MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 362 - King’s Soul (Part 2)

Chapter 362: King’s Soul (Part 2)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Outside the Celestial Capital, Defiantly Tyrannical had rebuilt his army and was now marching toward the city.

The Three Major Alliance no longer had that significant an advantage in terms of numbers. The Windcloud Clan had 1,300,000 members and the Iron Alliance 1,500,000. On the other hand, the Three Major Guild Alliance lost many fighters when they tried to barge past the Arrow Towers. Even if they rallied their forces again, they would not be able to reach their earlier numbers.

Their morale was low as well. The consecutive losses had thrown their hearts out of sync.

Defiantly Tyrannical was aiming for the Windcloud Clan, because Brother Windcloud Nine’s sudden betrayal had totally ticked him off.

Firstly, the Three Major Guild Alliance seized Resurrection Point No. 3. Once they had a stable hold on it, they immediately made their way to Resurrection Point No. 2.

Just as the two sides were locking horns, the Iron Alliance rushed to the scene and supported the Windcloud Clan from the side. Together, they beat the stuffing out of the Three Major Guild Alliance.

“Give it up, Tyrannical. If he wants to be King, let him be. We can’t afford to fight anymore.” After several tough battles, Yang Xingchen had been completely demoralized.

How could they still put up a fight?

Yang Xingchen had lost three pieces of his initial Blood Lord Equipment Set, and Defiantly Tyrannical was even worse off, having dropped every single item of his Tier 1 Equipment Set.

Yang Xingchen truly, deeply did not wish to fight any longer.

Their strategies were all wrong and they did not have any advantage in numbers. If they continued fighting like this, they would just sustain more losses.

Defiantly Tyrannical remained silent for a long time, glaring toward the direction of the Celestial Capital with clenched teeth.

If they gave up now, they would basically be handing Li Yi the throne on a platter.

Defiantly Tyrannical shook his head, determined. “No, Xingchen, we can’t lose no matter what. You don’t understand the rights a King would have, but I know them very well. If we let Dark Wing become King, we won’t ever live it down in the future.”

“Tyrannical, it’s not a matter of letting him become King or otherwise. We simply can’t continue the fight.” I Love Beast Beast sighed. “You can fight, and so can I, but what about our followers? How can you convince them to fight? If they lose their equipment, will you make it up to them? If they lose their levels, will you compensate all of them? If you will, I’ll support you to the bitter end!”

The corners of Defiantly Tyrannical’s lips twitched, but he did not say anything. He had nothing to say.

How could he compensate the losses of several million players? Forget him, not even a rich tycoon like Brother Windcloud Nine would be able to do that.

The losses would certainly be astronomical.

The Three Major Guild Alliance was losing their battle power, and Defiantly Tyrannical could sense it. As of now, at least over a million members had already snuck away, while another million were just biding their time. They had neither the levels nor the equipment, so they were no good for anything other than empty intimidation.

The only ones who were truly fighting were the Three Major Guilds, meaning Star Fire, Tyrannic Dynasty, and the War God Clan!

They could not keep up this fight...

This had occurred to Defiantly Tyrannical a long time ago.

However, he was truly reluctant to give it up just like that. After all, he had yet to see Dark Wing’s face even once up until now. At the very least, he wanted to kill Dark Wing just once.

Defiantly Tyrannical made an announcement on the Alliance Channel.

“Brothers of the Three Major Guild Alliance, the situation is not looking good for us at all. For that, I would like to express my deepest apologies. I know that we may very well lose this time, but I can’t stand it, I really can’t. F*ck, they played us like a fiddle, but I won’t give in!

“All my fellow brother who sustained heavy losses, I will help you restore your former glory once this is done. What I want to say is that the battle will go on. ‘Retreat’ doesn’t exist in Defiantly Tyrannical’s dictionary, but I won’t force anyone. If you’re willing to fight, stay. If you’re not, you can leave now, and we’ll still be brothers at the end of this war!”

“F*ck it, it’s just a game, right? So what if we die? So what if we lose all our equipment? We were Level 1 when we first started too!” Defiant Zephyr yelled as well.

“We’re gonna f*ck them up, those motherf*ckers from the Iron Alliance are f*ck all!”

Countless voices supported Defiantly Tyrannical’s declaration, earning him some of the popularity he had lost. However, some others did not think much of his act, whereas others dismissed him completely, because they thought it was not worth it.

Even if they successfully stopped Dark Wing from becoming King, what else would they achieve in the end? Nothing, it seemed, be it in the process or as the final result. In that case, what was the point of fighting?

Countless people left the party and the battlefield, the Three Major Guild Alliance losing many members all at once.

In the Imperial Palace Hall, Li Yi was not idling about either. He began to command the army from a distance, having the Windcloud Clan and the Iron Alliance advance in unison and surround Resurrection Point No. 3. Taking one half each, they attacked furiously...

Now, the Three Major Guild Alliance was only left with 800,000 players. On the other hand, the Windcloud Clan and the Iron Alliance had up to 3,000,000, so the two sides just had to stand at a distance away and unleash their strongest skills to keep every member of the Three Major Guild Alliance grounded forever...

“Surrender the Resurrection Point, surrender the Resurrection Point!” howled Defiantly Tyrannical desperately.

They could no longer surrender. Several Summoners tried to use their Invincibility and surrender the Resurrection Point, but their enemies kept a close eye on them, constantly using curses to interrupt the Invincibility and killing them within a few hits

At this point, the Three Major Guild Alliance were in hot water. They were completely incapable of fighting back.

It was humiliating. The Three Major Guild Alliance had never been as humiliated as they were today, not in the entire history of their existence...

It was too late for regrets. Li Yi used his actions to teach Defiantly Tyrannical a lesson.

The title of this lesson was How to Utilize Resurrection Points!

“1, 2, 3, rise!”

Defiantly Tyrannical was no fool. After they were camped for some time, he immediately gave the order, telling all his men not to resurrect until he gave the cue.

This plan definitely had its merits. When more than 800,000 players got up at the same time, even though they were still no match for the Windcloud Clan and the Iron Alliance, they still managed to make enough time to surrender the Resurrection Point.

[Tyrannic Dynasty’s Defiantly Tyrannical has surrendered Resurrection Point No. 3!]

[Tyrannic Dynasty’s Defiantly Tyrannical has surrendered Resurrection Point No. 3!]

The red notifications appeared and there was an instantaneous bout of cheers.

They had been surrounded and pummeled like a punching bag. Nobody could stand that for a long time...

Was it any wonder that they were cheering for the end of their suffering?

However... just as they were cheering, something unexpected happened again.

[Resurrection Point No. 3 has been seized by Tyrannic Dynasty’s Defiantly Unhappy!]

Defiantly Tyrannical had downed a Great Flask worth several thousand Gold Coins just so he could surrender the Resurrection Point, but within a minute, someone seized the Resurrection Point again.

It was Defiantly Unhappy from the Tyrannic Dynasty clan!

“Imma f*ck yo mama!” swore Defiantly Tyrannical loudly.

“Imma f*ck yo mama twice, you f*cking idiot, who told you to seize the Resurrection Point?”

It would be another matter if that person was a spy, but when the person who seized the Resurrection Point had the Defiant title, that was truly the last straw.

Was he a spy? A spy since Level 1? Was that possible? This was just a game...

“I only seized the Resurrection Point so that we can launch a counterattack, what’s wrong with that?” Defiantly Unhappy shot back angrily!


Defiantly Tyrannic kicked Defiantly Unhappy out of the guild.

When they had surrendered the Resurrection Point earlier, many members of the Three Major Guild Alliance had run away. However, this meant that the ones who had not gotten away were in for an even worse time. As their numbers dwindled, it meant that they could not even reach the Resurrection Point upon resurrecting.

“Defiantly Unhappy, f*ck your whole family and every p*ssy in your family!”

“Defiantly Unhappy, I’ll hunt you down till you quit the game!”

“Motherf*cker, I’ve met retards before, but this is my first time meeting someone as retarded as you. F*ck!”

Countless people swore furiously at Defiantly Unhappy. They had been this close to running away, but here they were again, locked here once more.

Everyone wanted to make a name for themselves. Although some people could not make it big no matter what they tried, others could become a household name overnight without even trying.

This raid instantly shot Defiantly Unhappy to fame.

The Three Major Guild Alliance had scattered and would not be able to regroup any time soon.

In the Imperial Palace Hall, Little Elf from the Magical Realm and Li Yi were standing side by side and chatting away happily.

One day had past, and the Three Major Guild Alliance could not even get past the Celestial Capital’s forest of Arrow Towers. Li Yi was wondering if he should kill off the King’s Soul right now and put on the crown immediately.

“If I put on the crown and ensure that there are no outsiders in the Imperial Palace Hall, I’ll be King at the end of the three days.”

“What are you waiting for, then? Kill it and put on that crown.”

Li Yi shook his head. “I can’t do it yet. If the King’s Soul dies now, the 500 spirit knights outside will vanish, and even the defensive Arrow Towers in the Celestial Capital will disappear too.”

Little Elf from the Magical Realm said, “Don’t tell me you’ll wait here for three days?”

Li Yi nodded. Sacrifices were necessary in order to become King.

“Do you still need me here? If you don’t, I’m gonna go watch cartoons with Momo.”

“Bang! Bang!”


Just then, the purple tank crashed into the Hall. The tank was devoid of passengers, carrying only its driver, Invincible Jiaojiao.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm winked at Li Yi. “Miss Jiaojiao is here, so I’m logging off now.”

Little Elf from the Magical Realm’s figure vanished as she logged off.

“Perverted Wing, why’d you call me here?” Jiaojiao whined as soon as she got off the tank.

“For a threesome, duh.”

Jiaojiao waved her little fists fiercely. Just as she was about to squeeze back into the tank, Li Yi hugged her from behind.

“Don’t go, I’ll need you later.”

“Need me? What do you mean?” Jiaojiao was confused.

“You’ll understand in a bit. Either way, you’re not allowed to leave now, or else I’ll go to your house right now and whoop your *ss.”

“If you dare!”

Li Yi’s body vanished as he logged off as well.

He had checked the current situation, and Li Yi was more than satisfied. The Three Major Guild Alliance was falling apart and no longer posed a threat to him. This national war was all but won!

Li Yi left his house and went to Jiaojiao’s.

Jiaojiao’s mother was home, and she was overjoyed to see Li Yi.

Li Yi’s previous actions ensured that Jiaojiao and her mother no longer considered him an outsider. To be honest, he never once considered himself an outsider either...

Li Yi went to Jiaojiao’s room and saw her wearing the Glasses-Type Controller, circling around the King’s Soul curiously.

Jiaojiao’s mother had left, so Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief. He then walked up to her and grabbed her little hand.

“I just knew you’d come here. Hmph!” Jiaojiao took off the Glasses-Type Controller and stuck out her tongue at Li Yi playfully.

“Gimme a kiss.”

Li Yi leaned toward her and Jiaojiao turned her head, but Li Yi turned her back to face him and kissed her straight on the lips.

“Lil Yi, won’t you stay for lun...”

Xie Qin walked in and lifted her head just in time to see this scene...


The lips parted, drawing a trail of crystalline liquid between them...

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