Pet King

Chapter 1315: Quirks

Chapter 1315: Quirks

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Humans had various genetic diseases. Cats would have them too, and this was not restricted only to purebreds.

Humans would have headaches and brain issues. So would cats.

Humans would be accidentally injured. So would cats. Although cats were said to have nine lives, they would lose eight due to their sense of curiosity. Giving them more lives would not help them hold off death...

It was more dangerous for cats to become sick compared to humans. This was because when cats did not feel good, their first choice of action was not to express their discomfort to their owners. Neither would they roll around or cry out loud. Rather, they would choose to hide quietly in a corner. This wasthe survival instinct that they had inherited from wild cats—physical discomfort meant losing the ability to fight and escape. They must rely on their own instincts.

Many people had heard that cats would quietly hide when they felt that they were about to die. This was especially so for cats that had been raised in rural places. They would often disappear suddenly on a certain day and never return. This was the same as when they were not feeling well. They all acted on the same instinct.

Cats didn’t know that humans now had the ability to cure them. Expressing to their owner, “I am not feeling well. Please take me to see a doctor” would be more effective than finding a corner to hide.

Alas, that was because animal medicine was only a few years old. The cat’s way of dealing with these issues was “If you are sick, you can only depend on yourself.” This was deeply ingrained.

Besides, cats were not completely domesticated like dogs. They continued to maintain independence, as if they lived in the wild.

Zhang Zian thought that Zhao Qi’s Lan Lan was sick, and thus, she had come to him for advice on how to treat it. However, it didn’t seem to be about this. Given Zhao Qi’s personality, if Lan Lan was sick, she would definitely take it to a professional vet. She would not spare any expense.

Zhao Qi seemed hesitant to say it, as if embarrassed for others to hear what she had to say. With every step that Zhang Zian took backward, she took a step forward.

“About that... My Lan Lan, recently, it seems...has some kind of quirk,” she whispered.

“Eh? Quirk?” Zhang Zian was somewhat stunned.

His voice was a little high-pitched. His staff and the two customers heard it. Although they did not show that they did, they all adjusted their bodies slightly. They perked up their ears to listen more carefully. Gossip clearly captured attention.

Zhao Qi was so angry that she couldn’t wait to give him a punch. She whispered so that others would not know.

She coughed twice and tightened the muscles on her face. She might get a face twitch at any time with that look. She lowered her voice further and said, “Ever since Lan Lan grew up, it hasn’t followed me it as much as when it was younger. Except when...”

“When?” Zhang Zian asked curiously.

In general, cats tended to be more active when they were younger. When they grew up, they became lazy. Especially after they were sterilized, they often lay in a place to sunbathe and could do that for at least half a day.

The British Shorthair was not a very active cat. Zhao Qi had chosen Lan Lan because it was like a virgin lady. When Lan Lan became an adult, it no longer stuck beside her as it had when it was younger. She was often alone, which made Zhao Qi somewhat sad. It was now like a grown-up child whom she’d painstakingly raised, entering the “rebellious teenager” phase of life.

But at certain times, Lan Lan liked to stick by her side and didn’t even want to leave her. This should have made Zhao Qi very happy, but it actually...made her laugh and cry at the same time.

Wang Yan and Zhou Jiena pretended to be choosing cats, but they were listening carefully. Hearing Zhao Qi’s narrative, they recalled Zhang Zian’s previous statement that raising kittens would be more fun. They could not help but understand what he meant now.

Cats were different from dogs. Dogs got closer to a person as they raised them. Regardless of their age, they wanted to be with their owners all the time. When cats grew up, they gave their owners some private space. This was not necessarily a bad thing.

By raising a young cat, one could not only enjoy the attention from them when they were small, but also their desire for independence when they grew up. There was pleasure to be derived from both experiences. Missing either part would be an incomplete experience.

“When is it inseparable from you?” Zhang Zian got more and more curious. When a cat grew up, it generally did not follow the owner as much as when it was young. This he knew, but he did not know what quirk Zhao Qi was referring to. After all, cats had different personalities.

“This...” Zhao Qi glanced around nervously. Finally, she whispered, “When I am in the bathroom...”

Zhang Zian didn’t reply. Although what he would ask next was rather embarrassing to ask a lady, he had to ask, since Zhao Qi wanted an answer from him.

“You mean it will follow you as soon as you enter the bathroom?”

In the bathroom, it was possible to brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your clothes, use the toilet, take a shower... There were too many possibilities that could happen inside.

“No... It’s...when I have to use the washroom.” Zhao Qi’s voice was getting softer and softer. The eavesdroppers listened more attentively.

Since she had already said it, she might as well give all the details.

According to her description, she did not know when this had started. However, every time she entered the bathroom and squatted by the toilet bowl, Lan Lan would follow her in. This was regardless of what it was doing at the moment, even eating. It would simply abandon the food bowl. In the bathroom, it would look at how she relieved herself. No matter what she did, it would not leave. It would only leave once she was done and follow her out.

If it caught her while she was having

Thinking about Zhao Qi sitting on the toilet bowl with a cat staring at her, the staff and the two girls could only try their hardest to hold back their laughter.

Ha! Zhang Zian did not hold back. He laughed until there were tears in his eyes.

She’d come to the pet shop to ask for help. Thus, Zhao Qi had already been prepared to be laughed at. However, his laugh was highly exaggerated. Besides, there were those two girls in the shop as well. She was really embarrassed.

However, she couldn’t help it. She had been plagued by this problem for a while. Had Zhang Zian not gone to Egypt, she would have already come by to ask for help. She’d waited anxiously for him to return and come over as soon as she knew he was back.

She lived alone. Unless there were guests, she did not have a habit of closing the bathroom door. Since Lan Lan had this quirk, she closed the door so that Lan Lan would not stare at her. However, every time she did that, Lan Lan would stand by the door, scratching and meowing nonstop. She would do so in a highly miserable manner. Those who didn’t know might think she was abusing a cat.

As long as she didn’t open the door, it kept scratching.

She could not bear it and had to open the door. Once she did, it immediately stopped calling, jumped to the washing machine opposite the toilet bowl, and stared at her with wide eyes. Even with her favorite can of cat food, she could not be enticed away.

She also tried to divert its attention, such as using her phone while on the toilet. She thought if she ignored it, Lan Lan might stop. Alas, that did not work, either.

She thought of those horror flicks. Might Lan Lan be possessed by time travelers or creatures that had been resurrected? To make matters worse, was this new creature a pervert that enjoyed staring at girls while they used the washroom?

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