TranXending Vision

Chapter 760 - Ignore The Trump Card And Press On!

Was he trying to show off?

How childish!

As soon as the roaring engine ceased, Xia Lei popped his head out from the control compartment through the top. He tilted his head to meet the eyes of the two waiting men standing by the window. “Hello, Officer Yu!” yelled Xia Lei with a smile.

Yu Shanhe could only manage to squeeze out a reluctant smile. “You sure do know how to have fun. Shall I reply to you with ‘well-done honey’?”

Xia Lei dropped his arms and entered the office block.

He dialed Fan Fan’s number as he went up the stairs.

“Doo doo doo... doo doo doo. Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable. Please try again later.”

The automated reply had Xia Lei’s brows scrunched. Fan Fan had reassured him last night that she would take care of this. Her promise was resolute but it was already four twenty in the afternoon and there was still no word regarding the matter! Was yesterday’s promise faux? Was she just trying to get impregnated?

The thought of it had Xia Lei shaking his head. He refused to believe that it had come to that. There was no way Fan Fan would betray him now. Together, they were strong and separation would just make them vulnerable. Also, there was no way that she would get pregnant in just a night? Even if there was such a coincidence, there was no point in harming the father...right?

Even if he tossed aside the possibility of betrayal or lies, there was still yet a reasonable explanation as to why she was unreachable.

With complex emotions, he entered his office to be welcomed by the sight of Yu Shanhe and Song Baicheng seated on his couch. Meanwhile, Yelena was busy making tea for the two visitors. She only felt the need to make tea when graced by visitors of Yu Shanhe’s level, Song Baicheng would’ve been completely ignored if the latter was the sole visitor.

“Hehe, what brings you here unannounced, Office Yu? You could’ve had your underlings inform me of your visit. I would’ve thrown a welcoming ceremony for you,” said Xia Lei, announcing his presence.

“Okay, enough.” Yu Shanhe scoffed. “You know what I’m here for and I’m aware that my presence is unwelcome. A welcoming ceremony? How insincere.”

Xia Lei sat opposite the two, crossing his leg swiftly as he settled down. There was still a smile on his face. “Officer Yu, please don’t say that. I really do wish to see you more in the future, your attention is most beneficial to the development and trade of Thunder Horse. I’m beyond honored to have you grace your presence in my office. Your presence is rare to come by, seeing you here makes me happy.”

“Alright, that’s enough. I know flattery is your forte. Let’s talk about something I’m good at. Serious business.” Yu Shanhe hinted Xia Lei with a hard stare.

Following that, Song Baicheng took out two sets of documents from his bag and dove right into the topic. “Mister Xia, I shall not repeat myself again,” He glanced at the time on his wristwatch. “There’s not much time left until five o’clock. Please take your stand in front of Officer Yu now. Do you agree or disagree?”

That made Xia Lei check his watch. He was getting increasingly anxious. “Where the hell is Fan Fan? What on earth is she up to now?” Xia Lei thought.

“Mister Xia?” Ah, ignored again. This was getting too much for Song Baicheng. He despised this man so much but he had to put up a front for the time being.

Xia Lei feigned innocence. “Oh sorry, my mind wandered off to the vehicle. I was thinking if I should install a Hi-Fi sound system in it.”

This sentence alone was enough to trigger the urge in Yu Shanhe and Song Baicheng to splash their tea onto him.

Installing a Hi-Fi system in an Infantry Fighting Vehicle?!

Xia Lei let out a laugh. “Come on, think about it. Wouldn’t some heavy metal be cool in war? We shouldn’t underestimate the effects of music. Heavy metal would most definitely spike up our men’s adrenaline, giving them some motivation to fight...”

Out of nowhere, Yu Shanhe smashed his teacup onto its coaster. “That’s enough, Xia Lei!” yelled the angry man.

Xia Lei shivered a little, seemingly terrified by the display.

Yelena, who had been watching this unfold, was squinting at Xia Lei. He was a man who fought off close to a hundred special agents, mercenaries and professional fighters. How could he be startled by a mere cup smash? It seemed a little too improbable.

“I’m personally here to get an answer from you. Are you going to sign it or not?” hissed Yu Shanhe.

“Let me look through the pages again,” said Xia Lei without sparing the seething male a glance.

“Give it to him,” scoffed Yu Shanhe.

And so Song Baicheng did.

Xia Lei stared at its front page for a while before turning to Yelena. “Please get Officer Yu another cup of tea.”

Yelena nodded but couldn’t help to ponder about what other cards her boss had up his sleeve.

In this instance, there were three confused people trying to get into Xia Lei’s headspace. Song Baicheng and Yu Shanhe were getting more and more annoyed as minutes passed. He didn’t seem like he was going to reject it but his attitude said otherwise.

Unbeknownst to the others, Xia Lei’s plan wasn’t the least bit complex at all. He was just trying to buy time until Fan Fan’s arrival. He faked his attention, flipping through the pages slowly while demanding explanations from Song Baicheng about certain terms. It felt as if he was trying to understand the entire agreement fully.

Seconds ticked by as the deadline crept closer.

By four-fifty in the evening, Yu Shanhe’s patience wore thin. “Xia Lei, you’re taking too long! Can you please speed up? I don’t have time for this, I have a meeting scheduled soon!”

“Take it easy, Officer Yu. I’m about done,” uttered Xia Lei carefreely.

“That’s it!” Yu Shanhe stood abruptly. “Give me an answer now! Are you going to sign the agreement or not?!”

“Officer Yu, this is no small matter. Do I not have the right to understand every minute detail about the terms and conditions?” replied Xia Lei calmly.

“Drop the act. I know you’re most definitely clear about its content. I’m going to remind you again, you’re the one getting all of its benefits. All I need is one sentence for an answer. Are you going to signing it or not?” Yu Shanhe’s tone was harsh.

If it wasn’t for Fan Fan’s promise, Xia Lei would’ve already placed his trump card on the deck, which was to threaten them with ending his trade with the French. But since Fan Fan was going to help him, there was no point in revealing such a troublesome hand. Yu Shanhe was probably aware of what he would put to the table and if he was still pressuring him with full knowledge, it meant that Yu Shanhe wasn’t even remotely bothered by it!

Why was Yu Shanhe so unfazed with the looming possibility?

Well, his thoughts weren’t difficult to guess. If Xia Lei called an end to business with the French, the interest of Yu Shanhe and the many organizations behind him wouldn’t even suffer a single scratch. Pulling such a crazy move would also affect the impression he had on the higher authorities. Surely a good man would not put his interests above the county’s, right? That alone was a kettle full of problems.

That was also the reason behind Xia Lei’s reluctance.

But given the situation now, Yu Shanhe’s urgency was really pushing him into drawing out his trump card.

“Do you really think I’m stupid enough to take your bait? Song Baicheng probably has a recording pen hidden somewhere in his pocket,” thought Xia Lei while trying to maintain his facade. “I’ll sign it, why wouldn’t I want to sign it? For the sake of the country, I’m willing to give up my own interest,” he answered.

Yu Shanhe and Song Baicheng couldn’t help but turn to glance at each other.

The latter failed to conceal his delight. “Then what are you waiting for, Mister Xia? Sign it before time runs out.”

“I’ll sign it as soon as I’m done reading it,” replied Xia Lei.

Song Baicheng was at a loss for words.

With that, Xia Lei went back to reading every single printed word in the document, brows furrowed with concentration. He really was taking this one word at a time.

Silently, another five minutes went by.

“Alright, I had enough for today.” Yu Shanhe’s voice rang coldly. “I can tell that you’re trying desperately to buy time but I’m going to say this. Your efforts will be in vain. The concept is simple. Your rejection would mean no waiver on your crippling debt. Other than that, I found out that your low-interest loans were given based on a special policy. I checked with the bank officials and sadly, your case is most definitely illegal. So from tomorrow onwards, your interest rate shall recover to the regular market rate.”

That was Yu Shanhe’s trump card.

Xia Lei’s brows were tightly clenched above his sockets. A twenty billion debt. If the interest rate were to be that of the regular market rate, it would be terrifyingly high. Returning the interest alone would be enough to jeopardize Thunder Horse’s development!

Song Baicheng’s smile had no warmth. “Mister Xia, there are four minutes left to its deadline. You are taking absurdly long to make a simple decision.”

Xia Lei could feel a migraine forming. “Can’t we just sign this tomorrow? I need to consult my lawyers, I’m not too familiar with legal terms.”

“Well, I guess we’ll take it as a rejection. Let’s go” Yu Shanhe stood up to leave.

Xia Lei was too occupied with his frustration towards Fan Fan. “How dare you ignore me! If there isn’t a good explanation to this, I’m going to spank you till your ass swells!” he yelled in his heart.

Song Baicheng picked up his bag and snatched away the document from Xia Lei’s hand, “Hmph! Who do you think you are, wasting our time and efforts?! We will see to it that you suffer the consequences!”

Suddenly, Yu Shanhe, who had made it to the door, halted his footsteps- prompting Song Baicheng to pause as well.

All Xia Lei could see was a slim figure with curves that he adored.

She was finally here. The black office attire, black stockings, and red stilettos went hand in hand with her vibrant red lips. It was a marvel how such simple colors could come into perfect harmony on her body.

“Oh! Hello, Officer Yu, what a coincidence,” greeted Fan Fan. Her smile was sickeningly sweet.

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