The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 143: Weak vs Strong, Defense vs Attack

Chapter 143: Weak vs Strong, Defense vs Attack

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon seeing these few strangers who were either wearing heavy armor or either fully shrouded in a black cloak, with some of them walking with heavy steps while some walking so light that it was as though a breeze of wind was blown across as they walked out of the forest, Zhang Lisheng clenched his fist tightly. All of the hairs on his body were erected as his entire body became nervously vigilant.

These peculiarly dressed people were not surprising to Alice. Honolulu City was an international tourist destination that combined many cultures so there was no lack of unconventional people. Even though it was indeed creative to dress as knights, sorcerers and so on to go barbecue camping together, it was not that surprising to Hawaiians.

“Hey, are you guys playing hide and seek? Wow! What a cool outfit! It’s just that it looks like it would be hot inside while wearing that. However, it’s fortunate that the sun is setting now...” Charlot and Carmine commented cheerfully in unison as they walked along the forest path. They greeted the strange campers with jokes as if it was natural for them to do so.

Right at this moment, the two models shifted their attention back onto Zhang Lisheng. Ashley told him with a voice much softer than just now. “Wow, Mr. Lisheng! You’re amazing! To think that you can actually set up such a huge factory at such a young age... Eh? Why are you sweating so much? Are you tired? Do you need any help?”

It was not that the girl did not understand that she might hurt the young man’s self-esteem by asking so but she knew that an ordinary young man in his teens who could earn more than 100 million annually could never be as ordinary as his appearance.

If she wanted to get along with him for a short time to forge a friendship and even have a relationship together, the best method was for her to take the initiative to pursue him fiercely and repeatedly without disguise.

On this side, Ashley spared no effort to flirt with Zhang Lisheng while on the other side, Charlot and Carmine began to realize that something was not quite right when the other party took off his helmet and revealed his skinny head — with a face that was black on the left side while mottled rust green on the right side as it stared at them viciously.

“Oh... Sh*t! Uh guys, I-I mean, Sir. We mean no harm! We’re merely kidding. W-We’re very sorry...” When the last glorious ray of the setting sun was finally buried under the horizon, Charlot swallowed his saliva and forced a smile on his face as he smiled under the gradually dimming light.

The response he obtained was a faint and odorless light green smoke that was spat out from the skinny man’s mouth.

That green smoke gently floated into Charlot’s nostrils. In an instant, the boy opened his mouth wide as if he was shouting in horror without warning but no sound came out of him at all.

Then, his skin began to transform from the healthy light brown color to a weird pale green color. The fat from his body began to ooze out of his pores and dripped on the floor. In the end, like a wax person on fire, he transformed into a pile of rotten meat as he slumped down.

“Oh no! Oh no! No! NO!” When Georgina saw her boyfriend slump down to the ground, she quickly threw herself to the pile of waxy meat on the ground. Kneeling on the ground, she held Charlot’s head that had melted half way. Her skin had also started to turn into a pale shade of green before her entire body plunged into the pile of meat transformed by her boyfriend and got stuck together with it.

“Ahhhh!” The gory sight in front of them caused the other people to scream with all their might. Only Zhang Lisheng, who was carrying a huge backpack arduously, crouched down on the ground while holding his head with his hands.

What greeted the shrill shrieks of the crowd was a sharp sword being held by a broad nosed, wide mouthed, berserk, and violent huge man who looked like a lion.

Like cutting ripe straw, in a successive order from the person with the loudest scream, the man cut the photographer Chelsey and the model Caroline who came from Los Angeles, along with Bonnie into two, causing fresh blood to be splattered everywhere.

The blood that splattered everywhere soon made everybody quiet.

The path of the woods became silent, only heavy breathing sounds and an incessant chattering sound could be heard.

At this time, a hunchback and comical-looking old man who was holding a thick hard-skinned book with both hands, whose hair was shaved in the middle of his head, came to the middle of the battlefield in the protection of two heavily armored and powerful warriors.

Without any trace of mercy, he glanced at Alice, Ashley and the rest with an expressionless face before opening the book in his hands and began to mutter some incomprehensible incantations.

As the old man’s low-pitched incantations echoed in the woods, the remains of the five victims that belonged to Charlot, Georgina and the three others on the ground began to form several distorted humanoid shadows.

The black smog-like shadows seemed to be struggling with all their might. However, eventually, they were still engulfed by the huge book in the old man’s hands, like a black hole consuming the escaping light.

After all of the humanoid shadows were engulfed, the pages on the huge book clearly began to show sketches of the most memorable events that Charlot, Georgina, Bonnie, Chelsey, and Caroline had been through in their entire lives.

Flipping over the book carelessly, the old man realized that the records on the book were all made up of private affairs such as love entanglements or the good times spent with their parents and family. Disappointed, he shut his eyes and gradually closed the book as if he was carrying a heavy load.

As the book was closed, the drawing of Charlot and the other four turned into smog that looked like English words as it scattered everywhere before slamming into the body of those killers.

After spending a whole three to four minutes to shut the book completely, the old man finally revealed a joyful expression before he remarked tiredly, “This ‘Enlightenment’ is completed smoothly. In the span of the sun rising and setting for a total of nine times, we can use the language of these devils as freely as we like.”

His words had changed to become the emblematical American English.

Upon hearing the old man’s words, the lion-like man by the side retrieved his long sword, “The span of nine days is already enough, Sage Altman. This world is really magical, it has a giant beast with the body length of about 40 cubits running freely in the wild that could only have its movement observed clearly by your Clairvoyance that even I and S-Sorcerer Julinas cannot kill despite our joint efforts, but the owner of this world is actually so frail...”

“Frail? Casdia, when they were in those metal machinery that could fly in the air and drop bombs that killed hundreds of your compatriots, you’ve never regarded them as frail before.”

The skinny man with the green and black face remarked. With the help of the moonlight, he looked at the remaining preys. “Sage Altman, since you’ve completed the Enlightenment by using only five materials, can you hand these preys to me? I’m very curious about the structure of their brains.

“Sorcerer Julinas, we must understand the world of these devils as soon as possible. The first batch of prisoners is extremely important so I can’t waste them on you. I’m sorry. Casdia, bring the prisoners to the forest and interrogate them separately.”

As the old man issued his order, the warriors began to tie the prey skillfully with a thick rope that they had just made from tree barks before separating and dragging them into the woods.

Due to the reason that Zhang Lisheng allowed himself to be seized without putting up a fight, he, who was regarded as the most harmless, only had his hands tied up before being dragged into the woods on the ground by a bald young man wearing leather armor cloaked in black cloak while carrying a longbow and arrow quiver. This was done despite the fact that the Mountoad in his backpack would make a fatal blow to swell its body up to protect its owner if somebody attacked him. In the worst case scenario, it would die together with the enemy at.

After dragging Zhang Lisheng into the dark forest for quite some distance, the bald young man suddenly loosened the rope and smoothly turned around to slide down the longbow from his shoulders before shooting an arrow towards Lisheng’s back.

The arrow swiftly brushed across Zhang Lisheng’s neck and hit the backpack behind him. The powerful force actually sent the young man flying and pinned him to the trunk of a large spruce tree that had a height of 34 meters. It was only now that a sharp “whoosh” sound resonated by his ears.

Zhang Lisheng had also been through a life-and-death situation before but this was the first time he felt so helpless. His heart was beating frantically when a cold voice suddenly reverberated by his ears, “If you want try and flee, the next arrow will pierce through your head. If you lie, I’ll pierce and pin your four limbs on the tree using my arrow!”

“Yes.” Panting heavily, Zhang Lisheng felt that it was better to just let nature take its course in this situation that had not reached a stage of extreme desperation yet. No longer suppressing the terror in his heart, he answered honestly with a shivering voice.

“What is your name?”

“Zhang Lisheng.”


“Student, and the owner of a slaughterhouse...”

The bald archer in front who came from a different world suddenly asked a few prosaic questions but Zhang Lisheng still answered truthfully. When the two of them were inquiring and answering without any hitch, a shrill cry suddenly resonated in the distance.

The young man who had a very rich experience in killing could tell that it was the last cry made by Carmine after his throat was slit. Narrowing his eyes suddenly, he heard the archer ask a question that caught him by surprise. “Who do you think is the most powerful person in this world?”

“The most powerful people... Well, Einstein, Newton, Hawking, and Tubalin. The first two have passed away already.”

“Why do you think they are powerful?”

“Well, Einstein invented the General Theory of Relativity. I don’t really understand this theory but it’s said that it can explain most of the difficult problems in this world. Newton, on the other hand, laid the foundations of modern physics. Hawking used the book “A Brief History of Time” to boldly speculate the origin of the universe and Tubalin has guessed your existence...”

“What did you say?” Zhang Lisheng’s last sentence sent a shock to the archer’s heart. In that moment of distraction, a huge animal mouth covered with broken teeth resembling sharp drill rods suddenly burst out of the dark air.

The young archer, who was egoistically proud of the fact that he had sharp ears and eyes that could even see clearly in the night and hear fluttering wings of flying insect hundreds of steps away, instinctively felt that danger was creeping close to it. Dumbstruck, he did not even turn his head before agilely dodging to the side with a tumble.

Just as he was about to escape from the mouth of the beast, the head of the giant beast suddenly grew to more than ten times its original size. Its mouth darted forward and effortlessly, it shut its mouth as it swallowed the archer into its stomach.

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