The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 176: Lost in the Supernatural Realm

Chapter 176: Lost in the Supernatural Realm

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the midst of the overflowing fire and the twisted swirls of explosions in the deep sea, the Island Dragon was once again heavily hit.

Even if Zhang Lisheng could command the wizard gu freely, it was still hard for it to dodge a self-destructive attack of this level all of a sudden. This made the young man’s awareness against the immense power and changeable tactics of high-end weapons rise up considerably.

The long cable of blood essence spurting out of his mouth did not stop at all during this situation. He shrank his body to a size of three meters and at the same time, distanced himself away from the submarine.

At this time, the effect of the explosion of two consecutive torpedoes began to dissipate in the deep sea. The Island Dragon swam out from the disappearing fire in difficulty, with its body mutilated and scarred.

Under the nourishment of flesh and blood from its owner, the pieces of fragmented skin on its body began to extend out and merge once more into a unified whole. Its movement became agile once again as it wiggled the five tails behind its body. With a flash of its figure, it charged towards a great white shark at the top of the Earth’s marine food chain about a kilometer away.

A round of attacks had been launched, but the opponent was not destroyed. Within the submarine cabin, the black officer stared at the screen of the solar monitor and hurriedly reported, “Sir, the target is still alive! The radius of the activity area that originally ranged from three to five hundred meters had now expanded to around a kilometer.”

Of course, the ship’s captain did not know that the reason the Island Dragon’s hunting range had become larger was because its ability was becoming more powerful as the transformation process continued. With a loud voice, he yelled, “The sea monster is running away! Looks like we don’t need to call for assistance anymore. Continue to pursue, and very soon, we’ll be able to drive it back to its origin.”

Upon hearing the captain’s command, the few several non-commissioned officers in the steering cabin replied, “Yes sir!” They maneuvered the submarine to turn, heading towards the Island Dragon in full speed.

Just like that, the Island Dragon unwittingly hunted in the ocean and transformed while the submarine continued to self-righteously pursue behind the wizard gu.

After a few rounds, when Zhang Lisheng felt that he had almost exhausted his flesh and blood, the Island Dragon finally grew its ninth black scorpion tail in the midst of the cluster of explosions from the torpedoes.

Right now, in the midst of continuous remodeling of its bones and flesh, it was apparent that the long and slender body of the Island Dragon had already transformed a lot.

Its size had been reduced to less than ten meters in length, but its upper body had become much thicker, appearing like a hard stone pillar. Its two diamond-shaped eyes had also become several times larger while emitting a shimmering glow.

The scales covering the surface of its body had become the size of a baby’s fist. Not only that, all of the scales could be erected as well and could form an armor composed of thousands of sharp round knives on the surface of its body.

The four limbs and claws on its torso that supported the wizard gu’s body had also expanded by a lot. Below the waist were nine scorpion tails and when these tails gently swayed, the long scorpion tails would form a wheel as if it were made out of fan blades, forming a series of ripples in the deep sea.

However, to Zhang Lisheng, all of these changes were not important. The most important thing was the few Chinese hieroglyphs “To nihilate or to consolidate, sliver the air with the end of the nine tails” that involuntarily emerged in the young man’s mind when the Island Dragon’s body shape entered his vision. This was the real proof of the success of the transformation.

Even though the transformation of the third wizard gu into the nine-tailed lizard was not as earth-shattering as Crocodragon and Mountoad’s transformations, it was more difficult compared to the two. If it was not for the fact that they had coincidentally come across the submarine, perhaps the young man would have never obtained the trick to the Island Dragon’s transformation and would have had no choice but to give up on this powerful wizard gu.

In retrospect, Zhang Lisheng should be grateful to the nuclear submarine that had almost finished firing its torpedoes. However, having possessed two wizard gu that had completely finished their transformations, the young man who was constantly being attacked by the submarine had an uncontrollable urge to destroy it.

Zhang Lisheng’s slow-beating heart, after his transformation, began to hasten in its pace as he, who was following behind the submarine, habitually breathed a sigh of relief before spitting out a few bubbles.

He made up his mind to command the Island Dragon to move through the void and sneak up to the submarine when it was launching its next torpedo so that it could begin its killing spree. At the same time, he also planned to command the wyrm dragon to attack the submarine shell after expanding, striving to attack from both inside and outside at the same time to destroy the submarine in one go. This was done in order to stop it from detonating its loaded missile warhead and die together with the enemy.

However, to his surprise, after the Island Dragon completed its transformation, the submarine also stopped the attack on it at the same time. The young man waited for a moment and realized that it actually turned around and left.

This stunned Zhang Lisheng. When he was about to launch his attack, he suddenly heard a low buzzing sound resonating from the distance.

Sensing another submarine heading towards him, Zhang Lisheng abruptly remembered that the entrance to the supernatural realm was somewhere within the New York inland sea and was heavily guarded by the US Navy.

Attacking a submarine he did not know the identity of in such a place was the same as poking a beehive with a stick while naked.

“Be careful, be careful...” the young man told himself twice in his heart and dispelled the idea of attacking, commanding the two wizard gu afterward that wandered into the supernatural realm along with him, to turn small by using the ‘expand, shrink’. Quietly, he floated up to the surface of the sea, planning to look at the stars in the sky to identify the direction to return back to shore as fast as possible.

However, when Zhang Lisheng’s body shrank to a height less than 30 centimeters tall to become a dwarf completely covered with yellow and blue alternate scales, he realized that the position of the stars in the sky was different from his memory when he raised his head up as he floated on the sea.

“Sh*t! No wonder I came across a US Navy’s submarine and was pursued by it! It turned out that I’ve actually followed the Island Dragon to the gate of the supernatural realm in the New York inland sea before following the submarine to the supernatural realm,” Zhang Lisheng muttered with a wry smile. “And now I’m lost...”

When he was saying that he was lost, he looked around with his head swimming and realized there was nothing except the vast blue ocean in his field of vision.

He had no tool at all right now, so it was impossible for him to determine his direction. Fortunately, the young man now no longer had many scruples since he was in the supernatural realm. After pondering about it for a moment, he expanded his body to become over two meters tall, while the scales on his skin became faintly visible, and rode on the Island Dragon. Wrapped in the water current, he soared up into the air before locking on one direction and flew towards it.

From late night until dawn, Zhang Lisheng calculated to himself and realized he must have flown for at least several hundreds of kilometers away, but until now, he had not even touched down on a small island at all.

When the sun in the supernatural realm began to spread out on the coastline, he decided not to fly in a straight line anymore but began to fly in a circle, layer by layer, from top to bottom.

Time continued to pass by every second. The young man, who had transformed to something similar to a deity as he flew on the dragon naked, soaring on the surface of the sea, still did not obtain any result. Gradually, he became to feel irritated.

The sun slowly rose and when it reached the center of the sky, he felt his hunger taking over his senses. Opening his mouth wide, he commanded the wyrm dragon to spit out a cyclone on the sea surface to form a long and deep ditch on the sea.

Not long after, dead fish and sea creatures began to float on the water surface. The small ones had already turned into a pile of flesh while the badly mutilated remnants of the big ones drifted along the raging waves.

Now that he had vented out, Zhang Lisheng felt much better right away. He leaped into the sea directly and began to choose the sashimi he had made for himself. Finally, he selected a one-meter long fish that had its head severed by the cyclone, but its body well intact. There were almost no scales at all on its body and its meat was plump and juicy, showing a milky-white color. Ripping it apart, he began to chow on it.

Using his hand to pinch a small piece of meat from the fish’s body, he ripped out a long piece of fat fish meat before placing it into his mouth and sucking on it like eating noodles. Without even chewing it, he swallowed the fish meat that smelled fresh directly into his stomach.

This kind of eating method was truly time-efficient. After a while, the young man had already eaten half of the big fish.

At this time, the countless of shredded fish floating on the sea surface around him began to attract many sea beasts as they gathered. Zhang Lisheng saw a heavily injured fish that had two cheeks like a dolphin and a smooth body suddenly pop out of the surface to eat the dead fish with one gulp.

This fish had a thick mane on its head. Right now, its thick mane was held tightly by a weird old man with a wrinkled face as a result of being soaked in the water for too long.

What was more bizarre was that this grey long-robed old man was actually shutting his eyes tightly, as though he was in a state of coma.

Everything happened so fast and with great absurdity, the young man became dumbfounded as he released the fish meat in his hand.

Just as he was about to move closer and take a closer look at the old man’s situation, the dolphin-like weird fish barred its big mouth all of a sudden, remaining vigilant against him.

Dumbstruck, Zhang Lisheng looked at this fish which had been trained as a mount in the water and chuckled in amazement. Right now, just with his strength alone, he could smash the fish into a pile of meat with a simple punch. He did not need to expand his body nor need to command his wizard gu to attack.

However, with the face of that responsible yet strange fish, the young man did nothing and merely tore off a few pieces of fish meat to throw at it, before riding on his wyrm dragon to continue to search for his way.

Right at this moment, the supernatural realm’s old man on the strange fish’s back suddenly opened his eyes and began to grunt “ooh ahhh...” with a sullen face directed to Zhang Lisheng. In just a short amount of time, he changed his language for more than ten times.

Zhang Lisheng’s heart gave a jolt. He had the intention to communicate with this supernatural realm’s indigenous old man as well.

Meaninglessly mumbling, he pointed towards the ocean and then laid his palms wide on the sea surface, turning it into the shape of an island that he himself felt looked like one. He continued to make signs using his hand, but in the end, he still could not communicate with the old man at all.

Unwittingly, his time had been wasted for a long time. Under the glare of the sun, the young man who was half full still appeared to be full of energy and nonchalant, but the old man riding on the strange fish had begun to turn a shade of decayed wood-like grey on his face.

Seeing that they could not communicate and that his life had already reached its final moment, a struggling expression appeared on the old man’s face. In the end, he made up his mind to take out a folded old animal skin from his pocket and opened it, before rapidly writing on it using his thin finger.

Feeling that this native old man from the supernatural realm might be drawing the nearby sea map for him, a grateful expression crept upon Zhang Lisheng’s face as he waited quietly.

After a long time, the old man finally finished writing and handed the animal skin to the young man.

In a pleasant surprise, Zhang Lisheng took the animal skin but found out that there was no drawing at all. Instead, it was filled with tadpole-like small words, and he could not help but show a confused look.

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