The Extra's Survival

Chapter 57 - Student Council[2]

Chapter 57 - Student Council[2]

A tall and handsome boy walked out from behind the stage confidently, looking straight ahead at the audience, listening to the shrill screams of the girls among the audience, he gave a smile full of confidence.

Behind the guy, another one appeared waving his hands to the cheering girls who emerged with a big playful smile.

Following them were two beauties whose elegance were comparable to Rose emerged giving a slight bow which made many boys hearts fluttered. Now it was the boys turn to scream seeing the beauties.

They all walked towards the centre of the stage and gave a small bow in each direction.

According to rules, the head of the three factions should consist of a boy and a girl where if one becomes president another becomes Vice President.

The one\'s that emerged before us were all from the high societies coming from important nobles houses of counts and Viscounts.

Behind them, walked a boy with a pretty face who can be said the most handsome man Lucas had seen till now in this world. His handsomeness is way above Fredrick and Charles. He has a tall stature full of dignity with a mature appearance.

"He must be the Vice President of student council\'s," Lucas spoke.


The entire auditorium turned silent at the entry of the person who now appeared on the stage, the President of the Student Council.

She was slender with white long hair reaching the waist like a waterfall, with her hair fluttering behind her as she walked. There were no extra accessories not any make up on her face and even no makeup was needed to improve her beauty.

The pretty sculpture-like face laments the maker\'s partiality. Her red eyes seem to glow in the dark with her ice personality complimenting her beauty. Her excellent figure accompanied by long legs and her exposed calves were perfect and her meticulous jade-like skin was dazzling and matchless.

No adjectives of beauty do her justice. Her temperament was top-notch, after all, she is the one and only princess of Cyrus Kindom, Julian Von Stan


Everyone swallowed their saliva seeing her. Some were stupified to utter anything.

The audiences were stunned seeing her appearance as this was the first time most of them show the Princess unable to muster any words to speak.

While everyone along with Roan lost in thoughts seeing her, Lucas was shocked to the core, not because of her beauty as he already knew she is one of the most beautiful people in the world but the sudden memory of a person\'s back with white hair who saved him when the bomb exploded when he lost consciousness after his fight and that back is in the total match to the lady who was making her way onto the podium.

He started to sweat profusely thinking about things to come in the future. If going by her character portrait,she must have already taken out every detail of him by now.

And to make the matter worse, if she wants his information even Scotch wouldn\'t be able to block it after all she is the Princess.

Lucas\'s back was already drenched in sweat seeing her still he composed himself saying that there may be countless girls with white hair. Still, he can\'t shake off this worrying feeling. He even cursed himself for remembering about this matter now.

As all of them took their place behind the podium, their lineup looked like models showing their skills in a beauty contest as each of them can be said to be country toppling beauty that can set the onlookers heart on fire.

Lucas was sure if he would have reincarnated recently, then he would be also behaving the same as the other boys who were lost in thoughts seeing the girls up a bead.

Lucas had already developed certain resistance to the looks though it didn\'t mean he was indifferent to thier looks still he was able to maintain his composure as he was not one of the crows lusting over a swan not he was jealous now seeing other couples.

One can say, he had grown up and no matter care about these types of things.

"Hello to you all present out here. My name is Julian Von Stan and I am honoured to stand before you all as Horizon\'s Student Council President."

Murmurs started in the crowd once again as they cheered for the goddess-like President. Before my seats, a burly boy spoke with admiration.

" That\'s our kingdom most loving Princess. My older brother told me that she is a direct disciple of the Principal and she awakened mana at the age of 9 becoming the youngest person in the history of mankind. Even legends said Martial God Marcus awakened mana at the age of 11. Just you imagine, how strong would be she when he reached the age of 20?"He leaned on his friend shoulder trying to speak in a quiet voice but his voice was heard by all of us.

"Yeah, I heard her story as well. Her story is quite popular. She is a super-genius worthy of the title goddess."

" She is so damn pretty along with her monstrous talent. This isn\'t fair don\'t you think."

The crowd was filled with many different talks about Julian\'s.

While for males it mainly revolve around her beauty and looks which was unobtainable for them. For females, it was a mixture of admiration and envy complaining that she is born with a silver spoon.

Lucas laughed bitterly listening to their comments. Silver spoon they say! If they know how she had been suffering from the moment she awakened her mana they would have begged and prayed to God to not give them this type of talent.

Julian spoke eloquently and gracefully. In contrast to her speech, her expressions were quite cold. She was able to draw the whole crowds attention with her words, full of maturity.

She spoke about the rules of the academy, about the student council, their jobs in maintaining discipline and order, judging everyone impartially without any discrimination.

Though she does what she says that doesn\'t mean others follow the same notion.

After finishing her speech she went back and her place was replaced by a stern tall looking boy who stepped up by waving his hands calming the crowds.

"My name is Will Reeves and I am your Student Council Vice President. As you have heard from President many changes are happening recently in the curriculum, after all, we have to keep up with the change of time."

Pausing a little, Will spoke, "During our four years in the academy, we learn many things but at a certain point, it was realised that the ones who graduated from Horizon were like hollow shells who have perfect theoretical knowledge but were lacking severely in particularity aspect."

" So to increase their broadness of the view of the world, it was added that one has to pass the missions and accumulate sufficient merits to graduate."

" But now there is a certain change. If your combat capabilities are quite good, you can take missions from the third year and accumulate merits to graduate in just three years. There is also a discussion going on to allow second years to take the mission but it will be a matter for the future."

"While the condition to graduate has become many times tougher. We hope to produce a top-level powerhouse by putting more pressure on their shoulder. Your club would play a significant role in moulding your future. So think carefully about your future path before choosing. That\'s all and have a nice day."He backed away after finishing his part.

The last part of the announcement was quite surprising because allowing the third year take mission was variable for now according to the original plot as it was decided after Fredrick reached the second year and demons slowly started to make moves.

Shifting the story here surely means something is going to happen and it is already caught by the higher up.

Though Lucas didn\'t know the specifics, he felt that he surely had hand in it and the artificial dungeon he found along with the demons must be the cause.

Lucas massaged his forehead thinking how big changes were going to happen. Cause if the events are moved ahead then he doesn\'t have sufficient time to power up. Not only him even Fredrick growth would be impacted.

He can only hope the situation might not get any worse. After all, he won\'t want to screw the entire plot at the beginning. It will be alright once he reached near or above 4 Star. With that strength, he can at least protect himself unless he goes looking for trouble.

" That\'s the firstborn son and heir to Marquise Reeves. Make sure you don\'t offend him by any means. As he had already managed to gather sufficient power in the academy and with the academy as a base he will surely rise higher in future".The boy before me whispered to each other in a low tone which was slightly audible.

Roan looked at me listening to thier whisper.

"What," Lucas asked.


Lucas raised his brows. He can feel he wanted to say something looking at me but he decided to hold his words.

" Don\'t keep t suspense. I hate suspense. Just say what you want to say" Lucas was annoyed with Roan.

"Okay. I think there is a thin possibility. Very thin that you are going to face him in future." Roan said

Lucas glared at a Roan for thinking negative and wanted to beat him.

"I just said it casually. Don\'t take it to heart." Roan waved his hands to calm down Lucas.

A vein bulged on Lucas\'s forehead seeing Roan as he was starting to get on his nerves these days.

\'This must be that Parth influence. That bastard\'.Lucas cursed Parth oblivious to him.

" Don\'t stay with Parth too much" Lucas spoke angrily.

pᴀɴda nᴏvel Roan smiled bitterly.

\'Truth is I was not joking. It was just a random thought\' Roan muttered inwardly but he can\'t say it now.

After finishing the ceremony, all the students were dismissed to their dorms.

Looking at the auditorium Lucas scanned it before leaving as he thought someone was staring at me.

He honestly felt a stare but he didn\'t feel any malicious intent coming from it.

"Must be my imagination " Lucas mumbled.

Walking out of the building we didn\'t go to the dorms and took a stroll around, on the path to the auditorium, trees were arched on the walkways producing a small shower of colourful leave that makes one mood better. It can be said to be a good place for a confession.

True to my thoughts Lucas looked around to find students talking excitedly where some were trying to hit on girls.

Lucas even noticed some girls giggled looking at him. This can be said to be the first time where all the students of the first year had assembled.

Since Lucas figure and handsomeness were improved many times after upgrading his bloodline. He was sure to get the stare of girls.

Lucas just gave a faint smile looking at them.

"I think my days of spring will be coming soon," Roan spoke beside Lucas as he thought the girls were looking at him.

Lucas facepalmed seeing the nerdy Roan getting caught by lovesickness.

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