A Valiant Life

Chapter 184: My little daughter is gone

In the store, Lin Fan was rubbing his fingers together and trying to figure out where she was for real and not just for show this time. He had finally realized that the Encyclopedia, as good as it was, could not defy the natural laws of the world. The technique of fortune telling could be used to see a lot of things, but there were some things that simply couldn’t be read.

It was just like the whole Qin Chuan incident. He had been able to roughly figure out where he was just by checking his picture. However, he knew that it had been because the Heavens were fair and wouldn’t let the bad go without punishment, thus he had been able to get help from them.

However, in this situation, the lady’s facial features were not very clear and the little girl could’ve have gone anywhere. There were simply too many possibilities for him to consider. If it was before this whole fiasco had even happened, he would have been able to foresee that this would happen to the little girl. But now that it had happened, it was way too late.

Wu Tian He was standing at the side and shaking his head. He said, "People frequently say that fortune telling can change the future. However, it is only before the dawn of time that you can actually change your future. Once it has started, it’s impossible to change your future and you can only rely on the Will of Heaven."

Lin Fan nodded his head. He understood what Wu Tian He was trying to say and he agreed with him.

Wu You Lan looked on with a face of concern and asked, "Is there any news from anyone?"

Lin Fan went to check his Weibo and there were a lot of private messages. However, looking at these messages just made him feel more frustrated.

"I have information, but I’ll only give it for ten thousand dollars."

"I’ve seen this kid before, but I’m not going to tell you anything just to make you anxious."

When everyone saw these messages, they were also extremely furious.

Zhao Zhong Yang, with a lot of anger in his voice, said, "To be able to say these kinds of things, these people’s souls must be filled with darkness."

Wu You Lan, who was even angrier, said, "If these people were here right now, I’d give them a big and hard slap."


A black-colored Volkswagen was stopped at the traffic light, waiting for the color to change.

Inside, there were 2 ladies and the driver in front was a middle-aged man who looked very good-natured.

One of the ladies, who was a little bigger sized, was hugging a small girl and at her feet was a small poodle which looked extremely afraid and was shivering in fear.

"We’ve got a pretty good haul this time. This little girl is not bad and should fetch a pretty good price," the dark-skinned lady at her side said with a little laughter.

The fat lady also laughed and replied, "Do you guys think we should sell this to Wang Er Mazi and let him sell her overseas or give her to Li Xiao Biao and let him break her legs and make her beg for money?"

The dark-skinned lady took a glance at the little girl. She let out an evil expression and said, "Sell her to Li Xiao Biao, break her legs and bring her to the subway in the south to beg for money."

The man driving laughed and said, "You are really too cruel. She’s such a small and cute little girl. If we just sell her to Wang Er Mazi, we’ll make a pretty good amount of money."

The fat lady then said, "I think we should just sell her to Wang Er Mazi. This small girl is quite pretty so I think we will definitely be able to fetch at least three thousand dollars."

At this moment, the driver’s attention heightened as he said, "Watch out, the traffic police are coming."

The driver lowered his window and said, "Is there a problem?"

The policeman replied, "Just a routine check. Can I see your driving license?"

The driver laughed and presented his license. He said, "Must be my lucky day. I’ve been checked 3 times already."

The policeman looked at the license and laughed. He replied, "I’m very sorry, it’s just a temporary regulation. There was a post on Weibo about a little girl being taken away by child traffickers. So if you see anything about it, please report it to the police."

The driver’s heart was beating quickly, but on the outside, he let out a smile and replied, "Yes, definitely. These child traffickers are really too heartless. It must be so heartbreaking for those families who lost their children."

The policeman passed the license back and said, "Yes, it really is very sad. What happened to your kid at the back?"

The poodle at the back started to make a lot of noise but it was stopped by the dark-skinned lady who grabbed its neck and said, "Little Flowers, be quiet."

The fat lady who was hugging the little girl laughed and replied, "Officer sir, the child is sick and asleep now. We are bringing her to see a doctor."

The policeman nodded and said, "Then I shall not hold you up. Quickly go to the hospital. The child’s health is very important."

The driver took his license back and replied with a bit of laughter, "Thank you. Your job must be tough on you."

The policeman laughed and then went to check the vehicles behind as the Volkswagen drove off.

Inside the car, the dark-skinned lady took out her phone and went to check Weibo. She realized that the girl was trending on Weibo with millions of people discussing it. She said, "I never thought it would blow up so much. It’s only been on the internet for 10 minutes and it is already trending all over the world."

The fat lady said, "Looks like we can’t sell this girl to Wang Er Mazi. Looks like Li Xiao Biao is our only option."

The dark-skinned lady nodded and said, "Mmm, we better tell Li Xiao Biao to use hot water and burn the little girl’s face. Otherwise, she would be easily recognizable. Also, there’s this d*mn dog that we need to go and sell. We should be able to get some money for it."

The driver said, "We should go to a deserted area to hide this little girl before we contact Li Xiao Biao and deliver her to him at night. That sounds like a safer plan."


Cloud Street.

Lin Fan was constantly checking his Weibo, reading every single message that he received. However, most of the messages were people asking about the situation and none of them were even providing any information.

A townsfolk inquired, "Master Lin, how is the Weibo situation?"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "For now, there isn’t anything. The situation is getting direr and direr as time passes and if we pass 6 hours without any information, it will be extremely hard to find her."

The townsfolk shook their heads and one of them said, "Sigh, even though child traffickers are becoming more and more creative with their methods, we can’t even seem to deal with a simple kind where the child was just taken like this in the open."

Another person said, "Yes, I agree. One of my friends had his child taken by a trafficker. They checked everywhere and even now are searching all over the world and they still have no idea what happened."

At this moment, Wu You Lan came over from Sister Hong’s side with a black face. She had gone over to comfort Sister Hong but Sister Hong still looked like a lifeless corpse, without a single bit of energy in her.

Lin Fan asked, "How is Sister Hong?"

Wu You Lan shook her head and said, "She is still the same. Her husband came over and didn’t dare to scold her. He’s also trying to comfort her. I think that if we do not find her child, Sister Hong’s condition will become really bad.

Everyone sighed. They really wanted to help but they had no idea how to. It was like finding a needle in a haystack.

At this moment, Elder Dog Nicholas ran from outside and in through the door. He had a gloomy expression as he let out 2 barks.

No one except Lin Fan understood what he was saying. He knew that what the dog meant was ’Where is my mistress? Why isn’t she here?’.

"Your mistress has been taken by someone. You’ll never be able to see her again," Lin Fan said as he faced Elder Dog Nicholas.

The surrounding residents were all confused, wondering why Lin Fan was talking to a dog, and wondering if the dog could even understand what Lin Fan was saying.

Zhang Zhong Yang looked at the live broadcast. His fans were all helping to spread the news but none of them had any new information.

"This is scary. Master Lin is talking to a dog. I think we should be worried."


*Woof woof!*

Elder Dog Nicholas let out a bark at Lin Fan.

"My mistress can’t possibly be taken by other people. She can smell her way back home."

Lin Fan let out a laugh but suddenly started to stare blankly.

He asked the dog, "Are you able to follow a smell back to its owner?"

At this point in time, everyone was dumbfounded. They saw a man and a dog having a conversation and they had no idea what they were saying.

One of the townsfolk said, "Master Lin, we know that you’re very kind and anxious, but what good does talking to a dog do? How does this help us find them?"


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