Marvel's Superman

Chapter 153 - 149 | Scheming, Nasty Heart.

Chapter 153 - 149 Scheming, Nasty Heart.

Emma, the White Queen, and Silver Fox, her sister, were born in a wealthy family in Boston and grew up with a silver spoon.

However, being a young lady of a rich family wouldn\'t always lead to happiness -- at least the White Queen didn\'t think so.

Her father was a ruthless capitalist who never showed much affection for his family.

As far as she remembers, the White Queen never went to an amusement park as a child and never received a single compliment.

Moreover, the relationship between the parents wasn\'t good. There were often fights and arguments.

Blame each other, find fault with each other, curse each other … it all filled the empty and cold luxury apartment.

As we all know, family education will affect a person\'s character.

Emma was rather withdrawn as a child, did not like to talk to others, and had very few friends.

If there\'s one thing worse than having an incompetent father, it has an alcoholic, drug-addicted, cheating mother.

Such a bad environment, living in it will only feel depressing.

Therefore, Emma, whose heart was closed, awakened her mutant ability very early.

Like Professor Baldheaded, she could read the thoughts of people around her, feel their emotions, guide and control them.

Moreover, she can also shift into diamond form, making herself dazzling and surprisingly resistant -- this was only discovered later.

With her telepathy, Emma soon became one of the most popular girls in school.

Because everyone who talks to her is amazed at how well she understands them as if they were friends from a lifetime ago.

Even the little secrets and hobbies were clear.

For Emma, this was a very pleasant and relaxing time.

She had more and more friends at school and was deeply loved by teachers and classmates.

Her grades were getting better and better -- relying on mental ability to cheat.

Gradually, Emma created a perfect girl image with excellent academic results.

If the story goes on like this, the life of the White Queen would probably become a Mary Su romance book.

Unfortunately, happiness was often short-lived, followed by bad luck.

Soon, Emma lost control.

A large number of thoughts and emotions poured into her mind, causing her great distress.

In addition, the occasional reading of other people\'s thoughts and entering the consciousness without mastering the strength lead to the target\'s unconsciousness or disordered thinking, resulting in impairment.

With guilt and remorse tormenting her fragile heart, it didn\'t take long for Emma\'s life to turn into a mess.

After a series of shocks and changes, she chose to leave her family in Boston and started to wander alone.

Then, Sebastian Shaw found her and invited her to join the Hellfire Club.

"I heard you left that cold place afterward, too?"

The corners of the White Queen\'s mouth tilted up with a slight smile and said, "Tell me, dear sister, how did you feel when you discovered that you could sense the fluctuations of other peoples\' thoughts and read those complex and changing emotions?"

Silver Fox was silent for a moment and whispered, "Honestly, it was a terrible experience. "

"It would make you lose faith in human beings, both men and women. I never knew before that Jenny, who often played with me, secretly envied me for having a rich dad, called me a little bitch, and spread rumors that I was having an affair with many boys. "

"I didn\'t even know that Johnny, who looked so polite and refined, only wanted to get me into bed sooner, full of dirty and disgusting images, and to brag to others that he succeeded. "

Speaking of the past, Silver Fox looked at her sister, who had left home long ago, and said sincerely, "Emma, I finally understand what you did before. You can tell me … "

"Before becoming a mutant, did you understand the pain?"

The White Queen interrupted without courtesy and a cold expression on her face.

Silver Fox is much better than her. It was difficult to control her abilities before. Once she masters them, it would cause big problems.

The opponent\'s ability to tamper with consciousness through contact and psychological suggestion doesn\'t risk losing control.

"This is the end of today\'s episode of nostalgia. "

After taking a few deep breaths and getting back to normal, the White Queen turned her head and said, "I invited you here today to inform you to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as possible. "

"In a week at most, Atlantis will launch a full-scale attack, starting with landing on the Atlantic coast. "

"Superman is really powerful, but he can\'t stop Atlantis by himself. Those blue-skinned people on the seafloor, with advanced scientific and technological strength, have assembled a terrible army … Anyway, you should quit S.H.I.E.L.D."

"With a mutant identity, you won\'t be in any trouble even if Atlantis wins. "

The young White Queen warned with a serious face.

Silver Fox thought about it for a long time and shook her head.

The original intention to persuade her sister to give up the darkness and turn to the light had already disappeared.

After all, both sides hold different opinions about who was in the right.

"Then you\'re on your own. "

When the White Queen saw her sister hesitating and didn\'t answer, she left with these words.

She was disappointed and angry with Kayla. Silver Fox, who was a mutant, but she couldn\'t see the way forward.

If Atlantis and mutants join forces, why would it matter if Superman was strong?

A single person wouldn\'t be able to resist a big tide!

Forty minutes later, clicking heels sounded as Carter pushed open the door of the director\'s office.

"Silver Fox met her sister. "

The female agent threw a thick envelope on the table, and a stack of photos slipped out.

Although some were vague, you could still see the figure and appearance of two people.


Luke, leaning back in his seat, snapped his fingers, looked at Rogers, and said, "This is the surprise I was preparing for. "

"Write a confidential report on today\'s meeting, and then \'accidentally\' leak it out. Remember to add photos. "

Carter nodded. When she knew that Kayla, the Silver Fox, and the White Queen were sisters, she asked someone to spy on her.

She was prepared to search for the whereabouts of the Hellfire Club, but she didn\'t expect things to change so quickly.

The current situation had risen from the contradiction between human beings and mutants to the small-scale war between the land world and marine civilization.

"Would Sebastian Shaw believe it? The White Queen, Emma Frost, is an important club member, second only to him. "

Carter asked hesitantly.

"What\'s more, a few photos can\'t prove anything. "

"It\'s enough to plant a seed of doubt. Sebastian Shaw\'s desire for power is extremely strong, and such ambitious people are often very paranoid. "

Luke tapped the table with his fingers and smiled, "As long as he shows suspicion, he will naturally disagree with the White Queen. Through Kayla\'s persuasion, it may not be impossible to pull the other side into our camp when the time comes. "

"As for whether it would work in the end, it doesn\'t matter. As long as it could disturb Sebastian Shaw. "

Carter thought for a moment, seemed to think it made sense, nodded, and said, "I\'ll do it right now. But what would be a more realistic way of leaking?"

"From the list of spies in the FBI, find some Soviet people who have been exposed but haven\'t been arrested.

Since Leviathan and Red Room, both of whom are in contact with Hydra, I believe that they would also keep in touch with Sebastian Shaw. "

Luke replied without thinking much.

"The management of S.H.I.E.L.D. should be left to you. "

Carter smiled. It seems that the Major General was quite proficient in playing with this intelligence counter-tactic.

"Steve, is there something on my face? Why are you staring?"

When Carter left the office, Luke found Rogers looking straight at him.

\'Perhaps after losing Bucky, Captain America pinned his feelings on himself …\'

Suddenly, various images kept surfacing in his mind, causing a chill to creep up on Luke\'s back.

"You\'re playing dirty!"

Rogers lamented. He was as pure as a blank sheet of paper compared to Luke.

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