MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 588 - Winning Skillfully

Chapter 588: Winning Skillfully

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Giant Magic Rock’s special skill, Self-destruct was much more vicious than the skill, Elemental Explosion that was used by Natural Summoners. I Love Ice Ice was no weakling, and when Pale Blue Elegance activated Self-destruct, he had already activated Freezer. However, Pale Blue Elegance robbed him of any opportunities to activate Invincibility. She raised her staff, cast Dark Song, and dispelled his Freezer status.

I Love Ice Ice was extremely frustrated at his loss and he did not release his soul until a long time later.

Pale Blue Elegance opted to continue, and with that, the scenery changed and she was faced with a new opponent.

The enemy she before her was a main tank warrior. Regardless, Pale Blue Elegance continued using her previous strategy of having Giant Magic Rock’s body cover her as she attacked relentlessly with Soul Staff Technique.

The main tank Warrior rushed with his shield raised. In return, Pale Blue Elegance ran circles around Giant Magic Rock, refusing to confront the main tank directly.

“Stop running if you’re skilled!” The main tank was thoroughly vexed.

Despite that, Pale Blue Elegance continued to sprint, only turning back to hit him with a few Soul Staff Techniques occasionally.

As powerful as Giant Magic Rock’s explosion was, nuking down a 100 thousand HP main tank was still a bit of a stretch. As such, Pale Blue Elegance did not activate Self-destruct and had instead gone for a simpler strategy. It was wretched, it was infuriating, and it could be summarized with a single word — attrition!

Ding! Ding!

Five minutes had gone by, and the match had come to an end. Pale Blue Elegance was unscathed, but the main tank Warrior had lost hundreds of HP. As such, he was deemed the loser of the match.

‘A +11 SPD shoe, a helm that carries the ‘Shrink’ ability, and a special accessory, Protection Ring which converts damage to health into mana consumption. This lil girl has some pretty decent equipment.’

Li Yi could not help but to express his astonishment after watching Pale Blue Elegance’s performance.

Pale Blue Elegance was an unparalleled gaming genius, and she came from a rich background to boot. Due to this, once she raised her level sufficiently, there was no other obstacle in attaining equipment sets.

She used Giant Magic Rock to protect her from harm while attacking her opponent with Soul Staff Technique. If her opponent were among the classes that equipped cloth or leather armor, she would have activated Self-destruct the moment they rushed her. Otherwise, if her enemy were main tanks, she would just draw out the battle and grind them down bit by bit, assuring her victory when the match ended.

Pale Blue Elegance selected ‘Continue’, and once again, the scenery changed...

Due to her nasty combat strategy, many who were brought down by her hands were extremely frustrated. It was so aggravating that many had disregarded the competition completely and disparaged her and took care to fully mention her name.

Most people were sore losers, and Pale Blue Elegance had already gotten used to it. When faced against an angry mob, she would just laugh it off, and pay no mind to them.

“To that summoner, I dare you to not use Invincibility!”

“Dumb Warrior, then you shouldn’t hack at me! Let us have a battle of magic!”

“Retarded Archer, I dare you to stop firing Frost Arrows. Let us fight with swords, and if I lose, I’ll take up your surname!”

Within Blade Peak Arena, shoutings like these were a common occurrence, and nobody knew how they came up with such weird combat strategies.

Many imbalanced skills were forbidden within arenas. Aside from that, it was normal for players to win by using skills. One prime example of this was Pale Blue Elegance, whose victories had always been based on gimmicks and made it hard for her opponents to swallow.

Even so, no matter how gimmicky her victory was, the fact still remained that her opponents had lost. They had no right to judge their opponent’s tactics, as any strategy that brought victory was as good as any other.

The main tank that was tormented by Pale Blue Elegance a while ago was now fuming. He shouted in the World Channel and lambasted her. “Pale Blue Elegance, you big dingus! I dare you to not use Giant Magic Rock and face me in a true battle of blades and spears! Or are you too scared to accept?”


The main tank Warrior issued a Challenge Scroll with the intent of facing Pale Blue Elegance in a solo duel.

Pale Blue Elegance disregarded it and continued accumulating points.


During Li Yi’s period of observation, Pale Blue Elegance had already used her deplorable Giant Magic Rock strategy to bring down twenty or so challengers. Her ranking continued to rise, and she quickly made it to seventh place. At the rate that she was going, she would definitely rush to fifth place by the end of the day.

The scenery altered again, and Pale Blue Elegance was now faced with an Archer.

The Archer had a pale complexion with no facial hair, and he had a fierce look on his face. The Archer before her was none other than her senior, Li Yi’s first apprentice, Fang Jie.

The apprentices had finally met!

Li Yi — who spectating the match— perked up at the sight, and he gave it his full attention.

Thud! Thud!

Fang Jie raised his hand to fire ‘Chain Arrow Skill’, whereas Pale Blue Elegance hid behind Giant Magic Rock to dodge the shots.

“Soul Staff Technique!”

Pale Blue Elegance lifted her staff, but Fang Jie immediately bounded upwards and fired an arrow in mid-air.

Soul Staff Technique’s attack range was 20 yards. In comparison to the firing range of Archers’, it was no contest. Fang Jie’s backward leap had brought him away from the 20-yard radius of Soul Staff Technique.

That was the unique ability wielded by Archers, and it enabled them to accurately determine their distance from their opponents.


Giant Magic Rock was struck by an arrow, and a damage number of [−1321] appeared. Though Giant Magic Rock’s defenses were solid, Fang Jie’s damage was not low by any means. From the 1,000+ damage he dealt; it had proven that he could overcome Giant Magic Rock’s defenses. Otherwise, that damage would have been reduced to 1.

Fang Jie continued jumping backward, and only stopped once he was about 40 yards away. He then charged up a Powered-up Arrow.


A light blue Arrow whirled outwards. Though Fang Jie did not possess an Ultimate Arrow like Flame Arrow, the mid-level Frost Arrow was still deadly enough.


Powered-up Arrow had a special attribute, and that was its high penetrating power. Though Giant Magic Rock had a sturdy exterior, Powered-up Arrow was still able to penetrate and hit the target behind it.


Powered-up Arrow did not completely penetrate Giant Magic Rock, as only half of its arrow had struck Pale Blue Elegance.

[−1321 mana]

His Powered-up Arrow lacked power, and as such, he dealt extremely low damage to Pale Blue Elegance. Compounded with the fact that she was wearing Protection Ring, Fang Jie’s damage onto her was directly converted into a loss in mana.

She did not lose HP, and instead, lost only 1,321 mana.

However, at the moment, Frost Arrow’s Freeze status finally took hold.

Pale Blue Elegance was frozen solid.

“Thud! Thud! Thud!”

Fang Jie did not use any skills. He instead dashed a few steps ahead, and then fired normal arrows while running in circles. Powered-up Arrow might have had a range of 40-yards, but his normal arrows did not.

Kaboom! Kaboom!

Giant Magic Rock tussled around, blocking all of Fang Jie’s shots. Despite its slow movements, it was not to be underestimated, as its horizontal movements were fast enough to prevent any arrow from touching Pale Blue Elegance.

Despite failing to land his shots, Fang Jie refused to inch any closer. He had once seen a combat video of Pale Blue Elegance against someone, and from it, he had learned the terrifying might of Giant Magic Rock’s Self-destruct. Were he to go any closer, he would undoubtedly be brought down by its Self-destruct.

“Powered-up Arrow!”


Since his normal arrows had failed, Fang Jie immediately changed tactics, and he fired a Powered-up Arrow at her instead.

By then, Pale Blue Elegance’s Freeze Status had already expired. She activated Phantom Footprints and rushed at Fang Jie while taking the blow from Powered-up Arrow.


Powered-up Arrow pierced Pale Blue Elegance’s body, and the text ‘No Effect’ appeared. Regardless, Pale Blue Elegance continued pushing forward, and she rapidly closed the distance to Fang Jie who was still stuck in his animation frame.

“Soul Staff Technique!”

Pale Blue Elegance unleashed three swift strokes of her staff, causing Fang Jie to lose 30 points of HP and she giggled playfully while doing so. When Fang Jie’s animation lock ended and he had fired his arrow, she activated ‘Switch’, and swapped places with Giant Magic Rock.


The arrow struck Giant Magic Rock and was deflected away.

Fang Jie went around Giant Magic Rock, activated Cheetah Protection, and quickly approached Pale Blue Elegance.

“Thud! Thud! Thud!”

Fang Jie continued firing normal arrows while running forward. Unlike last time, however, Pale Blue Elegance no longer had the aid of Giant Magic Rock to protect her. Adding to the fact that Phantom Footprints and Switch were still in cooldown, she was in a precarious position...

Despite Fang Jie’s relentless pursuit, Pale Blue Elegance did not give up and faced him head-on. A channeling bar appeared on top of her, and after the channeling was done, she lifted her quarterstaff and summoned Scarab King.

With Scarab King now in action, Giant Magic Rock was immediately dispelled. In other words, it would no longer be available to be summoned in this match.


Scarab King was within ten yards of Fang Jie, which coincidentally, was within the range of its Sudden Impact. Scarab King charged as fast as lightning and it landed squarely onto Fang Jie!

“Blood Bind!”

A ring of blood shot forth from Pale Blue Elegance’s fingers and pinned itself onto Fang Jie...


After using the special skill Blood Bind, Pale Blue Elegance’s HP was totally depleted, and she was left with only 1 HP left.

Blood Bind served to bind its opponents for 6 seconds, and during this period, the target was unable to move nor attack. However, when releasing the skill, the user themselves would also lose 99.99% of their HP as a penalty.

Normally when one activated the special skill, it was either death or glory...

Fang Jie was at his limits. What the Archers lacked was an Invincible skill, and faced against Scarab King’s continuous Charges, all he could do was to await his death...

[Pale Blue Elegance emerges victorious!]

“Impressive!” Fang Jie admitted as he lay on the ground.

“Senior, you flatter me.”

An expression of bliss hung upon Pale Blue Elegance’s face. She was the spitting image of a little fox.

Li Yi glanced at the arena rankings, and he realized that Fang Jie had dropped a rank, whereas Pale Blue Elegance had gained a rank.

An Ice Wizard cinched the first place, a Light Priest claimed the second, the third was claimed by a Curse Priest, and the fourth was claimed by an Explosive Thief...

The arena rankings did not display the name of players, only their classes. As such, he could not guess who the Ice Wizard at first place was. However, as for the Light Priest and Curse Priest at second and third place respectively, he did have an idea about them.

It was definitely Nirvana Inaction and Defiantly Tyrannical. There could not be anyone else besides them.

Pale Blue Elegance continued onwards, whereas Li Yi quit the battle view. He had seen enough of Pale Blue Elegance’s tactless tactics and wanted to get a taste of someone else’s.

Since it was the class he had chosen in his previous life, Li Yi entered Battle-view Mode to watch the fourth place’s match.

The battle arena’s battle view was very convenient, as it allowed anyone to watch their matches as long as they clicked their rankings, even if nobody knew their identity.


With a brilliant flash, Li Yi was now watching the Explosive Thief who was ranked at fourth place.

In front of a black-clad Explosive Thief was a beautiful woman in blue clothing. What a coincidence, as Li Yi had encountered his apprentice, Pale Blue Elegance again despite clicking on someone else’s match.

Li Yi shook his head faintly as he looked at Pale Blue Elegance.

He was thinking of a way to fight her if he was the Explosive Thief before him.

The gong rang, and Pale Blue Elegance immediately summoned Giant Magic Rock. She had yet to change tactics.

The Explosive Thief in front of her did not immediately attack. Instead, he placed both his hands behind him and calmly stated,

“You’ve already lost...”

He was relatively tall, not fat, emotionless, and had a cold tone!

‘I-Isn’t this the Fengxi that Fatty described?’

Li Yi’s heartbeat suddenly quickened, and he paid full attention to the following moments...


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