Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 618 - Don’t Let Go

Chapter 618 - Don’t Let Go


An hour later Reth was starting to be able to breathe himself, though only just.

Aymora had arrived within minutes bringing the herbs she hoped would stop the contractions, and another healer who examined his mate and was confident she hadn\'t broken anything, though she worried about concussion. Something the humans were more prone to, she told him.

As soon as she heard that Elia hadn\'t hurt her spine, Aymora immediately positioned Elia on her back with pillows under her knees, "to make it as hard as possible for her body to bear down."

She was still examining Elia and the position of the baby when Jayah ran in, stopping cold at the sight of several Anima in the bedchamber, and Elia, her breath still huffing, though at least she was breathing.

Reth blinked himself to awareness then—there were too many people here. A messenger waiting at the wall. Two guards that had come with Aymora. The healer… Elia was already under stress. This was only going to make it worse.

But where was Behryn? Why hadn\'t he arrived yet? Had he and Hollhye gone to their old home in the outskirts? The horns should have been blown within minutes, reaching even out there, but… but Reth hadn\'t been paying attention. He didn\'t know…

Reth growled. "Everyone but Aymora and Jayah get out of here and go into the main room. Wait for instructions there."

The guards and messenger filed out immediately. The healer sent a glance at Aymora first, which made Reth growl again. But then she packed up her things and trotted out with a hurried word to Jayah to call her back if they discovered anything.

When the door closed behind her, Reth settled back down, sitting on the side of the bed and holding Elia\'s hand. She was breathing mostly normally, still wincing when pain waves hit. But whatever Aymora had given her had eased the contractions. She hadn\'t had one that stopped her breathing for several minutes now.

Please… he prayed. Please keep her safe. Keep Elreth safe. Just…. Not yet.

"Somebody tell me what the hell happened this morning?" Aymora growled, wringing out a small rag from a bowl of cool water, then placing it on Elia\'s forehead.

"I… I don\'t know…" Reth said, swallowing hard. "Gahrye came to visit her. I left to get food and… I came back and she was on the floor in the cave, bleeding."

Aymora went very still. "The Advisor harmed her?" she asked, shocked.

"No!" Elia croaked. "He left when I went to sleep."

"He did what?" Reth snarled, rage shuddering through him.

"Don\'t, Reth," Elia breathed. "I told him to go. I thought… I wanted to sleep and I thought you\'d be back. I hadn\'t had any pain. It was all… it was my mistake."

Reth knew that wasn\'t true—he\'d told the male to stay until he returned!—but he also knew arguing with Elia wasn\'t going to help. So he caught Aymora\'s eye, but said nothing.

"What hurt you? Did someone else enter the cave?" Aymora asked carefully.

"No. I started having contractions. I was fighting the beast and… and I knew I needed you. I was going to go call a Sentry. But a contraction hit and my legs gave out. I fell. That\'s all."

That was all? That was all?! Reth wanted to bite something, but Elia\'s eyes swam with tears.

"Is… is Elreth okay?" she whispered to Aymora.

"Elreth\'s heart is strong," Aymora said, though her face was grim. "I\'m more concerned with whether or not we can stop this labor."

"I\'m feeling much better now," Elia said quickly. "I haven\'t had a contraction for a few minutes. The herbs helped."

Aymora\'s lips pressed to thin lines. "We will see. You are still in pain—don\'t try to pretend that you aren\'t, Elia. So just… don\'t move. Let us get anything you need. And we\'ll see."

But Reth could see the tight anger pinching her eyes. His own was the same, he was sure.

He dropped his head in his hands for a moment. Everything had been so beautiful that morning. She\'d been so strong.

"Don\'t give up hope, Reth," Aymora said tightly. "We have stopped it before, we may be able to do so again. But once we have, we will have a discussion about what I smell on both of you."

Reth dropped his hands to look at Elia, whose eyes were wide. She looked at him and her pale cheeks colored. But neither of them said anything—was there any point now?

Reth didn\'t regret it… except if it brought Elreth into danger… what had he been thinking?

Aymora growled. "Oh, for fuck\'s sake. Stop looking like I just kicked you in the balls. Honestly, I didn\'t think you\'d last as long as you did. But still… no more!"

"Yes, Aymora," they both said, like chastened children. And Reth\'s heart lightened, because although Elia was still pale, and her face still tight with pain, she was comfortable enough to reach for his hand and meet his eyes slyly, sharing the joy of that morning with him for a breath.

His mate. His beautiful, strong, terrifying mate. He squeezed her hand, and pulled it into his lap, unwilling to lose any contact with her.

For the next few minutes he could breathe. Elia was brightening, Aymora\'s anger seemed to wane, and Jayah had stopped frowning. He knew when the healer\'s relaxed it was a good sign. He didn\'t like the bruise spreading on Elia\'s forehead, but she said her head wasn\'t hurting, so he prayed they had escaped this disaster.

If they had, he would wrap Elia in furs and sit with her in his lap for the next week until it was definitely safe for Elreth to come. And then he would pray. And pray. And pray.

But as they sat there and he combed through Elia\'s hair with his free hand, footsteps—running footsteps—sounded in the cave and he tensed. It was Behryn, probably panicked because he\'d been so late to answer the alarm.

At least Reth could comfort him.

The door swung wide so fast it cracked against the wall of the cave and they all startled.

"What the hell are you—" Aymora hissed.

But Behryn ignored her, rushing towards Reth. "The bears, Reth. The bears are awake and something\'s… A bird patrol caught sight of Gahwr dragging someone out of the portal cave."

Reth\'s stomach dropped and a curse rose to his lips at the same time he felt Elia go tense and heard her breath stop.

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