Monster Pet Evolution

Chapter 289 - Sage King vs. the Thunder Shell Lord

Chapter 289: Sage King vs. the Thunder Shell Lord

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

There was an enormous breach in the ground. The faint odor of rotting sewage wafted through it.

The Thunder Shell Lord emerged slowly from the breach, lightning dancing around it. Maybe it was the sunlight, but the lightning didn’t look particularly intimidating. However, it was enough to catch the attention of the surrounding officers.

“Hold it!”

“Who goes there?”

“Have your familiar stand down!”

Several armed officers, along with their familiars, circled the Thunder Shell Lord cautiously.

“Officers, I’m merely a law-abiding citizen of the Alliance. Please, hold your fire.” Gao Peng raised both his arms in what he hoped was a non-threatening manner.

“What is it this time?” Luo Qian could hear the commotion. He already had his hands full with the current situation, and he simply didn’t have the time for this. He really wanted to throw the troublemaker into jail for a couple of months, just because he could.

“Sir, someone with a familiar from the Dark Alley wants to see you.”

“Who could this person be?” he mused. “Send him over.” He had already made up his mind. If this person was here just to waste his time, he would throw the guy in jail for a couple of months.

As soon as Gao Peng made his way over, Luo Qian couldn’t keep his eyes off of the Thunder Shell Lord. It felt very familiar, as though they might have met long before this.

“Wait. Isn’t this...” His eyes widened. Joy surged through him. He remembered the familiar now.

Talk about a timely entrance.

“And you are...?” Luo Qian rarely watched TV. He had no time to watch competitions and the like, so he had no idea who he was talking to.

“Mr. Gao is fine,” Gao Peng said modestly.

“Oh, I see. Mr. Gao.” He knew it was just an alias, but he didn’t care. “Mr. Gao, please lend us your assistance in subduing this rampaging monster. For the sake of the city and all its people, I implore you.”

“Naturally.” Gao Peng nodded. “This is my civic duty for the Alliance.”

‘Thunder Shell Lord.” Gao Peng turned around to face it.

Hearing that name confirmed what Luo Qian knew, that this familiar did indeed belong to that renowned person. At the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder just who exactly this “Mr. Gao” was.

Just because he didn’t watch TV didn’t mean that his officers didn’t. Quite a few of them recognized Gao Peng and quietly told him who he was.

Upon hearing that he was a Lord-tier monster trainer and the grandson of that famous person, Luo Qian’s eyes lit up.

He immediately grasped both of Gao Peng’s hands. “Thank you, Gao Peng.”

“Mr. Gao is fine.” Gao Peng waved his hand airily.

Luo Qian was curious. If news of this got out, it would only improve his reputation, and immensely so. Why was he going to such lengths to keep his identity a secret?

“Right now, I’m merely a civic-minded citizen. Naturally, all credit for the subduing of this Lord-tier monster will go to you, Commander Luo.”

That didn’t make Luo Qian happy at all. If anything, it gave him a bad feeling. Gao Peng was obviously after something much bigger than this.

However, Luo Qian didn’t have a choice. He waved his officers away so he could speak with Gao Peng privately. “If there’s anything you need from me, please feel free—”

“You want the glory, I want the reward. I don’t want the credit for this, but I will be claiming the spoils of victory for myself. I hope we can come to an understanding on this.”

Luo Qian was conflicted, yet he had no choice but to agree. “Very well. Is there anything else?”

“Not at the moment, but I’ll reach out if I need anything from your side.” Gao Peng knew that this bronze Sage King statue was weak to lightning, but he wisely said nothing about it.

Having cut down those who had tried to stop it, the statue turned to leave.

All of a sudden, it heard the tell-tale crackle of electricity behind it. A streak of lightning screamed through the air and blew open a smoking crater right by its feet.

The statue turned around slowly to face the Thunder Shell Lord. It had run out of patience and didn’t plan on leaving just yet.

Without warning, it charged straight at the Thunder Shell Lord. Dragging the crescent blade through the ground, it ripped a huge trench in the ground as sparks rained down. Going ever faster, it bore down on the Thunder Shell Lord like a hurricane. As the wind roared, debris started flying with greater intensity.

The Thunder Shell Lord calmly extended two long, delicate laws into the air, reminding Gao Peng of a lightning rod. The next moment, a sphere of pure lightning started forming around its claws. Even the air current surrounding it started swirling. Arcs of electricity flickered and flashed as power surged through its body.

With sickening speed, it unleashed a ferocious attack. Streams of lightning energy slithered along the ground like snakes toward the statue.

Just before the Sage King was struck, its steed leapt more than 30 feet straight into the air. All that could be seen of it was its shadow.

The electric snakes on the ground shot straight into the air in hot pursuit, as though drawn together by magnets. Within seconds, they had latched onto the horse’s legs.

In a flash, the leg disintegrated.

The electric snakes then gathered and created a web, ensnaring and immobilizing the statue instantly.

Once the statue was fully trapped, the Thunder Shell Lord yanked it back to the ground with a mighty pull.

It landed in the middle of the plaza with a resounding boom.

As the smoke cleared, the statue was rolling around the ground and trying to escape, looking rather undignified as it did so.

The Thunder Shell Lord amped up its power. Countless webs of lightning started materializing around the statue, entombing it in a grisly cocoon of pure energy.

No matter how strong it was, it could barely move now. The Sage King statue was basically a beached whale at this point.

Mustering one final attempt, it tried to raise its crescent blade. It barely got the blade halfway up before its arm snapped violently and fell limply onto the ground.

“The battle is over.”

Gao Peng was amazed. He’d had no idea that elemental submission could be so violent.

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