The Demon's Bride

Chapter 454: Whose Shadow?-II

Chapter 454: Whose Shadow?-II

The underground was damp and foul smell filled the room that came from old corpses and mold that grew with the lack of sunlight and warmth. Esther had been put in the underground by Elise but that wasn\'t the worse thing that could have happened to her but rather the fact the blonde-haired Demon was looking down at her this entire time.

"Look at me more and I will poke your eyes once I leave this cell," said Esther, setting her teeth on edge.

"Feisty," Beel chuckled, pulling the old wooden chair that seemed as though it will break with just a faint added weight and sat on it. "Try then? Do you really have that thought in your mind that you would be released from this cell. What I guess is that you will stay here, forever and ever. See that one over there," Beel tipped his chin to the right side, toward the cell behind him and Esther squinted her eyes to find the skeleton that had rot. "My closest guess is that it had been there for years and with the limbs intact maybe Ian \'forgot\' to feed the man and starve them to death. Sometimes death like these which is painful and slow is worthwhile than killing them at once."

Esther clicked her tongue, "I may not be involved with the right kind of clique but I am not on the side of her enemy. She will know it soon." But she wasn\'t completely certain about it. For all she knew, she could sway Elise\'s mind as goodness was all it is inside the girl but the thought had been changed seeing how similar Elise had became to her father, threatening her by shadows that she remembered happened years ago.

At first her problem was Ian because the Demon won\'t pardon her like Elise would but now that Elise was following his footsteps, she wasn\'t sure any longer.

"I can tell you are not thinking of that," said Beelzebub with a wry smile, "Let\'s have a talk between you and me Esther."

"I don\'t understand what makes you interested in me," answered Esther with one brows raised, "You haven\'t fell for me, have you?"

Beelzebub twisted his lips and pressed it together as if to repress the laughter but failed and begin to boom with a laughter, "That\'s one of the best joke I have heard. I don\'t like anyone other than myself, Miss Esther. But yes, I love broken people, people with wounds insides or outside. It always fascinate me to see people who is scarred and you," Beel circled his thumb and connected it with his index finger to make a small circle, placing it on Esther, "Have just fall to my arena of interest."

"You are mad," Esther said, her hand which was tied on her back tightened at Beelzebub\'s smile that mocked her further.

"Thank you for the compliment," Beelzebub responded, and he tapped the iron bars in front of him, "I don\'t understand Esther, you are a Demon but strangely you seem to hate Demons."

"I only have a faint lineage of a Demon but I am a human," defended Esther and she appeared to be disgusted when Beel had called her a Demon.

"But you hate men more than Demons," Beelzebub said and this had Esther\'s eyes that looked at him react, "Not denying, aren\'t you? Did you have a bad memories with men?"

"Disgusting creatures I would call them," said Esther with a roll of her eyes, "Do you know what men love, Demon? This," Esther gestured her body by her eyes, "I might spent time in Hell for only a short while, but I can assure you that once I came here in the mortal world, here is no less of a crueler place than Hell. Men is just Demons in disguise."

"That\'s a hypocrite statement, Esther," Beelzebub said, pushing himself from the chair and push aside to walk nearer to the iron bar and knelt one leg to sit on the ground and meet Esther with his eye level. "Demons you see is not only inside men but also women. It\'s just that you have been scarred deeply by men that you think everyone is the same."

Esther scoffed, "Are you calling yourself different?"

"Naturally I am not the best person you should ask about being different from those sinful people. I don\'t discriminate between men or women to kill but I do not shame women. I would rather call myself as a gentleman to woman."

"I know what you are doing," Esther then hissed, her eyes blazing and looking at her blue eyes, a certain interest that started small spark even brighter in Beelzebub.

He enjoyed talking with Esther, precisely because the woman was shrouded with many mystery and he could tell despite her strong upfront there was many layers inside her. He didn\'t lie when he said broken people interest him but Esther was quite the jewel of his interest.

"Tell me, what am I doing?" Beelzebub questioned, meeting the deadly glare Esther threw to him to widened his smile.

"You are swaying me to be on your side, being kind to me, to open me up and gather informations, don\'t you?" Esther asked warily despite her confident smile. She had seen many methods of interrogations and it appears that this man thought coaxing her would make her chirpy about all the secrets she held.

"I don\'t think you are a box to be opened? And if you are, I would rather unravel you by my fingers than actions and words," chuckled Beel, who then stood up from the ground, "Of course I would do that only if our interest is align. Believe my words,?in the next few minutes you will reveal everything you are hiding, Miss Esther and I hope by that time, you would be on our side."

"Will that guarantee my life and safety?" Esther asked while watching Beelzebub dusting his hands he used to push himself from the ground.

"Who knows? Though I hope you won\'t die, you are too interesting to die this quickly," Beelzebub offered the woman a smile and all of a sudden Esther saw him snap his head to his right side where Maroon had came with Arrah not long after Elise and Ian came inside the underground, the dungeon which Ian had built secretively to keep people who he need to interrogate or torture to death like Esther.

Elise walked up to the cell where Esther was kept at, seeing the woman half-glare at her while taking her gaze as if knowing offending her now will only put her on the negative corner. She then turned to look at Beelzebub who smiled and said, "I thought she would be bored sitting alone here and came to have my own fill of amusement. Don\'t worry, lass I haven\'t hurt or help her."

Elise questioned herself if Beelzebub had been smitten by Esther, but the man appeared lukewarm seeing Esther in the cell, the dynamics confuse her but she knew there was a connection the two form; whether it was hatred, amusement, or intrigue, one cannot say clearly.

"Beel can help us to pull out the answers we want from Esther," Ian said, coming from the side as his gaze looked down on the woman who was tied. "How strange. It appears not only do I have a very strange family relationship, Elise also had strike a bad luck in being born in this family. No offense because I am actually grateful that Satan had slept with a woman as he had contributed in bringing Elise to this world. But a shame all her family is like...sewer rats. But it is worthwhile to kill rats like you, I take this activity as lending a hand to clean this dirty world."

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