Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 445: The Call for Peace

Chapter 445: The Call for Peace

YOU\'RE ALMOST AT 5 CHAPTERS FOR THE MASS RELEASE! Your support has been so amazing I\'ve decided it will be a lot more fun to celebrate a couple times a month. So look forward to a 5 chapter mass release sometime this week when we pass that 1000 Golden Tickets threshhold (we need about 75 more at the time of this chapter release.)

Thank you, deeply, for everything you\'re giving me and my books. I am so grateful!



"The challenge was issued by Lerrin Mhygha o\'Lucan of the Running Fang," Brant called, turning in place to face every inch of the grounds and the audiences watching on every side. "He challenges Gareth Orstas Hyrehyn for dominance. The Hallowed Grounds will see the Anima King crowned this day!"

Anima on both sides cheered and howled, calling their support for their Alpha, their confidence that they would walk from the grounds victorious. Reth shook his head at the bloodthirst in his people. One glance at Lerrin showed the wolf, face tight either with anger or fear. Perhaps both. It was cold comfort that he did not smile when his people called for Reth\'s death. Of course, he clearly didn\'t feel the prick of Reth\'s Anima calling for his, either.

"In the ancient tradition, this challenge will be met, and respected, by the Anima as a whole. Whichever Alpha is triumphant, the people will follow. ALL of the people!" Brant shouted so he could be heard, his own dominance vibrating in his voice which was amplified by the bowl. The people were not so quick to cheer this time, though many applauded. "Anima!" he barked. "Do you submit to the Creator\'s plan which will unfold here at the Hallowed Grounds?!"

The people raised their agreement in chorus, both sides of the bowl washing with affirmation of their commitment. But Reth shook his head. He knew they all imagined their opponents forced to submit to their King. None answered with the sobriety of knowing their own lives might change.

Turning to face his people again, he roared to silence them and the wolves became quiet too, to listen to his words.

"Anima of the Tree City, know your own hearts! I walk into the Hallowed Grounds ready for battle. I will fight for you with my last breath. But should I lose, you will submit to your new King. Where it is within your grasp, you will live in… in peace with his people. Do you agree?!"

There was a hesitant pause as Reth glared at the people spread out before him. But one by one they began to nod and clap, calling their submission to the challenge until Reth sighed and turned back, challenging Lerrin with his eyes. But the wolf had already turned to face his own.

"The Lupine and our allies live with honor! We choose honor! If I am your King, call your honor!" Lerrin barked. His entire side of the bowl rose, awash with howls and calls, to answer his call. Lerrin nodded. "Your future is bright. I fight for your good, for your strength today. But if I am dominated, you know that is the Creator\'s plan and you walk into unity—into peace!—with respect for Anima life. Any who breach that peace will be removed from among us—your lives forfeit. Do you agree and submit yourself to the Creator\'s plan played out on Hallowed Grounds?!"

Again, the howls and barks rose, but smattering in places. Reth eyed the groups that did not raise their howls. As the noise eased, he grunted. "A people contained by threats of violence will not soon live in peace."

Lerrin bristled, but didn\'t respond. Reth reluctantly admired his self-discipline.

Brant, eyed each of them in turn, then returned his attention to the people.

"The Hallowed Grounds are Hallowed by peace. No blood may be shed on this ground outside of the challenge. Anima! Take your vows of peace to your Alpha, commit yourselves to the victory of today."

As Reth and Lerrin each led their people in the Anima vow of peace, Reth had to fight not to turn and stare, to pick out the wolves, or their allies who perhaps avoided speaking the words. His stomach twisted with the tension of knowing, even should he win, there were likely Anima here would choose to fight, rather than submit.

It was why Behryn was back at the Tree City with the young and old, why the Sentries hadn\'t been removed from their posts, and why a contingent of the Guard remained behind, patrolling. He did not trust the wolves to hold their vows this day. And even less trusted any who had not come to the Hallowed Grounds.

He\'d told Elia true: This answer, the direct challenge between he and Lerrin, was the real answer, the best answer. But he knew the people were yet unhealed.

If the wolves did not like the outcome of this day, war remained on the horizon. But he would lead his people to peace, and pray somehow, Lerrin found balance if he were to win.

When everyone was silent again, Brant positioned himself to stand halfway between Lerrin and Reth, a few feet off to the side.

"It is tradition in formal challenge to meet without weapons. To fight hand to hand, skin to skin, beast to beast. However, weapons may be agreed between Alphas. Reth, as dominant, you choose the weapons."

Some of the wolves growled, but once again, Lerrin snapped a glare towards them, and Reth caught some of the leaders moving among them, quieting those that were creating ill feeling.

"I choose Alpha to Alpha," Reth called so they could all hear him. "What passes this day will pass at our own hands—or claws."

Lerrin\'s mouth tightened.

Nodding his agreement, Brant turned to Lerrin. "It is tradition that the Alphas meet in beast form—that all wounds sustained be left to teeth and claws so the Anima can walk away in peace. The challenger will choose the terms."

Lerrin looked at the young wolf next to him that Reth didn\'t know personally, then turned back to his people. "I walk in honor, and fight in honor. I hold myself to the Tribe. We fight under terms of Protection—male to male, face to face. We will not bring our Beasts to the Hallowed Grounds."

The bowl rocked with the immediate, vehement protests of the people.

Reth was startled. Lerrin wanted to face in human form? Why? While Lerrin was no small male, Reth was one of the largest Anima alive when in human form. The terms would seem to give him an advantage.

Did he have a plan? Something Reth was more vulnerable to as a human?

"Why?" he snarled at Lerrin. "Why would you choose this?"

He expected the wolf to spew nonsense about making him pay. But Lerrin only clenched his hands to fists at his sides. "This way there is no excuse for anyone—any of the people—to blame beasts, bloodlust, or instinct. We will meet as rational males and one of us will win or lose in our right mind. I will own my decisions, Reth. Will you own yours?"

Reth let a growl putter in his throat—he applauded the intention, but didn\'t trust Lerrin\'s honesty. He eyed Lerrin warily, but the male was too busy dominating his people who howled to see the wolf take the lion\'s throat. But Lerrin shook his head and glared until they all quieted. Then looked to Brant with a short nod.

Brant, eyebrows up glanced at Reth for acceptance of the terms, then took a deep breath. "Finally, it is tradition for victory to be drawn at the line of submission—when one Alpha clearly dominates the other. The Alpha, from the seat of power, will choose the line of victory. Reth, which do you choose?"

Reth hesitated as Lerrin stared at him, a strange light in his eyes. He never expected Lerrin to choose human form, to reduce them both to that. And the truth was, he was far more hesitant to… was that Lerrin\'s strategy?

Reth\'s options were first blood—that the first male to draw blood on the other would accept the submission of the wounded party. A perfect resolution between leaders or citizens in conflict, but not to resolve war.

Challenges of this nature usually ended in submission. Traditionally, it was the line drawn—it allowed both Alphas to live, but left one in dramatic humility before all the people, reducing them greatly and cutting off at the knees any rebellion they might raise. Who wanted to follow a male they\'d seen bare his balls to another?

The final line, and most rarely sought, was a fight to the death. Where both parties agreed their life was forfeit to the other.

Clenching his teeth in distaste and with reluctant admiration for Lerrin\'s sheer balls to force him into this corner, Reth shook his head. But Lerrin didn\'t smile, or pale. He only waited, every muscle in his body rigid, the veins in his arms standing proud, his shoulders rippling with the tension he held.

"Poor move, Lerrin," Reth muttered so only the males there at the center of the hollow would hear him.

The male with Lerrin blinked, but Brant only watched Reth carefully.

Lerrin didn\'t speak, but waited for Reth\'s verdict.

"The Anima are in need of peace, not further revolt. Not further dissension. One Alpha in victory. One Alpha for the people," he bellowed so everyone would hear him. "I submit myself to the Hallowed Grounds and declare this a fight to the death."

The bowl erupted.


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