TranXending Vision

Chapter 1084 - Leaving After Success

The Filipino soldiers made a temporary entrance into the forest, creeping closer to Xia Lei and the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team members.

Hovering closely above the Filipino soldiers was a Comanche helicopter. With its firing system constantly on battle mode, they’d be firing machine guns and launching air-to-surface missiles as soon as the target was detected.

Things were getting intense. The Filipino soldiers were now closing in with only ten meters between them. When that happens, a gunshot would be all it takes to signal the Comanche’s attack. Subsequently, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer would join in. It certainly wouldn’t take long to send the entire forest up in flames!

The situation was dire, fuelling the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team members’ heart with fear. Despite that, Xia Lei still seemed relatively unfazed.

“Boss, how about we move to distract those soldiers?” Giovanna suggested, “There’s no way of telling when our escape boat will arrive. We’re running out of time.”

Xia Lei delivered a comforting pat atop her shoulder. “Relax, this will be over within minutes.”

“What do you mean?” Giovanna looked at Xia Lei weirdly. It was difficult to believe his words.

At that very moment, Xia Lei jammed a finger onto his keyboard. On the laptop display, the Phantom drone fired its Eagle Claw-12 anti-ship missile. In that split second, the screen turned black.

“Boss, are you planning to bomb the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer?” Anjum Khan gasped loudly.

Xia Lei chuckled. “So what? I poured so much effort and time into modifying the Eagle Claw-12 missile. The destroyer was here. I can use it as target practice to test the missile’s strength. If they can afford to fire at us without reservations, why can’t we do the same?”

Anjum Khan laughed, amused.

Yelena said, “That’s weird. While Dagua Island isn’t too far from our position... Your Phantom drone had only left the tracks minutes ago. I’m pretty sure it would have to close a distance of at least 50 kilometres. Normally, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer can detect an anti-ship missile fired at that distance and alert its crew. Why is there no response at all?”

Anjum Khan came closer to her with a mirth smirk. “Babe, you know nothing. Everything the boss made with Alloy X is invisible, including his anti-ship missile. Those bastards on board the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer must be dreaming about blasting us into minced meat. On the other hand, I’m just waiting for that sweet sound of...”


Without warning, an earth-shattering explosion echoed throughout the island. Despite kilometres away, the sound was enough to make everyone’s eardrums hum. Seconds later, the aftermath came, bringing a wild gush of hot wind through the forest.

Xia Lei stood up. A slight twitch of his left and right eye activated his special vision. In his field of sight, he could see that the side of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer had been destroyed by the missile. The Eagle Claw 12 anti-ship missile had created a large crater of a little over nine metres in its flank. The difference in pressure immediately enticed the surrounding seawater to rush inside the hollow cavity as billowing smoke and flames emerged from the hull. Many American soldiers scurried about the deck in a futile attempt to help patch up the damage. Some were busy tending to their injured comrades. Everything was chaos. There was no way they could afford to resume fire. They were lucky if they could make it out alive! If the current situation went on without a solution, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer would be nothing more than fish food!

The Filipino soldiers tasked with the search halted their footsteps, turning around to assess the situation. Through the gaps between the tree trunks, a mushroom cloud was vaguely seen. Fear seized their hearts. The almighty American Navy and the proclaimed king of destroyers, the Arleigh Burke-class, was taken out of battle just like that!

The American commander watched the scene unfold with a slack jaw on the west side of the small island shores. His mind went blank. How was it possible for a missile this destructive to not be detected by the destroyer?!

What he didn’t dare to imagine was that the possibility of the launched missile being a nuclear bomb instead of a regular cartridge. That would mean complete annihilation of an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. If the anti-ship missile had hit the American mothership, they would share the same fate!

America had gained control of the international situation with its mothership and fleets. The aircraft carrier fleet and mothership had played an important part in America’s diplomacy strategy, But within one night, the pride of America was fucked over!

This was a reality that all Americans would not accept.

After a few moments of stunned silence, the American commander abruptly picked up his communicator device and screamed at the top of his lungs, “Helicopter formation! Bomb this island up! Everyone, enter the fucking forest and find Xia Lei! Kill him!”

The deployed Marine Corps special force members and CIA agents began to charge into the forest.

However, just five seconds after the order was made, an air-to-air missile suddenly lunged from the direction of Dagua Island, creating a bright tail across the sky before hitting the Comanche helicopter hovering above the soldiers.


The Comanche helicopter burst into flames, as its flaming remains rained down on the unfortunate Filipino soldiers killing some of them in the process.

What the hell was going on?! The leading Filipino colonel gaped at the bewildering scene.

The gigantic drone began to zoom down from higher altitude. Its majestic wingspan created an eagle-like impression. The three remaining Comanches and Chinook transport aircraft looked like mere chicks under the claws of a predatory bird!



The Phantom drone released yet another air-to-air missile as soon as it made its presence. The second Comanche helicopter was destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, only two Comanche helicopters had remained. The Phantom seemed to know no mercy!

Who on earth would have the guts to remain rooted at their spot? The last Comaches quickly turned around and fled.

Above the waves, four destroyer ships appeared. Tens of patrol speed boats flanked it from the side, bringing over plenty of naval soldiers to the small island.

In the air above, four Z-10 helicopters emerged. However, they did not come alone. Following closely behind them were dozens of fighter planes. They formed an impressive battle lineup, the ammunition they carried sufficient to blow the island up several times!

Feet planted in the sand, the American commander went pale at the sight. His lips trembled ever so slightly. He felt not fear but fury. Since when did the Chinese army get so bold?!

An amplified voice boomed off an armed patrol boat out of the blue. “You have invaded our territory. Put down your weapons! Do not resist or we will open fire!”

The Filipino soldiers in the forest lost all interest in finding Xia Lei. They quickly turned around and left.

The Phantom drone reappeared above the island. It circled the island once before flying away.

Xia Lei folded his hacking laptop and grinned. “There we go. Our boat is here. Let’s go, about time we head home.”

The Chinese Zodiac Battle Team members allowed themselves to smile and relax. The earlier tension had melted away. It was a miracle that nothing bad had transpired.

The Chinese naval soldiers were quick to land along the shores.

The American Marine Corps members and the Filipino soldiers who had just evacuated the forest formed a defensive barrier. Though they have outnumbered the Chinese soldiers, they dared not act rashly under the threat of four-armed helicopters and dozens of fighter planes. Not to mention, there were four Chinese destroyers observing the exchange in a distance. If they had dared to resist, the destroyers would be able to mutilate them into puddles of blood-red ketchup before they even know it.

“This territory is part of the Philippines!” The Flipino colonel took a step forward, body language evidently agitated. His English was extremely fluent though. “Why are you invading our land? This is very uncivilized! You will receive punishment and sanctions from the international community!”

The Chinese naval commander calmly retorted, “This area has been China’s territory since ancient times. Since when did it become yours to claim? Punishment? When has the international community ever stopped posing that onto us? Sanctions, huh? So you’re saying that the Philippines wants to stop selling bananas to us?”

“You...” The Filipino colonel was pissed beyond words.

In the midst of their argument, Xia Lei led the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team members out of the forest. Using the Chinese naval soldier formation as a shield, they quickly boarded a waiting armed patrol boat.

The soldier steering the boat was sensitive and alert. As soon as the group made it onto the vehicle, he quickly ignited the engine and rushed for one of the destroyers.

This scene did not go unnoticed by the American commander. However, all he could do was watch them escape.

The Filipino colonel was positively fuming. “I’m going to call your embassy right now...”

“Okay, that’s enough. If this is really your territory, you would need to provide relevant proof and bring it the case to the International Court of Justice. I’ll cut this exchange short because of time constraints. Goodbye.” The Chinese commander hastily ended the conversation and brought up his communicator. “Pull out!”

The Filipino colonel watched the Chinese soldiers leave with a burning glare. But in reality, his heart was in turmoil.

He sincerely thought that this was unreasonable.

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