The Demon's Bride

Chapter 679: Separation, Dear Friend-III

Chapter 679: Separation, Dear Friend-III

Words were thrown on Hallow\'s left and right side, making it difficult for him to know who was speaking to who but his attention was drawn to the younger boy who was scolded.

"There will be no wage for you now," said the elder man who was miffed by the fact how the boy had came late.

The boy was staggered at this, "But how could that be?! Sir, please understand that I had only came late for less than ten minutes. Please, I need the money."

"No is a no, young man. You came late and I don\'t approve that! Go and clean the ship and I might consider to give you half of your wage," answered the man to the younger boy who was shocked and baffled by this.

The boy clenched his hands, bending his head down so he wouldn\'t meet the man\'s eyes and it wasn\'t because he was scared but he didn\'t want to glare directly at the man which could only lead to angering him further more and causing him to get beaten up black and blue yet again.

With gritted teeth, the boy left the man and went to the ship. Hallow who was drawn by the young boy, followed from behind, avoiding his body to get stepped by the taller and larger people around the harbor.

Hallow almost lost the boy as more people who carries the couriers around but as he was trying to find an empty spot for him to walk to, he unknowingly stopped right in front of the boy.

"Shitty piece of shit," cursed the boy underneath his breaths. "It\'s simply a ten minute late! No ship is there to wait for his couriers and no one is in haste! Fucking bullshit. The wage he gave me is only 5 shillings cut it to half and I can\'t afford even a single bread!"

Hallow didn\'t expect such dirty words will come out of such a small boy. The chick then shook his head in response, "Poor boy, he should learn to speak with manner." Hallow commented as if he had never uttered the words the boy had said before.

The boy continued to complain and while other adults heard his words, they didn\'t speak anything to the boy, ignoring the fact the boy was much younger than them, his dirty clothes that could barely be called as clothes, and how thin his body was.

Watching the boy, Hallow understood that perhaps the boy had all his reason to speak all the dirty language he\'d like.

Hallow watched how the boy carriers the boxes which was much heavier than his own weight and how no one helped him much less pay attention to him. Despite all his complain, the boy continues to do all his works until he had completed it all and left with his wage that had been cut down to lesser than half by the larger man.

He continued with his mouthful of terrible curses for the man who had cut his wages as he took a path that wasn\'t too far from the harbor.

He stopped once he arrived at a small hut and quickly took off his tattered before entering the hut. Preparing himself, the boy fixed his hair and clothes that doesn\'t do much considering how terrible his condition was. Regardless, he had put care to himself as though he was about to meet a person from a high esteemed background. But Hallow can only see how terrible the house condition was which also mean the person inside wouldn\'t be less in situation as the house was.

Turns out after following the boy, Hallow realized that his guess was true as the person who the boy was looking forward to meet was a small girl whose body was covered with a blanket.

Hallow knew this was perhaps in illusion considering how no one questioned his presence yet he could smell the deadly scent from the girl which states how less time she has left in the world.

The boy walked silently after seeing how the girl was asleep and carefully thread his way out of the room so he won\'t disturb her.

"You are back," cheery voice spoke from behind despite how hoarse her throat was.

The boy wasn\'t smiling at first but sure he was now. The smile was wide but didn\'t look forceful. "Hey," the boy quickly turned around and walked to the side of the bed. He sat carefully, stopping the girl from sitting on the bed. "No need. Stay there. Did you sleep well?"

The girl nodded, "Mhm."

"It was difficult for you to sleep in the morning, so you should sleep more now. Don\'t worry about anything else," he said.

"But brother, I think I should help around the house. You have done much by leaving the house and working on the harbor. It\'s no easy feat and I know it would only be more burden for you as you need to take care around the house," the boy\'s younger sister said.

A clever and selfless girl, thought Hallow, who decided to climb the corner of the bed, for him to have a better look at the siblings.

The boy was proud at his sister\'s suggestion as it showed just how the girl posses a diamond heart, but it had also hurt his heart as her sister was weak and ill, yet all that was in her mind was to not become a burden to him.

He reached out his hand, placing it on his sister\'s arm carefully to say, "Linda, you are not a burden to me and taking care of you is my responsibility as your older brother. I have never thought you of a burden I wish to discard nor do I feel tired with the housework. Do you remember what I told you this morning?"

"That a princess should take care of yourself?" Linda questioned which had her brother to widen his smile.

"There you go. Remember that your health come first," the boy said as he stood up from the bed.

"Are you leaving now?" Linda worriedly questioned.

"I have a simple work to do but I promise it won\'t be for long," the boy rubbed his hand on the crown of Linda\'s head. "I\'ll come back soon."

Yet as he was about to leave, Linda caught his sleeve, halting his steps like a chicken who stumbled upon a rock.

While the boy was marveled at the amount of energy his sister had despite being sick, the latter spoke, "But remember too, your health is also important."

The boy\'s smile warmed the way his heart was touched by the warmth that was caused by Linda\'s words.

"Of course, dear princess. Now go back to sleep and when you wake up, I will be there, back home."

Hallow had known about many humans who had to strive through poverty. It was no where easy for the people such as this boy especially when it was all about money and illness that seemed to plague his sister.

Regardless, the boy was a hard worker. After coming back home not less than ten minutes, it had turned out he had only came to check on his younger sister before quickly leaving to the other side of the house, making his way there until he reached the mining cave.

Like how it was in the harbor, not much adult cared about his presence in the cave which was considered dangerous. The boy also didn\'t see this to be out of place and moved on his work with instinct as he had done the same work over and over again each day until he learned the skill to his bone.

Hallow didn\'t understood why he was here, watching the boy and somewhat had forgotten the fear and concern he had as he was soon going to leave the mortal world and be reincarnated.

The boy wasn\'t paid handsomely despite his terrific job and although he had spewed mouthful of complains in the morning, he said nothing after receiving his wage and left the place, continuing to his several other works that involve in physical activities that would make one wonder how such a small body was able to complete all the works he had done in the afternoon.

When the next day came, the boy had done the same routine, walking toward the harbor where his first work started. Just as soon as he arrived, he could see the large man again and his lips pursed tightly. Even though the boy prove himself to be such a confident and fearless person by his words that he muttered underneath his breaths, he tried all his best not to be seen by the man and made his way to the side of the path which he thought would be far reach for the man\'s eyes to notice.

Alas, his plan failed miserably as his arrival was always noticed by the adults due to how young he was amongst all the other workers in the harbor.

"I will solve that," said the man to the other man standing beside him. The large man, who the boy liked to call as Mr. Rumpygrumpygrimmy, looked at him up and down before nodding to say. "I believe he would be fine doing this job alone."

The other man standing in front of the large man and the body seized his appearance from the end of his hair and the tip of his she\'s.

"I suppose but I don\'t care who you want to bring, Mr. Ranold. All that I want is for my job commission to be done as quick as possible. Whoever it is, who decided to help me or you, I don\'t care," answered the man whose face was as strict as the lines on the white walls.

"Of course, sire I would make sure your horses are safely transported and there should be no harm on the horses at all."

"Prove me with words," the man said, huffing as he left.

Both the boy and Hallow stared hard at the new guest who was speaking to the captain of the ship, wondering just how much money the new guest had on his shoulders as the captain will never bend other than for people who can profit him well on term of money.

"Today, you would be leaving to ride the third ship," announced the coordinator who clearly dislikes to see the confusion on the boy\'s face.

"But I… I had things to do."

"How much can they pay anyway? I can tell it must be less than ten shillings. But I promise I can give you more if today, you can stay here and skillfully take care all of the money we has in his mind.

Resignedly, the boy who was blinded by the amount of money the captain had promised which cause him to quickly agree in confirmation.

A/N: sorry everyone for updating one chapters but it\'s very difficult for me to fix my schedule. Do not worry, however, I will try updating two in weekends!

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