Letters to Romeo.

Chapter 156 - Winters Household

Chapter 156 - Winters Household

Note: Apart from the 40 readers from the fan list of LTR for the giveaway, 38 readers have been chosen for the giveaway and messages have been sent for being interacting positively in the comments which motivated me, some who have put me first with my health than the updates, and for readers who have shown enthusiasm in loving the book.

The moderators have reached out to the readers and are waiting for some of them to reply. Do check your <Inbox notifications> ^.^ If there\'s no response by Sunday reset, the giveaway will be handed to the next readers.

Donovan held a calm expression on his face while Roman stared at him, waiting for the vampire to speak more.

"When Luciano told you that you were dead, I confirmed that you received only your mother\'s genes, which was why you died so quickly. It is true…"Donovan\'s words drawled, and he said, "Once a person dies, there is no way for the person to come back but in your case, it was like you were resurrected from the dead."

"Aren\'t every vampire resurrected from the dead?" questioned Roman, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Partly true, but then that\'s because they have vampire blood in their system. In your case, when I first met you, you showed no sign of being a night creature. You were one hundred percent human," said Donovan. The vampire looked in the direction as if thinking something deeply before he continued to speak, "It took me a while to understand that you possess the same properties as the dark stone of the witch."


Donovan nodded his head, "Yes, the stone that the very first witch made. Frankly, I am not sure if the properties were shared with you, because even though the characteristics appear to be the same. You are obviously different from the rest of the vampires, even myself."

"So what is it?" questioned Roman, not being particularly fond of Donovan dragging the subject without coming to the point.

"You must have already heard it from the girl, the little witch about this dark stone," Donovan\'s red eyes looked Roman in the eye.

"The one that vampires are trying to get their hands on?"

"Yes, that one. You see… strangely… the Mortimer\'s and the Donovan\'s were distant cousins?" said Donovan with a grim expression on his face. "Though the Mortimer brothers, Avice the female vampiress, and us the four Elders are some of the known original vampires, the Mortimers don\'t have a beating heart. The significance of the beating heart is the proof that even after death, we continue to live and it shows strength. We are able to hold the abilities that were given by the witches, who gave us the stones."

"That\'s it?" questioned Roman with a dead expression on his face.

"Well not exactly," replied Donovan. "See now the stones that we received are different compared to this said dark stone. I never never come across the dark stone, none of the vampires have. But when Knox and I were speaking, he had some very interesting things to say about you. He said you are an empty shell, Rome."

"Care to elaborate on it?"

Donovan raised his hand forward, where the smoke was quick to spill on the ground, and he said, "Why don\'t you try that ability of yours?"

Roman finished drinking the blood from the can and placed it on the ground. With one snap of his finger, flames erupted from the tips of his fingers and the palm of his hand. The fire engulfed the smoke, swallowing it until there was no smoke left.

The Elder vampire then said, "Rome, your body is an empty shell which is hollower than the other vampires or even the dead Corvins. Do you know what it means?" Donovan\'s eyes sparkled, and he said, "That\'s pure immortality. You won\'t die, or can\'t die. The stone of darkness resides in you."

The expression on Roman\'s face was of boredom, and Donovan blinked.

"Aren\'t you excited?" asked Donovan.

"If the properties of the stone didn\'t come from you, it means that it came from my mother."

"Yes, that\'s what I would assume, but your mother has had a clean human history," stated Donovan, and Roman gave him a long stare. "What? You don\'t believe me?"

"No," deadpanned Roman with his usual tone.

Donovan stared back at the younger vampire, "You are right, I didn\'t. In my defence, I took only the surface of her family of how she had run away from the household that she belongs to. The Blackburns. After finding out about you, I spent my time around you and then the rest of the time went in the coffins for years."

"Do you know why she ran away from her family?" questioned Roman, but Donovan shook his head.

"She only told me that she didn\'t like her family and that they were particular about some things and controlling," replied Donovan, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face. "At that time, I was keeping my distance from knowing too much about her. Now that I think about it, neither of us wanted to speak about our pasts and we spoke in circles."

"Do the Blackburn family still exist?" At Roman\'s question, Donovan shrugged his shoulders.

"I did try getting information while you were undergoing your transformation but the family doesn\'t exist anymore. They didn\'t live in the place where they were supposed to be living and later I didn\'t find time to explore more about them," explained Donovan, his eyes lightly sparkling, and he then said, "Maybe you should try turning one of the humans into a vampire and see what happens. They might turn into your personal ones."

"I have no interest in extending family," remarked Roman, his thoughts pondering upon the dark stone and if his mother had something to do with it.

Roman pushed himself to stand up from where he had been leaning against until now, and staring at Tristan\'s grave for a brief second, he started to walk from there.

"Are you going to attend classes?"

"No," replied Roman.

"By the way, this weekend—"

"I have plans with Julie," said Roman, pausing his footsteps, and he turned to look at Donovan. "You should probably stay here in Veteris and keep a low profile. With Enoch gone and the body found, it will be troublesome if someone gets a whiff about our kind in here."

"Ah, I am so glad to see that you worry for me. I knew we would be able to bond better, especially when we are both dead and are standing on the ground of a cemetery," chirped Donovan with a smile on his face. "Where are you going with Julie?"

"Somewhere away from you," responded Roman, and Donovan gave a nod.

"I can tell. We should have a family meeting, it would be lovely, wouldn\'t it?"

Roman stared at Donovan\'s face that looked like he was on vacation mode. He then said, "There was something else that I wanted to ask."

"Hm?" asked Donovan, raising one of his eyebrows.

"What does my heart have to do with you trying to push me to have a corrupted heart?" The smile on Donovan\'s lips faltered at Roman\'s question.

"Your heart has been a little corrupted since the beginning of the time, Rome," said Donovan, and Roman frowned. "Do you remember that day, when you were about to die? While you were surrounded by the hunters and your father, which is me, who came to save you."

"What about that time?" questioned Roman, and Donovan smiled.

"You were already long gone at that point as you were dead. It was the corrupted heart that was acting up and for some strange reason, it somehow kept you alive like the last bit of energy. The hunters back then probably noticed you were different. Unfortunately, we never got to wander in the path of what it could lead to. A human doesn\'t have a corrupted heart, Rome. It is only vampires who have that," stated Donovan. There was a hint of curiosity and pride in the Elder vampire\'s eyes. "You are a different kind of vampire."

"So it was mere curiosity," deadpanned Roman, and Donovan nodded his head.

"I want to see what you are capable of. If you will really turn into a true ripper and kill the humans, or if you can return to your normal self. But you know what I found?" asked Donovan, with a smile appearing again on his face. "You\'re still in your ripper form, aren\'t you?"

Roman didn\'t respond to Donovan\'s words, and instead, he continued to walk while raising his hand as if he heard and was leaving now.

"What an unruly child," Donovan muttered under his breath. If Roman wasn\'t the apple of his eyes, he would have snapped Roman\'s neck by now.

When it was Friday evening, with classes that finished, Julie packed her things in the bag for the next three days. Putting her backpack on her shoulders, she locked the dorm door before making her way out of the girl\'s Dormitorium. Most of the girls were still packing, while some were dilly-dallying as they were using the Veteris transportation.

"Are you going to visit your uncle and aunt?" asked Melanie, who met Julie at the front of the girl\'s Dormitorium.

Julie nodded her head, "That\'s the plan. I won\'t be able to see Uncle Thomas next month and I have to catch up with some things."

Melanie had opened her arms for a hug, and Julie hugged her friend, "I will miss you for the next three days. I really wish I didn\'t have this annoying family gathering. I hope you have a good weekend."

"I hope the same for you too," Julie smiled, patting Melanie\'s back before she pulled away from her. "Don\'t be late, get on the first bus."

Melanie nodded her head, "I will. You too."

Giving another smile, Julie held the straps of her backpack before making her way to where Roman had parked his motorcycle while he waited for her. Seeing her walk, he asked, "All packed?"

Julie nodded her head, "I think so. Why does it feel like I am going there for a week?"

"Don\'t dread it too much. Enjoy your time, after all, family is important, isn\'t it?" asked Roman, taking the helmet that was in his hand to place it over her head, and he locked it.

Julie and Roman had been busy since the Elders had woken up, that this seemed to be the perfect getaway from everything and everyone who could cause them trouble. Where there would be no Elder vampires, or Willow Creek, or any witches. They would be in the company of the humans, she thought in her mind.

"Hop on," said Roman and Julie sat behind him, putting her hands around his waist and hugging him closed. One because it reduced her anxiety, and two so that she wouldn\'t fly in the wind.

Soon both of them left Veteris, riding on the motorcycle and heading towards the town where Thomas Winters and his family lived. The time taken to travel was much less than when she had travelled in the bus and then taken a cab to reach the front of the house.

The last time Julie had met her relatives, it was when Roman was about to kiss her, and her aunt had looked at her as if she had committed a murder. By the time they had reached, the colour of the sky had started to change and was heading towards darkness. Getting down from the motorcycle, she rubbed her hands together.

Roman parked the vehicle at the front, staring at Julie, who looked very nervous right now. He chewed the bubblegum in his mouth and said,

"We can leave if you are uncomfortable about stepping in there. Or I can wait outside," he added the last line.

Julie turned to look at Roman, facing him, and she shook her head, "No. I want you here."

She knew her uncle and aunt would probably look at her choice in a disapproving manner, but Roman was who he was. He was more than the ripped jeans, tattoos that inked his hands.

"Uncle Thomas will come to love you. At least by the end of this weekend," assured Julie, more to herself than to Roman.

"I don\'t think I am looking forward to him loving me the way you do," stated Roman, a teasing smile on his face. At his words, Julie\'s face turned red, and she chuckled. They liked each other, had probably come to the point where they loved each other, but neither of them had uttered those words.

"Of course," said Julie, a shy smile on her lips, and she said, "I don\'t think I would want that either. Having girls in Veteris glaring at me is enough of people," she joked about it.

Roman stepped away from his motorcycle, coming to stand in front of her, and he asked, "Come let us head inside before the nosey neighbours make more gossip for the week."

Walking towards the front of the porch, Julie took a deep breath before readying her hand to knock on the door. But before she could ring the bell, Roman took the initiative and knocked hard on the door.

"Rome!" Julie called his name, startled.

"It looked like you were having second thoughts about going through it," Roman offered a crooked smile to her. "I will be myself. I am sure the charm will work fine."

Was that what they had discussed? Asked Julie to herself while her heart was pounding.

"Here, let me take the backpack of yours," said Roman, picking up the bag as he didn\'t want the straps of the bag to leave marks on her shoulders.

"It\'s okay. It\'s not that heavy," replied Julie, feeling a little breathless, and she told herself there was nothing to be worried about. She was an adult, that\'s right.

"The bag looks quite big, not to mention the way you are holding it," stated Roman, and while he was adjusting the straps, the main door of the house opened. Julie\'s eyes snapped, and she noticed it was her aunt who had opened the door for them.

Aunt Sarah, who had a welcoming smile a second ago, it was quick to fall from her face on seeing not just Julie but the boy who stood next to her. Roman had that kind of effect on people, leaving them shocked.

"I didn\'t know you were visiting us today, Julianne," Aunt Sarah gave a tight smile to her, and Julie could already feel the awkward atmosphere building around them. "Not to mention this boy here. Did you tell your uncle about it?"

"No. The last time we saw each other, he said to come visit and I thought to come visit as it has been a while," said Julie with a polite smile, and Aunt Sarah returned it.

"Come in. Your uncle is outside for some work, and he\'ll be back in an hour or two," the woman stepped back from the door to allow them inside the house.

While Julie stepped inside, walking past her aunt, Aunt Sarah took a good and long look at Roman as if he was a species from another planet. She had a look of disapproval in her eyes, and she couldn\'t believe that their niece had brought this person home.

"Why don\'t you take a seat in the living room. I will have something for you to drink. What would you like to drink, Julianne?" asked Aunt Sarah, trying to be hospitable.

Julie wondered if her aunt had decided to ignore the backpack that Roman was carrying and had decided that they were only here for a visit. "Nothing, Aunt Sarah," she replied, shaking her head in the process.

"And what would your friend like to have?" asked Aunt Sarah, without shifting her eyes away from Julie.

Roman stared at the woman, noticing how she was too stubborn to acknowledge that he and Julie were together. He parted his lips, ready to speak, when Julie quickly replied, "Coffee. Roman would like coffee."

Julie and Roman sat down in the living room, and he questioned her, "Is she always like this?"

"Sometimes. She isn\'t that bad," Julie whispered, and Roman sat, placing one leg over the other.

"So she\'s petty for no reason?"

"..." Julie cleared her throat, leaning towards him, and she said, "She\'s uncle Thomas\'s wife. Let us not forget that he is a good person."

"Are you admitting that the woman is bad?" Roman raised one of his lone eyebrows, and Julie shook her head on hearing her aunt\'s footsteps approach.

"Shall I help, Auntie?" Julie offered, but Aunt Sarah raised her hand.

"That\'s fine, dear. It\'s just cookies," responded her aunt, and she placed them on the tea table.

"Where is Joel?" inquired Julie, not being able to see her cousin around.

"He\'s gone to a camp. Something to do with learning music. Your uncle and I dropped him at the camp this morning. It\'s a two day program," replied Aunt Sarah, her demeanour stoic and her lips pursed. "Let me go get the coffee."

While her aunt left the living room, Julie noticed how her aunt noticed Roman\'s posture and his legs as if he was someone who had come to inspect the house.

"What made you think I would drink coffee, Winters?" questioned Roman as she continued to chew his gum. "Did you think I would ask for her blood?"

"No, I didn\'t think you would ask for blood… but coffee wasn\'t a bad option," replied Julie and Roman couldn\'t help but notice how cutely Julie\'s eyes kept darting in the direction where her aunt had disappeared. He placed his hand on the back of Julie\'s head and said, "Relax. You look like a thief who is going to be caught."

Julie took a deep breath before releasing it. When her aunt returned, she came with a cup of coffee, and instead of handing it near Roman, she placed it in front of him for him to take. Both Roman and her aunt stared at each other, and Julie wondered if the night was going to go down smoothly. Where was her uncle?

"You didn\'t introduce your friend here, Julianne," Aunt Sarah finally looked at Roman.

Roman turned to look at Julie as if wanting her to introduce him. Though his face appeared expressionless, she had known him for quite some time to know there was amusement dancing in those black eyes of his.

"This is my boyfriend Roman Moltenore," she introduced and saw her aunt not attempt to change the expression on her face.

"Julianne, I thought w—"

"Sarah?" came Uncle Thomas\' voice from outside, interrupting whatever her aunt was about to say.

Aunt Sarah stood up and went to greet her husband, "Did you finish the work soon?"

"Yes, the submission took less time than expected. Whose motorcycle is that at the front of the house?" Julie heard Uncle Thomas ask Aunt Sarah, and before she could answer, Uncle Thomas had reached the living room.

His eyes first fell on Julie, and the smile appeared flattered on seeing the delinquent next to his niece. He still fixed a smile on his face that was warm, and he welcomed Julie, "I am glad to see you here, Julie," and they shared a hug. "I was hoping to see you this week."

"Me too, Uncle Tom," Julie returned his smile when they pulled away from each other.

Uncle Thomas then turned to look at his wife and then said, "Honey, isn\'t it wonderful that Julie will be here to taste your new dish."

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