Soaring of Galaxia

Chapter 449 Mutual Deception

In here, besides people at the level of General Managers, the rest were all Commander Chen’s trusted aides. Naturally, everything that had happened here would not get exposed.

Those three General Managers bowed in assent: "Please rest assured, commander, we will keep the secret to the end."

"During this time, you guys must put on a show together and pretend that I am out to seek help. The atmosphere must appear as if I am not here. If those two show signs of trying to escape or running away, you guys must make arrangements to let them leave!"

"Old Zhao, don’t try to cast an eye on them or test them. Let everything flow naturally. There is only one goal and that is to make them feel like I’ve already left here."

"Ok!" General Manager Zhao accepted the order.

"Great Commander, what if they are not spies from the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan?"

"If they are not, we don’t lose anything. It would be a show."

After Commander Chen had laid out everything he needed, he ordered everyone to disperse and return to the camp.

Qin Wushuang and Lone did not keep a high-profile after they had left the major tent. They came to the area lead by General Manager Zhao. After waiting for a moment, they saw General Manager Zhao had returned.

"You two just set up camp around this area. Remember, since you have entered my unit, you must obey my orders. Do not try to have other thoughts and break the rules."

"We understand." Both Qin Wushuang and Lone answered.

"Go, stay alert during your rest in the night. Watch for the enemy’s surprise attack. Additionally, do not tell others any information you have heard from the tent!"

"Please rest assured, we understand the situation."

General Manager Zhao’s personality was not as mistrustful as General Manager Su. He also entered his own tent after giving some reminders. After Qin Wushuang and Lone had set up camp, they took their rest inside the tent.

Lone send in his voice: "Boss, that Commander Chen should be on his way, right?"

Qin Wushuang waved his hand and also send through his voice: "I don’t think so."

"Didn’t he say to end the battle as quick as possible? If he is to seek help, it would be best to leave as soon as possible!"

"Second, if you are in their position, how would you think when you suddenly face the two of us, who had run away?"

Lone thought for a moment and laughed: "If it were me, I would look down at them from the bottom of my heart. And in the future, I would never give any important tasks to two runaways!"

"Yes, then, did Commander Chen looked down on us?" Qin Wushuang asked again.

"I don’t think so?" Lone did not know it for sure. However, he knew that General Manager Su seemed to go against them as he had targeted them.

"It was that He, I don’t know if he is trying to flatter or not. He wanted to make us the scapegoats. He’s really bad."

"Ha ha, that He only wants to flatter Commander Chen. Among the four General Managers, General Manager Su has the most sophisticated mind. This He just got lucky! If he had been assigned to General Manager Su’s mission, I am afraid he would not even have the chance to escape!"

"Thus, that He is not worth considering." Qin Wushuang analyzed cautiously.

"Then who must we be vigilant against?" Lone was rather curious.

"Commander Chen!" Qin Wushuang said with a cold tone and his expression did not appear as he was joking.

"What more do we need to say about that Commander Chen? If an elite warrior at the Profound Void Martial Stage is not vigilant, then he would be deceiving himself with his own lies." Although Lone was selfish and arrogant, he was impressed by the strength of Commander Chen from his bottom of his heart.

"It’s one problem with his power, the most crucial point is that the use of methods from this Commander Chen has surpassed that General Manager Su!" Qin Wushuang send in his long sigh, "Although that General Manager Su was attentive, he had a weakness. This weakness also caused him to not become a leader and forced him to become a follower!"

"Boss, why do you say that?" Lone felt confused.

Qin Wushuang said coldly: "It’s simple. That General Manager Su is attentive and mistrustful, but his fatal weakness is that he could not hide these doubts deeply inside his heart. Regardless of making his moves or through the way he was expressing himself carelessly, he would show this suspicion. However, that Commander Chen is different. Don’t just judge him by the way he talks with dignity, I am almost certain that he is already suspicious of us!"

"Suspecting us? Suspecting us of being runaway soldiers? Could it be that he truly believed those nonsense said by that He?"

"No!" Qin Wushuang shook his head, "Us being runaway soldiers will no longer influence the general situation. Of course Commander Chen will not waste his energy over this part. I estimate that perhaps, he already suspects us of being spies from the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan!"

"This..." Lone was dumbstruck, "That’s impossible? I feel that the two of us did not reveal any flaws!"

"Because of such performance without any flaws where not one drop of water can leak through, it would raise his suspicion even more. Of course, if it were anyone else, they would become suspicious under this situation. It’s normal! However, Commander Chen was not suspicious at all, and this is abnormal!"

"Boss, you humans have too much on your mind." Lone was totally speechless and asked, "Then what should we do?"

If Commander Chen is suspicious of them, then they were in grave danger. At least, Lone thought of it this way. Once they had become targets of suspicion, with the absolute power from the Profound stage warrior, he would rather kill them and not leave any after troubles.

"What to do?" Despite being in grave danger, Qin Wushuang remained calm, "We will not do anything for now. Still that word, wait!"

"Wait for what?" Lone was somewhat confused.

"Wait for an opportunity and for the truth to come to light. At the very least, we must wait for useful information!" Qin Wushuang was calm and collected.

"I am only afraid that Commander Chen would not give us time to wait!" Lone had his thoughts, "If I were him, as soon as I became suspicious of something, I would destroy its root and branches completely. Boss, didn’t you say a man being suspected cannot be used? Since he is suspicious of us, he would not use us. Since we are useless and full of suspicion, what other solution is there besides killing us?"

"There are some!"

Qin Wushuang’s answer was strangely determined. He waved his hand at Lone: "Second, let’s think about it, and you will answer my questions."

"Ok, Boss, ask." Lone was rather straightforward.

"Think about it, if you are Commander Chen, would you openly announce about seeking help from somewhere before us two people? For such top level confidential information, how could they easily speak of it in our presence besides to people at the level of General Manager?"

"Perhaps, it was because he was careless and forgot that we were there."

"It’s possible for such careless mistakes to happen to you. However, for someone like Commander Chen, he would not make these careless mistakes. Besides, after we came out, they still lingered back for a while. Initially, that Commander Chen spoke with a loud volume, then it suddenly became silent. Although I could not overhear them, my instincts tells me that Commander Chen had said that he was going to seek help from the strongest powerhouse from the Orderly Mountain prefecture and no one can do it besides him. After that sentence, there seemed to be no more sound in the entire tent."

"Eh, perhaps they are truly arranging some top secret moves and it’s normal to evade our ears. This point doesn’t prove anything. However, you said that Commander Chen should not have made that low mistake and spoke about seeking help right before us. He even mentioned the exact days, as fast as three days and as slow as five to seven days."

"Yes, this seems to be little problems. If we didn’t pay attention, perhaps, it would not have been anything." The more Qin Wushuang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

"Ok, let’s say that Commander Chen is suspecting us. As I said, since he suspects us, wouldn’t it be the safest to kill us? Why would he place us under General Manager Zhao?"

This was the part in which Lone did not understand the most.

Qin Wushuang laughed and continued to send his voice: "This was the most complicated part of the entire thing. In your opinion, killing us is the most appropriate solution."

"Could it not be the appropriate solution?"

"It is the most appropriate, but not the most useful." Qin Wushuang’s tone sounded deep and thoughtful.

"Useful?" Lone frowned for he could not understand it.

"Let’s assume it further, and we are undercover agents from the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan. To them, killing us would only mean getting rid of two figures who were not that threatening. However, if they don’t kill us, they could make use of us!"

"To do what?" Lone still felt as if the cloud and mist had covered his thoughts.

"This would be complicated. Think about it, if we are spies from the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan, and Commander Chen had told us that he was heading out to seek help. Then, as spies, would we not deliver this secret to the Qin?"

"Yes, we would." Lone nodded.

"Then, if this was fake news and Commander Chen did not go. This way, if the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan had received this fake news to send people out for a sneak attack, wouldn’t they fall right into the trap arranged by the Commander? Think carefully about the difference with Commander Chen being here or not."

Lone’s face had turned green as he nodded slowly: "Boss, as you said, it appears to be true. If that was a fake piece of news, and we delivered it, perhaps the Hundred Leaf Qin Clan would have fallen into this trap. Such a vicious person and strategy!"

Qin Wushuang responded firmly: "It seemed that the competition this time is a combination of intelligence and power!"

"Boss, in that case, how long should we wait?"

"Not for long, it would be enough to observe a day or two. If in our eyes, everything shows that Commander Chen has left. Then for sure, everything was a plan used by Commander Chen to scheme against us! If everything seems vague and we cannot see through it, then it means he does not suspect us!"

"Ok, then we will observe for a day or two!"

During the night, they did not speak anymore. On the next day, General Manager Zhao inspected the tents per the rules. When he came to Qin Wushuang’s tent, General Manager Zhao instructed: "For these next few days, the two of you must not try to leave the tent if there are no emergencies. Do not speak about anything to others. In a moment, Mr. Chen Da will come to inspect the tent. You guys must put in some spirit and don’t humiliate me!"

Inwardly, Qin Wushuang’s heart thumped as he had become even more certain about his earlier judgments!

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