Pet King

Chapter 1442: Ambiguous Boundaries

Chapter 1442: Ambiguous Boundaries

Zhang Zian drove back to the city, and the phone rang several times whilst he was on the road, but because it was inconvenient to look at the phone when he was driving, it had been ignored.

At about noon, he planned to have a meal at Lee’s snack bar. He intends to pick up some box lunches for his staff and the barbecue meat for the elves back, instead of sending someone to come deliver lunch to him. He parked the car at the door of Lee’s snack bar. He entered the store and ordered a rice bowl, sat down, and waited for the meal to come up. Then, he picked up the phone to check what was going on.

The messages he received were from a few familiar customers. In other words, these are his sand sculpture customers whose crazy about sand sculptures. They usually send sand sculptures to each other, and occasionally ask some questions about pets.

In addition, these customers seem to be fans of Snowy’s Live broadcast.

The message they sent made Zhang Zian terrified.

“Oh, hurry up, close your shop, and run away! Don’t even think about opening up for business today!”

“You must be in control at the moment, even if there is a beauty! Do not ignore indecent assault! Do not listen to indecent assault!”

“Although the Sister is beautiful and wild, you must hold firm!”

“We bears will never be slaves! You can choose to eat bamboo, but you cannot give up your right to eat meat!”

What’s so special about this? What do all these mean?

Snowy didn’t give a preview of the live broadcast this morning. Even if he hadn’t had time to watch it, he couldn’t watch the live broadcast while driving. Thus, he couldn’t figure out the situation at all.

Of course, thankfully, he didn’t watch it. Otherwise, when he sees the earlier scene in front of the dog meat restaurant, there is a possibility of a car accident ...

He took a closer look. The sending time of these pieces of information was twenty or thirty minutes ago. What does this mean?


Snowy can understand that there are often such bridges in movies and novels, as well as in real life. At a moment when everything around seems to be ordinary, it may become an opportunity to engrave a key moment in someone’s heart. Presumably, suspect Y is also like this. The helpless lamb turned into a cooked Chinese dish. It had a strong impact on a girl who was growing physically and mentally and drove her to a different direction in life.

“To say that life is inconvenient, that’s for sure. Parents don’t understand, people around us shooting weird looks... When I go out to meet with friends and say I am a vegetarian, others will always think that I am joking or losing weight. They would even put the best pieces of meat in my bowl and plate. It’s okay for them to persuade me to eat meat in this manner ... Do you know? When you reject others’ kindness over and over again, others will gradually alienate you.”

Suspect Y pedaled the bicycle easily, her sunglasses frame reflected the bright sunlight, and the corner of her mouth said those words with a smile about the heavy past. This made Snowy worried and felt sad for her as if she saw her friend slowly leave.

“Did you regret it?”

Snowy hesitated for a long time and asked another question again.

Suspect Y’s smile froze, then she shook his head, “I’m very sorry about it, but I didn’t regret it.”

Snowy did not know if this was her stubbornness or sincerity, but she did not continue to probe further because she felt somewhat cruel if she did.

“Why...why are you opposed to animal shows?”

Actually, this is what Snowy wants to ask the most.

“Have you been to Thailand? Have you seen an elephant show?” Suspect Y asked her back.

Snowy shook her head. Although Thailand is a popular destination for Chinese outbound travels, Snowy has never been there. As her name suggests, she is a person that is very afraid of the heat.

“Elephants are very docile, but they are very clever. So, the locals have used them as an endless money-making tool. Starting from baby elephants, they were forced to accept people with sticks, whips, and hunger. Orders, contrary to nature, are given to please the audience. They are even tortured to paint with their tender noses...isn’t it cruel?”

Suspect Y gave a smile and said indignantly: “Other animal shows, like monkeys or black bear juggling in a circus, although I haven’t seen them, I think they are all about the same. They use cruel violence to drive animals to make money for people. Fortunately, these things are deemed old fashioned and not that many people are interested in watching them. Also, the law on animal protection has slowly spread; otherwise I don’t know how many monkeys and black bears will continue to be injured!”

She sighed slightly. “But there are new types of animal shows, such as the killer whale show in the San Diego Oceanarium. I plan to stop this despicable behavior when I have time to go to the United States! Not only that, the despicable acts even stretch out to include cute cat! I can’t figure it out. Some people forced the cat to learn to dance in order to sell cats. God knows how much abuse the poor cats suffered in the process of learning to dance ... ”

As she said it, she can’t resolve the hate she felt and slapped the handlebars, as if to beat the unscrupulous pet shop owner.

Snowy would like to justify for Zhang Zian. This is because the pet shop is different from the circus and the likes. Plus, the circus is only open to the audience during the performance, and the pet shop is open at least twelve hours a day. If the kittens suffer from abuse, customers can definitely see it, because the customers who enter the store are not all blind.

But she thought for a while and decided not to go further, because after all, she didn’t know Zhang Zian’s method of taming cats. Once asked, she couldn’t answer.

She decided to go around in circles on the topic and said, “What if ... I mean, if the animals were not abused during training?”

“What do you mean?” Suspect Y frowned.

Snowy remembered some of the stories she heard in the pet store and said, “Or, what is the difference between abuse and normal training? For example, when a pet dog was just bought home, he will definitely not control his or her pee and mess up the house. Random urination, biting the sofa with their teeth, making a mess in the room... but this is the nature of dogs. If you train them to control the time and place of urination and punish them for biting and scratching – is this also considered abusive? After all, this is also against the dog’s nature. ”

Suspect Y was stunned. She hadn’t thought about it, hadn’t actually visited a pet store, and hadn’t actually raised a dog.

What is the boundary between abuse and normal training?

“You seem to understand this a lot, yeah? You have dogs at home?” She asked curiously.

Snowy smiled and shook her head. “My house has a cat, but the uncle next door keeps a very skinny dog ... But even if I have a cat, I still have to train it. After changing a new environment for my snowball, at first, It didn’t know how to go to the toilet in the cat litter, and my room smelled very badly.

“Cats ... I want cats too.” Suspect Y showed envy and longing. “But it is against the spirit of environmental protection.”

Snowy wondered how raising a cat had anything to do with environmental protection. At this moment, she turned her eyes and was surprised to find that Zhang Zian’s Wuling Hong Guang MPV did not stop at the pet shop door, but was parked at the snack shop door.

“Stop! You didn’t bring any money. As a form of thank you for participating in my live broadcast, I shall invite you to lunch!” She said, pointing to the snack bar.

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