Pet King

Chapter 1383: The Invasion of the Dream

Chapter 1383: The Invasion of the Dream

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Little White’s trip to the pet shop is the last resort. It even feels that it seemed to be trapped unconsciously by the whole situation. If the stray dogs did not choose to scavenge for recyclables from the beginning but continue their previous way of life, the situation may not be so bad right now.

However, it is too late to say all this. The stray dogs have become accustomed to the way of more work more food, less work less food. You work less, and you get lesser. They know that as long as they work hard, they will get to eat chicken drumsticks, but now they suddenly, in a matter of one night, they are returned to as they were before. Don’t even talk about chicken drumsticks, no matter how much work or labor they put in, even dog food is unattainable now.

Now, the weather is hot, and the food in the garbage dump is rancid and decays too fast. There are also poisonous sausages that kill dogs. In the past two days, several stray dogs have died because of poisoning or acute diarrhea.

They endured a day of hunger yesterday, and today they found that no one came to give them food. The situation could no longer be controlled.

Even if Little White’s iron fist control over them is powerful, it is impossible to beat hundreds of dogs, so several of its loyalists stand on its side and help it to suppress the riots. However, this is not a long-term policy.

Little White was forced to come to the pet store to check on the situation.

It thought that this was the trap that Zhang Zian deliberately set. To do one thing and do another thing behind its back. The stray dogs are now used to living a good life, and then suddenly have it all turned against them as an attack against him. However, after arriving here, it found that this was not the case – The elves were bitter and frowning, and the key figure, Zhang Zian, was still asleep. Even though it was arguing loudly with Vladimir, he still closed his eyes.

“So what is going on here?” it asked.

Vladimir did not bother with it, so old-fashioned and kind-hearted Old Time Tea gave a rough brief of the situation to him.

“Do you understand? If it is not to help you, he may not be so unlucky!” Vladimir accused him.

Zhang Zian was trapped in a dream, and it couldn’t completely be separated from Little White. After all, he tried to help the stray dog ??to solve their drinking problems. He killed a lot of caterpillars, which may be one of the fuses of the situation.

If it was in the past, Little White will definitely be rebellious and attack back, but it is in a very awkward situation. It is unable to fight for so many elves. There are a lot of stray dogs waiting for dog food back at home. Besides, it now knows that he has wronged Zhang Zian. Instead of setting a trap and causing harm, he got into trouble himself for helping the stray dogs. It silently endured the accusation and asked, “How long will he wake up?”

No one knows the answer to this question.

Zhang Zian’s position in the pet shop is very low, but he is the link that connects all the elves. This is because the elves have only limited interaction with each other, and they all have their own pride and have their own territories. They are more respectful of each other, and they are completely different in how they get along with Zhang Zian.

Therefore, when he stopped working, much like a machine, the atmosphere between the elves became different.

Old tea relies on its own high moral standards to step in and barely shoulders the leadership function, but it is far from being able to replace the existence of Zhang Zian.

Famous stood up from the lying position and looked around at the elves. He said, “I have been thinking for a long time. I think we must start thinking about the possibility that he may never wake up again.”

In fact, the elves have occasionally emerged from this possibility, but they have always avoided thinking deeply about it and are unwilling to accept it.

“Hey! I do not believe that! Silly people have always been lucky! This idiot has been stupid to the extreme, and he definitely will not sleep like this!”

Richard, who was very bothered by the thought, suddenly jumped up, fluttering his wings, and fell to Zhang Zian’s chest. He scratched him with his claws, poked him with his private parts, and tickled him with his wings... but no matter what it did, he continued sleeping.

Now, they are feeding him water to maintain his life, but how long can people survive without eating food?

In a few days, they will have to call the emergency number and take him to the hospital, but can the hospital resurrect him? If not... Who would be willing to pay for the medical expenses and accompanying care fees?

Richard experienced death before and never woke up after sleeping. He also almost experienced a second death, but it survived because Zhang Zian and the doctor stayed back and worked late to bring him back to life.

Now, he is facing death, but it can’t do anything.

“Hey! Why don’t you go find a beauty, let her kiss him, perhaps then he will wake up immediately! All fairy tales are written like this. Why do we have to wait stupidly for him just to wake up?”

Shihua shouted in the bathroom and suddenly sobbed. Everyone didn’t know why she was crying because she always looked down on Zhang Zian. However, today, she stood up her fans and pushed away the already scheduled live broadcast. She also did not provide any explanations to the fans.

“Ha! All I want to do is to castrate him while he is still alive!” Snowy Lionet grinned.

Fina squinted at the bed, lowered her head in a majestic manner, and screamed whilst looking at his face. “Get up! Sit up! I have not allowed you to rest!”

π was in a corner curled up and buried his head in its arms, as if like a child abandoned.

Vladimir clenched a front paw and cheered everyone up. “Whatever we seek to do, we always believe in repaying goodness. We cannot let go of any enemy, and we can’t abandon any comrade! This is not the time to give up. If we gave up, then there is really no hope!”

Famous nodded. “I agree, so I want to ask everyone, do you want him to wake up?”

This question is really superfluous. The elves who are present, even including Little White, want to wake him up.

Everyone looked at it inexplicably and waited for its explanation.

“I thought about it. We can’t pin our hopes on Xinghai.” Famous looked at the sleeping Xinghai and remembered the encouragement of the Xinghai in his world. “So, I want to use the power of everyone, and everyone enters his dream world together and brings him back safely!”

It is no longer hesitant about its ability. Since it can create another Xinghai and send it into Zhang Zian’s dream, why not send all the elves including himself into that world?

Xinghai can break through the loopholes in the dream world, so if it shares this power with the others, he just might be able to expand the loophole further.

“I don’t know if I can do it, but I want to try it,” Famous said firmly. “But I want to remind you that this is likely to have huge risks. Once you die in the dream world, in the real world, your body may die along with it...”

“So what are you waiting for?” Fina interrupted it and proudly looked straight at it. “Anyone who dares to betray me, I must personally punish this person. Even if in a dream!”

“Unity is power!” Vladimir clenched his fist with excitement: “A dream is a dream, the world of dreams is undoubtedly the ideal world, and it will be crushed by the iron fist of materialism!”

“Hey!” π patted his chest.

“Ya! I have long wanted to see this idiot’s dream. In the end, which little goblin has charmed him? Then I will shower him in urine, telling him that men should be with men!” Richard cried.

Old Time Tea smiled a little, “Wandering the rivers and lakes to recall the journey, for life and death are different. The old robes have long been made ancient; the old is old, and the dead are dead. I have long looked past being alive or dead, but if we can bring Zhang Zian back, what is the value of an old life like mine?”

“Good...” Famous nodded.

“Wait a minute! I have to go too!” Shihua called in the bathroom. “I want to see it too. I don’t believe that there is a fairy who is more beautiful than me!”

When Famous asked Snowy Lionet of her decision with his eyes, the latter squinted and said, “Hey, I don’t want to enter the stinky man’s dream, it must be very disgusting.”

In other words, besides Snowy Lionet and the already sleeping Xinghai, everyone is willing to follow Famous to enter Zhang Zian’s dream world, even if they have to risk their own lives.

Little White sighed and knew that he should leave. Otherwise, if he doesn’t leave, they will definitely not implement the plan. After all, it is difficult to know if they are friends or foes, and even he cannot say if they are enemies or friends.

It stared at Vladimir and said deeply, “You know that peace is only temporary, and you and I will have a battle in the future.”

Vladimir smiled contemptuously. “Be reassured that I will come back because death is not certain!”

“Thank you, and good luck. It is best to bring him back alive.”

Little White glanced at Zhang Zian and, with that, jumped out of the window.

It ran all the way back to the rubbish dump in the suburbs, and carefully avoided the few pedestrians and vehicles on the street, but repeatedly remembered the scene of the pet shop.

It suddenly had a sense of curiosity that could not be curbed. The charm of the man named Zhang Zian, would make those elves so eager to bring him back to life?

If he can, he really wants to know more about him.

When he was resting on the way back, he went to a higher point and looked back at the pet shop that had disappeared into the night.

Famous took turns to look into the eyes of each elf, and his pupils reflected in their eyes.

This time, it is not necessary to enter the world in their minds. They do not need to understand their hearts in such a complicated way. It is only necessary to take a piece of their spirit and will and then send them to Zhang Zian’s dream world.

It is also a good thing to keep Snowy Lionet out in the real world. If not, who will take care of their bodies when they all go into sleep?

Famous abandoned this distraction and concentrated on doing his thing.

The enemy is indeed the master of dreams, but this does not mean that it is invincible.

The elves, except Snowy Lionet, suddenly widened their eyes because they saw a strange scene – the black vortex that had appeared in Famous’s pupils. It was constantly rotating.

They instinctively want to remove their eyes, but they can’t move, and the black vortex seems to have strong suction.

So sleepy...

The uncontrollable impulse to sleep is coming.

The elves, one by one, laid down on the floor.

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