Martial Arts System

Chapter 255: Yumis Plan.: Youll Also Like

Chapter 255: Yumi\'s Plan.

A beautiful black-haired young woman with most of her skin visible, while sports bras and shorts covered her private areas, was standing in the middle of a spacious room.

She had a wooden box with carvings in his hands, while her smartwatch showed her rank 1.

She tried to open the wooden box and take a look at the mysterious and powerful Power Limit Remover, but it was tightly locked.

\'\'Hmm…\'\' Yumi hummed and looked around the room. There were over five pathways leading to the room, and she was aware that soon this room would be crowded with people who wanted to kill her and take Power Limit Remover with them.

But, she had a plan that might turn out to be successful, but it needs somewhat good luck.

A small smile appeared on her beautiful face as she saw cardboard boxes in the open empty room. She quickly grabbed them all and threw them around the room, and hid the Power Limit Remover inside one of them.

Her plan is simple. She hopes that when everyone arrives, they will be focused on the fighting and not searching for the Power Limit Remover.

While the fight will be going, she will sneakily take the Power Limit Remover and run away without anyone noticing.

Yumi entered one of the side rooms and turned the light switch off, so her body was impossible to be noticed.


She has to wait for everyone to gather and hope that they won\'t instantly try to search for Power Limit Remover.

In the spectators\' room.

\'\'What is she doing?\'\' The VIPs looked confused.

Leppercon rubbed his chin, while a small smile appeared on his face, \'\'I guess that is a perfect plan… Even if she loses the Power Limit Remover now, most of her competition will be eliminated, and she has a chance to fight for it later in the tournament.\'\'

Mei smiled and nodded, \'\'She has always been a smart one, but her strength is greatly lacking, but she has defeated much stronger opponents by using her wit.\'\'

\'\'But, what will her plan be if she keeps the Power Limit Remover?\'\' Rijun curiously asked.

Leppercon looked at the screen and shrugged, \'\'I don\'t know; there is still a little bit over 7 hours left, and a lot of things can happen; maybe she will intentionally let others have the Power Limit Remover, but I doubt it. She fought against that kid with a mohawk for it, and I don\'t think she is very willing to let it go.\'\'

Arkenthym looked at one of the screens and clicked his tongue, \'\'She won\'t be able to keep the Power Limit Remover.\'\'

Everyone\'s head turned towards him with questioning faces.

\'\'Why is that?\'\' Leppercon asked.

Arkenthym pointed at one of the screens, which showed a black-haired young man about to reach that room, \'\'That brat is going there as well.\'\'

The VIPs gasped.

\'\'I see now…\'\' A small smile appeared on Leppercon\'s vicious face, \'\'Ichiro decides to go for it, and he will keep his eyes open.\'\'

\'\'Yumi won\'t be able to escape the room with Power Limit Remover without him noticing,\'\' Arkenthym said with his stoic tone.

Mei snorted and crossed her arms, \'\'Aren\'t you think too highly about him? You are underestimating Yumi.\'\'

\'\'He isn\'t the one who thinks too highly of him.\'\' Ali suddenly spoke; he looked at Mei and said, \'\'You are thinking too lowly of him.\'\'

Mei raised an eyebrow in surprise, but she was still confident that Yumi would be able to leave the room without any problems.

Ichiro slowed his pace as he saw an open room in front of him with over 30 cardboard boxes littered on the ground.

After he entered the room, more and more fighters also entered the room at the same time.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise and went into their fighting stance.

Ichiro looked at the scene and frowned; he glanced at the smartwatch and saw the red dot still being there.

He took another look at the cardboard boxes, and a slight smirk appeared on his face.

The room was quickly crowded with around 20 fighters!

Some debated whether they should just leave and return to hiding, but Power Limit Remover is so close.

It is their key to victory, and no one wants to miss on it.

There were few groups as well, but that caused everyone to look at them warily, and most likely, everyone will concentrate on the groups first and then individual fighters.

While the atmosphere of the building was getting tense, Ichiro slowly approached the cardboard boxes and started turning them around.

The fighters didn\'t take notice of his behavior, but Yumi, in the dark room, narrowed her eyes.

Soon, after dozen cardboard boxes were turned around, the fighters finally saw what the black-haired young man was planning to do.

\'\'Bastard, do you think you can get Power Limit Remover so easily?!\'\' One of the young men with a dirty face, filled with bloodstains, asked angrily.

He feels like the black-haired young man is making fun of them.

A very serious deathmatch was about to happen, but the black-haired young man innocently was looking for the Power Limit Remover in front of them!

Ichiro didn\'t turn his gaze away, he turned another cardboard box, and a wooden box came visible.

Everyone in the room widened their eyes, and greed started filling their faces.

Ichiro grabbed the wooden box and started walking to the exit.

\'\'HEY, THAT\'S MINE!\'\' The young man with a dirty face shouted and lunged towards Ichiro with his sword, ready to pierce his body.

Ichiro unsheathed his sword and did a simple horizontal slash, and put the sword instantly back on the sheath.

No one in the room understood what happened. The black-haired young man unsheathed his sword and did one slash, but soon their faces turned into shock.

The young man with a dirty face had his body cut in half! Two halves of his body fell limply on the ground.

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