Pet King

Chapter 427: Lie to Me

Chapter 427: Lie to Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After Sheng Ke left, Zhang Zian took the portfolio downstairs, half-lying on the recliner as he read the documents in the file.

As he expected, after the heavy increase in business over the weekend, there were fewer customers these days, so he had a lot of free time. Lu Yiyun was quietly drawing in the outer area of the shop. From Zhang Zian’s position, he could clearly see that she was becoming increasingly focused on her pictures, and her head was almost touching the digital drawing board. Whenever this happened, Zhang Zian would pick up the phone and send her a message, reminding her to lift her head up.

He felt that this girl would surely become someone big in the future. Anyone who could become engrossed and committed to something would surely accomplish something in their relevant. It was only a matter of time and opportunity before this achievement occurred.

Inside the file, the photo of Guan Biao must have been taken years ago when he was younger and there was less fat on his face. Guan Biao was from the adjacent province. He was currently 39 years old, unmarried, and he had dropped out of highschool.

He grew up at the foot of a mining hill in a village where most men were miners. Guan Biao’s father and uncle had been miners. Later, his father died in a mining accident, and his uncle had been injured and became disabled, thus breaking the pillars in his family. Guan Biao then took over his father’s position the mine, since he did not like school anyway. His academic performance had been poor. He had only been good at one course and neglected other classes. He was only good at chemistry, where he often got perfect scores on the tests.

At that time, Guan Biao was still underage. probably He had probably lied about his age to take his father’s job as a miner. But this was common in the countryside and remote areas, even nowadays.

After entering the mine, even as a high school dropout, he was actually the most educated in the mine. The mine leader did not arrange him to go down into the mine. Instead, he was told to study explosions from an almost-retired old master in the mine. Because of his knowledge of chemistry, he quickly mastered most of the skills from the old master, and even showed the potential to exceed his teacher. After all, the old master’s knowledge was based on experience without theoretical basis. However, during his study, he also developed the habit of excessive drinking from the old master.

In the mine, drinking was not a problem. If he did not drink, those rough miners would have thought that he wasn’t a real man. So whenever they were free, they always asked Guan Biao to join them. Besides, the old master had worked in the mine for many years and had never been involved in incidents caused by blasting operation. All the accidents were caused by the collapse of mine, water seepage, or gas explosion, which had nothing to do with the old master. However, as the saying goes, no one can avoid wet shoes if he is always walking along the riverside.

One time, when the old master led Guan Biao to arrange an explosion, an accident happened. The mine’s records did not elaborate on the accident, but there were few detailed records of mine accidents during that time. All they knew was that in that accident, more explosives had been added than usual. Three people, including the old master, died. But Guan Biao was unharmed.

Coincidently, Feng Xuan took his crew to shoot a movie near the mine, and the pyrotechnician fell ill. Guan Biao, who was watching the shooting volunteered, and Feng Xuan let him try an explosion scene with no people involved. It was a huge success and the scene was finished well. From that point, Guan Biao left the mine to follow Feng Xuan shoot a few films. Slowly, he gained some fame, and he helped to create some movies or TV series. He had caused any accidents, at least no accidents on record.

At that time, there was no qualification certificate in the pyrotechnic industry, although a certificate became a requirement later. Guan Biao successfully became certified thanks to his knowledge in chemistry. So, he was fairly appreciated in the pyrotechnic industry. Every year, he could take over 3 or 4 films or TV series, so he probably lived a comfortable lifestyle.

Zhang Zian flipped to the latter pages which included a variety of movies and TV shows that Guan Biao had participated in. He had never heard of most of them. Perhaps they had been released and were put into archives after filming. Even on the internet, Zhang Zian was unable to find any relevant information. But it was not surprising, considering that most movies and TV shows in China faced the same fate each year. Movies made by Feng Xuan had never become blockbusters, but at least all of his movie had been released normally. In this aspect, he might be considered as one of the best directors.

Zhang Zian was engrossed in reading. Without him realizing, Famous had walked next to him and was looking at the photo of Guan Biao with him.

“This guy was lying,” Famous said concisely.

“Oh, how do you know that?” Zhang Zian sat up from the recliner and asked earnestly.

When in the store, Famous could safely stretch out its tongue without worrying it might frighten others. It said, “His language told me so.”

Zhang Zian did not understand. He and Famous had been together at the audition and they had heard everything Guan Biao said, but he did not hear anything that proved he was lying.

Hearing the word “language”, the bored Richard became interested. It flew down from the bar and landed on Zhang Zian’s shoulder. With a sarcastic tone, it said, “Quack! How unexpected! Showing off in front of a language expert! Come on, tell me, what language are you talking about?”

Famous glanced at it and said, “Body language.”

Richard was speechless.

Zhang Zian was amused. “Richard, aren’t you the Apprehensive Bird? You must also understand body language, right?”

“So boring! If you explain things with your mouth, why do you need to use body language? It’s unnecessary!” Richard shouted unhappily.

With its good temper, Famous shook its head and said, “Body language is not meant to speak, but rather to express. Body language can serve as a substitute when meaning cannot be communicated through words.”

“Quack! On what occasion can meanings not be conveyed by words?” Richard said unconvincingly.

Famous looked at Old Time Tea and asked, “Do movies have sounds in this era?”

The question was so strange. Zhang Zian replied, “Of course movies have sounds. There were silent movies, but those are long gone.”

“Oh,” said Famous. It was somewhat disappointed. “Then body language is probably useless…”

“No! That’s not true!” Inspired by Famous, Zhang Zian thought for a while and said, “Of course body language is useful. I watched an American TV series called Lie to Me, where the protagonist could determine whether the other person is lying by observing human facial expressions and body movements. Although there is hyperbole within the drama, it is not a mirage. There is a related theoretical basis called ‘micro-expressions,’ as I recall. Humans have seven basic expressions, including surprise, contempt, disgust, fear, anger, sadness, and joy. These are common to all mankind, transcending linguistic and national boundaries. Whether a person is a cannibal from the Amazon or the U.S. President, they all have these seven basic expressions. By interpreting the permutations and combinations of these expressions, you can determine whether a person is lying. Famous, I think the principle of your judgment is exactly the same as this.”

Zhang Zian was a fan of this drama series, but because of the poor ratings, it had been canceled by the evil television station in the U.S. Though it sounded simple, micro-expressions were very complicated. Only with highly specialized knowledge and through a large number of case studies could a person understand a thing or two about this field. Scholars specialized in micro-expressions were even hired by the FBI to as consultants to help solve cases. Reading micro-expressions was partly how an experienced police officer could tell by one glance if a suspect was lying.

Famous nodded. “Maybe, but I do not know the principle. As if I have an instinct, I just know that the guy was lying. As an actor, he had poor acting skills.”

Zhang Zian could not help but laugh. “That person is not an actor, he’s just a pyrotechnician responsible for producing explosion-related effects on the set, including bombing from warplanes, and the scenes where people are shot and are bleeding.”

He thought a while and decided to tell everything Sheng Ke had told him to the elves. He had promised not to reveal the matter to outsiders, but the elves were not outsiders anyway…

While watching the movements of Lu Yiyun outside, Zhang Zian described the audition and the Sheng Ke’s narrative chronologically to the elves.

“Why are you always so nosy?” When he finished speaking, Fina, who seemed to have been napping, became the first elfin to speak up and blame him in a hostile tone. “A movie with your participation will certainly be a lousy one, even lousier than that Cleopatra movie! It is your duty to return home early to serve me!”

Zhang Zian complained silently in his heart. Can’t you just name another movie? You know, 99.9% of the movies are much worse than Cleopatra…

“Zian, it sounds like a bit dangerous.” Old Time Tea also said with concern.

He quickly clarified, “I am not in danger. If anyone is in danger, it’s Famous.”

Famous said calmly, “It’s okay. If I do not participate in the film, then Red Dragon, Prince, and other dogs may be in danger. I cannot watch them be hurt or die. Or else, when I am truly dead, I am sure I will regret it.” It looked up, as if watching a woman who did not exist in the shop, but was smiling brightly at it.

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