Genius Detective

Chapter 929: Shooting the Murderer Dead

Chapter 929: Shooting the Murderer Dead

Lin Dongxue yelled and hurried over. She saw a burly man wearing a ghost mask dragging a comatose man in his arms. Lin Dongxue raised her gun and shouted, "Hold up your hands!"

The man pushed the boxes next to him with one hand, and the piles of boxes fell down. Lin Dongxue instinctively backed away, and in the ensuing panic shot towards the ceiling. The gunshot kept reverberating in the room, vibrating her eardrums until they ached.

Chen Shi also saw the man. He was holding the victim and passing quickly behind the boxes. Chen Shi held his gun with both hands and kept tracking him. He shot a few times but missed.

Turning his head, he noticed that Lin Dongxue\'s gun hand was trembling. She kept adjusting her breathing. No one would have thought that they would encounter the murderer here. The warehouse was big and dark, and there were obstacles everywhere. They had no backup and could only deal with it by themselves.

Chen Shi was also just as afraid. This dark and big warehouse reminded him of the night four years ago, but he still reassured Lin Dongxue. "Don\'t be afraid. Outflank him from over there and shoot directly if you see him."

"You should be careful, too!" Lin Dongxue nodded and walked into a small passageway with the gun in her hands.

The two carefully searched the surroundings. There was a smell of blood from somewhere, and the smell became stronger and stronger. Chen Shi walked closer and mounted a few boxes that had been stacked up like stairs. He saw that two murderers had already cut open the abdomen of the victim on the ground and were digging something out.

In an instant, his whole body’s nervous system was triggered off by danger signals. He raised his gun and aimed at the small man who was committing the crime.

The big man next to him saw this, but his first reaction wasn’t to run away, but to shield his companion like a screen and spread out his hands.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The three shots were deafening. The big man\'s body reeled, but he forced himself to stand firmly. At that moment, Chen Shi even felt that perhaps under the mask wasn’t a human at all, because the bullets had already penetrated through his vitals.

Behind the big man, the small man suddenly ran like lightning, jumped nimbly onto a box and rushed towards a transom window.

Chen Shi was aiming at his back when the box under his feet suddenly swayed. It turned out that the big man had kicked the boxes, and Chen Shi fell to the ground as the sky spun. His back had almost broken from the fall. The big man kicked away the box on the ground with a terrifying sense of oppression and walked over. The claw knife in his hand gleamed coldly, and a weird whining sound came from underneath the mask.


Lin Dongxue rushed over, aimed at the big man and fired. Chen Shi also lay on the ground and kept shooting. The echoes of the gunfire coalesced into a buzzing sound wave, and the big man stayed in place, his upper body continuously exploding with clouds of blood. In the end, he ran out of strength and he knelt down before collapsing completely.

Chen Shi gasped for a long time, still pulling the trigger nervously with his fingers, but the gun was already out of bullets.

Wiping the cold sweat from his face, he said, "Let’s save him!"

The two detoured around a messy pile of boxes. The victim was the warehouse manager. His abdomen had been cut open and was dripping fresh blood, but he wasn’t dead yet. His face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding constantly. He looked at them with widened eyes begging for help.

To the murderers, Chen Shi and Lin Dongxue\'s intrusion was also an accident. In the rush, they didn’t kill the victim first, but removed the stomach directly.

"Can you hear me? Don\'t be afraid. We’re the police, and the ambulance will be here soon." Chen Shi said while holding the victim\'s bloody hands in his.

The victim opened his mouth with tears streaming down his eyes.

After calling an ambulance, Chen Shi and Lin Dongxue took turns to talk to him to keep him conscious. His blood kept flowing out. As it was from within the abdominal cavity, there was no way to stop the bleeding, and the victim\'s face gradually turned pale. He fainted several times and Chen Shi slapped him on the cheeks to wake him up.

He was worried that he wouldn’t be able to hold on until the ambulance arrived.

After staying in the darkness amidst the stink of blood for an unknown period of time, the siren of an ambulance finally came from the outside. Someone ran into the warehouse and shouted, "Where is he?!"

"Here!" Chen Shi shouted.

"Wave, we can\'t see!"

Lin Dongxue had an idea and fired a shot at the ceiling. The sound of the gunshot was enough to indicate their position.

The medics ran over, carrying a single stretcher. The first thing they saw was the body of the big murderer and one said, "Oh my God, this man is too big to carry."

"It\'s not him, it\'s this one!" Chen Shi shouted angrily.

The medics discovered the three people hidden behind the messy array of boxes and asked them what was going on. Chen Shi said, "The stomach has been removed."

"It’s fine if he’s still conscious." The medics checked the victim\'s breathing and heartbeat, and quickly gave him a shot of epinephrine hydrochloride. "There’s a bag of blood in the ambulance, and he’ll be fine after the blood transfusion. Come and help lift him onto the stretcher."

The four people worked together to lift the pitiful warehouse manager onto the stretcher. When he was being taken away, he weakly grasped Chen Shi\'s hand and said "thank you" tearfully.

"At last…" Chen Shi breathed a long sigh of relief as he nearly collapsed down for a rest.

"It\'s been a long time since I was so scared."

"Me too. When the giant rushed towards me, my brain went blank."

The two of them found each other\'s hands, grasped them, and felt comforted.

Then they checked the murderer’s body. He had been shot more than ten times. Compared with Long’an’s motley criminals, the murderer gave people a supernatural impression. The body was close to two meters and full of well-developed and strong muscles. His huge palms could almost crush a basketball. His hands had calluses from years of using a knife as well as old and new cuts. Chen Shi took off his mask. He seemed to even have muscles on his face. His skin was sallow, the corners of his mouth and forehead were full of deep grooves, and his small eyes were widened so much that they were round. Chen Shi closed his terrifying eyes, pried open his mouth for a look, and discovered a glass vial inside.

After taking it out, they found some white powder in the glass vial. Chen Shi speculated, "It\'s poison, so that they can commit suicide at any time if something goes wrong. They’re really professional killers."

"I can\'t believe that such a profession has already appeared in Long’an!" Lin Dongxue said in astonishment, "Why haven’t they appeared before?"

"Probably because the price of hiring them is very high…"

They heard the sound of footsteps, and Lin Dongxue immediately pointed a gun in that direction. The person in charge who had accompanied them inside just now raised his hands in fright."Don\'t shoot, it\'s me! Damn, a person was killed?"

"Did something happen?" Chen Shi asked.

"Just then, a man dressed in black ran out of the warehouse. He was a small man like a monkey. He swished over the wall and then I heard the sound of a car starting. I was wondering why you weren’t chasing after him!"

"We had to save someone, so we couldn’t chase after him." Chen Shi said helplessly.

"That guy was bleeding the whole way. I don\'t know if he was injured. All the workers in the entire factory district stopped working and ran out to watch. Haii, how could something like this happen?"

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