclusion

Once again, the class re-convened in the main lobby, where Julianne congratulated the winning team and announced the next match. This time, it was the top 3 from class B versus the top 3 from class A. Quint Vossen, Lamarr Shepherd, and Sano Sanraku go up against Tiarus Ilifiel, Sid Magnus, and William Curtis. Again, each team went to their side of the arena, and the rest of the class ascended the stairs to the bleachers.

This time, the terrain they saw was the direct opposite to the previous one, a mellow white blanket covering the land, the lack of heat apparent by the frozen icicles dripping from the tall, Zir trees. It was a snowy frozen tundra.


The doors opened to the contestants, letting them into this freezing wonderland as they instantly began shivering. Principal Julianne began the countdown as the contestants frigidly summoned their weapons.

Quint was able to nullify the cold he felt by activating his Spring, growing fur along his body to warm him up. This gave him an advantage over the other competitors, netting him and his team a rather easy win. His opponents were formidable but stood no chance in the cold against a powered-up opponent immune to weather changes.

Quint Vossen, Lamarr Shepherd, and Sano Sanraku were able to move up to class A, the classes reconvening in the main lobby for the final rank-up match of the month. The top 3 from class A versus the bottom 3 from class S.

Once again, the class returned to the bleachers, this time seeing a bumpy, rocky wasteland with cracks and crevices across the landscape. Lance, Reggie, and Elaine entered the arena, facing down their opponents, Alyssa Osborne, Derek Snyder, and Eleanor Cherry, who all looked incredibly formidable, being a part of the powerful class S.

Julianne once again announced the beginning of the match as they instantly broke out into a speed frenzy, Elaine boosting the speed of her 2 teammates while Eleanor, who had a similar Spring, did the same for her teammates. Lance summoned his Spirit shield, all the while boosting his teammate\'s attack stat as well.

However, their opponents weren\'t going to go down without a fight. Alyssa charged forward with her illusionary Spring, blurring her appearance, confounding opponents\' attempts to target. Reggie jumped around the arena and began punching in different places, setting traps for whoever was unfortunate enough to land in them.

Eventually, the battles were divided into 3 1 on 1\'s. Lance vs Alyssa, Reggie vs Derek, and  Elaine vs Eleanor. Lance felt himself being slightly pressured as his opponent\'s movements disorientated him, not knowing where to attack, even though his speed was being enhanced by Elaine.

Though, with a stroke of luck, his opponent was hit by one of Reggie\'s traps, stopping her illusionary tactics for a brief moment, giving him a chance to retaliate. He was able to pin his opponent down with his extended shield, forcing her to surrender.

Meanwhile, Reggie was having no problems dealing with his opponents, though his turmoiled mind made him hesitate in some of his attacks, hindering his ability to finish the battle against his elusive opponent. Eventually, though, he was finally able to squeak out the victory, exhausted from his performance.

Elaine was the one having the most trouble. She was losing her battle considerably. Her opponent\'s Spring allowed her to boost any stat that she wanted, meaning she could Spread it out through all of her stats, slightly power all of them at the same time. Elaine couldn\'t keep up with the combination of power and endurance her opponent showed and was on the verge of losing before Lance joined the fight and shielded her, parrying his shield to send Elaine\'s opponent flying back.

With Lance\'s enhanced speed, enhanced attack, and the defense provided by his shield, his pure power overrode Eleanor\'s Spring, netting them the victory over Class S\' bottom 3.

That marked the end of the rank-up battles, up next was the battles for D- and S+ to see who will be expelled, and who will earn the prestige point from S+.

First, they revealed the new class ranking, which showed up on each student\'s tablet.

Class S:

1. Clyde Morioh (1350 points) (S+)

2. Sho Anagi (950 points) (S+)

3. Chloe Orthlysia (900 points) (S+)

4. Lance Bowman (800 points)

5. Reggie Greybrewer (775 points)

6. Elaine Barkridge (750 points)

Class A:

7: Alyssa Osborne (750 points)

8: Derek Snyder (600 points)

9: Eleanor Cherry (600 points)

10:Quint Vossen (525 points)

11: Lamarr Shepherd (475 points)

12: Sano Sanraku (450 points)

Class B:

13: Tiarus Ilifiel (550 points)

14: Sid Magnus (550 points)

15: William Curtis (550 points)

16: Kai Bihorn (430 points)

17: Alan Waris (425 points)

18: Stacey George (400 points)

Class C:

19: Xenia Vossen (710 points)

20: Rein Xilris (525 points)

21: Core (490 points)

22:Patricia Virvyre (0 points)

23: Elyon Orirel (0 points)

24: Tanaga Yugoyaki (0 points)

Class D:

25: Gilbert Cohen (350 points)

26: Candice Eilstina (120 points)

27: Roger Bentely (100 points)

28: Mizubuki Daikuro (100 points) (D-)

29: Aito Motoka (0 points) ( D-)

30: Ardryll Pabanise (0 points) ( D-)

"Congratulations to Candice and Roger! You\'ve escaped D- for now!" Julianne announced.

"What? How?" Candice said in her artificial nice voice.

"Well, luckily for you, some fuckin idiots that dropped down into class D had 0 points. So they dropped to D-, taking your place," Ms. Zophia explained, Mizubuki raising his hand in protest.

"Roger and I have the same amount of points! Why is he above me in the ranking!" He complained.

"Hm, true. Rock paper scissors real quick. Winner gets 10 points," Julianne commanded, to which the 2 put their fists up, agreeing on a best of 1.

Roger came out with the victory after throwing scissors.

"There we go. Roger now has 110 points. Any other complaints?" Julianne asked as she saw Gilber raise his hand.

"I refuse to fight my friends! Aito and Andryll were supposed to be on my team!" Gilbert stated.

"Well, too bad. They chose to slack off and now they\'re paying for it. It\'s now either your expulsion or theirs."

Gilbert grit his teeth as Julianne announced the next battle, pitting him against his fellow gang members. Once again, the stage transformed and the battle ensued Gilbert and his team emerging victorious for the expulsion battle, allowing Candice, Roger, and himself to stay in the academy, the other 3 getting expelled on the spot.

With that out of the way finally came the battle for S+. Clyde Morioh, Sho Anagi, and Chloe Orthlysia vs Lance Bowman, Reggie Greybrewer, and Elaine Barkridge.

The door opened on its contestants for the final time that day, revealing a muddy, dirty wetland, riddled with patches of brown water and thick swamp trees.

"Looks like you guys got the short end of the stick class S! Sorry, stage changes are randomized," Julianne apologized as they looked less than enthusiastic to battle in this dirty environment.

Regardless, Julianne counted them down, and the match officially began. Lance\'s team employed the same strength/speed buff strategy, where Elaine would buff their speed and Lance would buff their attack.

Unluckily for them, Clyde, Sho, and Chloe had already seen that strategy and devised a counterplan, using Chloe\'s wind in conjunction with Sho\'s fire to strengthen the furiosity of the flames. Chloe created a typhoon of wind which Sho mixed in with his flames, ultimately forming a blazing swirling fury that rippled through the battlefield.

Due to the muddy terrain, it was difficult for the opposing team to dodge effectively and jump in with a counterattack. With the fire tornado strategy, they were able to send off powerful attacks without the need of maneuvering the battlefield. This also countered the buffs Lance and Elaine gave, as they weren\'t able to effectively use them when faced with barrages of flaring whirlwinds.

The battle didn\'t last for long, for when they eventually broke through the blinding projectiles, they found themselves faced with Clyde\'s Seeking Blade, which they were unable to avoid. Clyde, Sho, and Chloe were able to solidify their spots in S+, while Lance, Reggie, and Elaine stayed in class S.

"And that marks the end of this month\'s practical exam! The new finalized rankings should appear on your tablets soon. Class is dismissed, so you\'re free for the rest of the day!"

Rein felt a notification on his Ranger tablet, opening it to see a list of the new class ranking.

Class S:

1. Clyde Morioh (0 points) (S+)

2. Sho Anagi (0 points) (S+)

3. Chloe Orthlysia (0 points) (S+)

4. Lance Bowman (0 points)

5. Reggie Greybrewer (0 points)

6. Elaine Barkridge (0 points)

Class A:

7: Alyssa Osborne (0 points)

8: Derek Snyder (0 points)

9: Eleanor Cherry (0 points)

10:Quint Vossen (0 points)

11: Lamarr Shepherd (0 points)

12: Sano Sanraku (0 points)

Class B:

13: Tiarus Ilifiel (0 points)

14: Sid Magnus (0 points)

15: William Curtis (0 points)

16: Kai Bihorn (0 points)

17: Alan Waris (0 points)

18: Stacey George (0 points)

Class C:

19: Xenia Vossen (0 points)

20: Rein Xilris (0 points)

21: Core (0 points)

22:Patricia Virvyre (0 points)

23: Elyon Orirel (0 points)

24: Tanaga Yugoyaki (0 points)

Class D:

25: Gilbert Cohen (0 points) (D-)

26: Candice Eilstina (0 points) (D-)

27: Roger Bentely (0 points) (D-)

He also received a notification for his monthly rol. Since he ended in class C, he received 50000 rol that month.

Rein Xilris 

Points: 0 (Rank 20 [C])

Rol: 233000

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