Soul Fusion Online

Chapter 110 - Battle With Demon Part 1

Ryu and Chi sat on the shores of the huge lake in front of them. Hundreds of fireflies were buzzing around, causing the area to be lit up. It was actually a mystical sight because the fireflies all turned different colors in a synchronized fashion. Chi was resting her head on Ryu\'s chest, enjoying their little outing.

"Oh? What do we have here?" A seductive voice came from behind Ryu and Chi, causing both Chi and Ryu to frown. They turned their heads to see the same young woman they saw when they first went to the village lord\'s home. She was wearing a purple robe that was held on loosely by a sash that had not been tightened. It was very clear she wasn\'t wearing anything underneath as the fireflies flew in and out of her robes, exposing all to see. But her eyes were glued to Ryu as she walked up with a seductive look on her face.

With each step, the woman\'s huge lumps on her chest swayed, threatening to pop out of her robe at any moment. Just looking at the skanky way she was dressed caused Ryu to frown. Just seeing her like this made her think back to the things Violet explained about demons. "If I was you, I would not come any closer..." Ryu equipped his sword and stood up. Chi was right behind him with swords drawn as well.

"Ahh! I love it! So sexy! So heroic! It makes me..." The woman\'s seductive smile turned sinister as her features began to slowly change. "It makes me want to eat you up."

"So you are showing your true colors after all. To think the woman in the village lord\'s home was a demon." Ryu said as he quickly cast Iron Body on himself.

"Haha! You left me no choice. Your friends were asking around town and investigating me. Do you know how long it took to make it so they would forget every time I snatched up one of their young men? I had a good thing going, but you just had to go and ruin it. But I am also one to get what I want as well. So I will take you and play with you until I eat all your life force before finding a new hunting ground." The woman said with a smile as she licked her disgusting lips that were dripping in drool.

"Is that so?" Ryu released his cultivation suppression, causing the woman to frown.

She could feel a heavy weight on her and knew right away that things would not be so easy. But even still, she felt her pride was more important. She flicked her wrist, causing her fingernails to grow out like long claws as she got into an attack position. "I will have you for dinner tonight!"

"Chi, get ready!" Ryu yelled out.

"I have been ready!" Chi yelled out. Her anger was apparent in her voice. She couldn\'t believe this demon was ignoring her and only staring at Ryu! That was her Ryu! No one can touch him! When the woman, now turned demon, charged forward before Ryu could even move, Chi shot forward and clashed head on with her.


Sparks flew as swords and claws collided. Chi spun her body and kicked out with her leg catching the demon in the stomach sending her flying back. A big smile formed on her face. She was proud of herself. The training she had done with Ryu was really showing itself. She licked her swords and charged forward.

Ryu stared in disbelief as he watched Chi fighting on par with the demon. He felt that the whole scene was a little bit off. In game, he was the man, right? Why was Chi running forward, protecting him instead? Scratching his head, he sat back down on the grass cross legged to watch the show.

He was very happy to see the training Chi went through was really coming in handy. Her movements were still a little rough, but as she fought the demon, her movements were slowly smoothing out and were flowing nicely. Because she was a Sword Dancer, her every movement allowed her to attack. Her dual swords flowed well with each step, and her flexibility gave her a large advantage over the demon who was having a hard time defending itself.

"Fucking bitch!" The demon suddenly yelled out as it began to grow in size. This demon went from being a seductive woman to being a disgusting mix of human and demon to a large skin crawling demon that looked more like an alien you would see in a horror movie. It had greyish oily looking skin and a large elongated face filled with large razor sharp teeth. Its body was packed full of muscles, and its aura seemed to have become more powerful.

"To think I would need to use my true form on worthless ants!" The demon yelled as it swiped towards Chi with its large hand that was almost the same size as Chi herself. But Chi seemed to be ready for this as she did a few backflips to get out of its range.

"Ryu! I will need your help." Chi was not dumb. She knew her limits. She could tell this demon had really powered up from before. It was at least a few stages higher than her now.

"Mmm..." Ryu stood up and spun his sword in his hand before resting it on his shoulder and walking over to stand next to Chi.

"You know, the way you look right now is actually pretty cool." Chi teased. Ryu was standing there bare chested with shredded pants, but the way he had his sword resting on his shoulder looking up arrogantly at the massive demon as the wind blew by, making his hair flutter behind him, he seemed like one of those hero characters from an RPG who had just arrived late to the party.

"Just look at the battle ahead of you." Ryu blushed slightly. The girl next to him had time to tease him when facing such a big enemy. She had no sense of danger at all!

"Yes!" Chi smiled and answered cheerfully.

"You ants! Dare ignore me!?" The demon was burning with fury after being ignored by the two humans in front of it. "Die!"

The demon opened its mouth, and a red light began to glow from within. Seeing this, Ryu quickly grabbed Chi\'s hand and began to move right as the demon released a ray of light right at their previous position. The ray of light then followed right behind them, causing them to have to keep running until it finally stopped. "Damn humans!" The demon yelled out in rage before giving chase.

"Chi, it doesn\'t look like this demon can fire the laser beam attack right away, so my guess it is like a boss wipe skill. As long as you dodge it, you are fine, but if you get hit, you can consider yourself dead. So be sure to watch for when it opens its mouth and starts forming the red glow. Make sure you start running." Ryu explained after a quick observation. If the demon could use it right away after using it once, it would have in order to catch them off guard, but it couldn\'t, which means this demon had more boss mechanics than a normal A.I. Ryu could only guess this was because this was a quest monster.

"Mmm... I noticed that too. Should we split now?" Chi asked.

"Yeah, split. Whoever has aggro will run while the other attacks. Watch the attack pattern carefully. If we work together, we can easily beat this monster. Use potions if need be, else I will toss you a heal. Are you ready?" Ryu looked at Chi with a big smile. He was having a lot of fun right now.

"Ready, let\'s go!" Chi was also having fun. She loved working alongside Ryu like this, battling monsters. It was what made this game the most fun.

The two quickly split and ran in different directions. Because Chi had the most aggro from before the demon immediately chased after her, which was something that Ryu had predicted. "Chi circle pattern!"

Circle pattern was a kiting formation they had worked on when heading to the Forest Of Shadows with WhiteLotus and the rest. They would run around in a large circle with the mobs behind them while the others attacked the rear of the monsters. As aggro bounced around, the direction they would run in would change, so everyone had to be on their toes.

"On it!"


Real world….

Tina sat on the couch staring at the handsome faced Anthony in front of her, who was staring back at her waiting for her commands. She was at a loss as to what to do with this thing. Her new daughter bought her a damn sex robot. After thinking long and hard, Tina clenched her fist as she mumbled: "Fuck it I haven\'t had sex in a long time and since it was given to me I might as well make good use of it…." With her mind made up, she stood up and looked at Anthony and said: "Come on you have a job to do." Before marching off towards her room. That night Tina experienced something she had never thought was possible….

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