Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 284: Jeens

Chapter 284: Jeens

A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I just want to reassure the fans of Gahrye that, while you\'re going to see him struggle for a little while and deal with a lot of angst and self-doubt, just be patient. He\'s working through some stuff, and the pay-off will be... quite the ride [insert winky emoji here]


GHARYE - Human World

The walk back to their rooms was uncomfortable and Gahrye cursed himself for handling that whole moment so poorly. But perhaps it was for the best. He couldn\'t let her distract him from his purpose. He\'d never mate her if he was dead at Reth\'s hand. And frankly, if he failed and Elia was lost, he\'d never forgive himself anyway.

Kalle told him she needed to get something before they left, so they part in the hall when he first entered the rooms in case Elia was back. He stood for a few moments, looking and listening. But the room was unchanged—the door to her bedroom still closed, and no light under it.

He intentionally made noise crossing the room so she would be warned that he was there. Then he stopped in front of the door.

"Elia?" he said quietly, his forehead on the door. That low, rolling growl answered him, and he sighed. "I\'m… I\'m trying to help, okay? Kalle\'s going to take me to the library in this town and her grandmother may have help for us. If you can hear me… you have to fight. You have to dominate. You have to… take yourself back."

He stood there, but there was no further noise, so he turned back, halting quickly when he found Kalle leaning in the door again, her face sad.

Nothing? She mouthed.

He shook his head. She gestured to herself, then the room. Could she enter?

Gahrye looked at the door, then shrugged and beckoned her in. "I think… I think as long as we leave her it will be fine. I think she can hear me. I think…" he said uncertainly, keeping his voice low.

Kalle nodded. "All our research indicates that the human counterpart is at least aware, if not actively controlling the beast. That they have influence."

He nodded. "She stopped it from attacking me. I\'m certain."

"Well, that\'s a good sign, right?" she said softly, hopefully.

Gahrye nodded. "If she can figure out how to get back, yes."

They both sighed then. Then Kalle pushed a bundle of folded fabrics into his stomach, her expression uncomfortable. "I realized if we\'re going to go out and people will see you, you\'ll need to change your clothes. Yours look… different. It will draw attention."

Gahrye took the bundle, "Thank you." Then he shook them out and frowned. The trousers were made of a thick, blue material, and looked like they\'d already been worn out by whomever used them before. He looked at Kalle and she bit her lip, smiling. "They\'re called jeans," she said.


"Yes, they\'re very popular here. And you\'ll…. You\'ll look good in them, I\'m sure." Heat rose in her cheeks again and Gahrye looked away, forcing himself to calm. When her scent spiked like that… He took a deep breath to try to calm, then silently cursed himself for it. He shook out the other bundle and found a strange, thick, long-sleeved shirt with cuffs and a hood.

"It\'s a hoodie," she said. "And… it\'s just the right color for your eyes."

He snapped his head up to look at her, to measure the shift in her tone, but she was studying something on her long sweater, picking at it.

"Thank you," he said quietly, and placing both on the back of the couch behind him, he started unbuttoning his shirt. "I wasn\'t sure whether our clothes would be acceptable here. I believe Elia will need some others, too." Shrugging off his soft linen shirt, he picked up the hoody.



She wasn\'t sure what had made him pull away so abruptly back in the library. And she was still feeling off-balance about it. That little comment about his eyes was definitely not cool. She really needed to be more professional.

She\'d been pretending to pick at something stuck on her sweater, but really she was just giving herself a reason not to meet his eyes, because she was afraid to see him wanting to avoid her again.

But when he asked about clothes for Elia, it was natural to look up to answer and tell him, "Oh, I\'m sure we have things that will… oh!" she said, breaking off softly.

He\'d taken off his shirt and was holding the hoodie, obviously trying to figure out how to attack getting into it.

His chest and shoulders were bare, his rippled abdomen crunching whenever he moved his arms. He frowned at the shirt and the hair fell over his eyes and he was…

Dear lord, he was heavenly.

Her mouth dropped open as she scanned the bronze skin, veins and tendons standing proud whenever he moved, the muscles clearly visible and distinct enough to shadow. And yet, he wasn\'t bulky. Rather… athletic.

More athletic than any man she\'d had the pleasure to see naked, that was for sure.

Desire curled low in her belly. Her breathing went shallow again and she could feel her cheeks heating—that blush reflex was so embarrassing. She was twenty-two years old. She should be beyond blushing by this time!

Then, when she stopped talking, his head snapped up and their eyes met and she knew she couldn\'t hide it from him. She knew he could see—and probably scent, ew!—how staggered she was by his appearance.

She yanked her gaze away from his face, but that didn\'t help, because then she found the strong cords of his neck, the flat collarbones and broad pecs that…

She wanted to lick him like he was an ice cream.

She had never thought about licking a man before in her life. Not a real one, anyway.

Then, apparently ignoring the effect he was having on her, he raised his arms and pulled the hoodie over his head and down, his stomach stretching as he pushed his arms through the sleeves and her mouth went dry. Then, when he pulled it down it hung off his shoulders like it had been made for him.

She tried quickly to think of an excuse to touch them. But even as she opened her mouth, he took hold of the buttons on his leather pants and popped the first button.



1. Rae_Read

2. Marie_Bull

3. Wavelink

4. DaoistK1pY1b

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