I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 513: Admonishment

Chapter 513: Admonishment

A low vibration rumbled from the ground as if an ancient giant beast was slowly waking up. It bared its fangs and exposed its claws, trying to emerge from the ground...

The crossroads of the world and the financial center of civilization, Times Square, began to shudder violently at this moment. The screen of Nasdaq emitted a series of squeaks and cracks. This huge 36-meter-tall screen, which was made at a cost of more than 30 million dollars in 2002, burst out in a shower of sparks at this moment, like a rain of fire!

At the same time, the forty-meter-high Times Building gave out a thunderous roar and cracks emerged between the blocks. This building was uninhabited but was known as the Light of New York, and it also began to collapse!

The shattered screen, the splitting building, and countless pedestrians who screamed and scattered, together composed a magnificent symphony...

At the moment when this “symphony” reached its peak, suddenly, a whine of torn steel came from the top of the building. A crystal ball about two meters in diameter with the word “Hope for Peace” marked on it came crashing down from high above, shattering in Times Square with a “bang”!

However, this was just the beginning. In the next second, the Times Building collapsed in endless tremors like a fragile block of tofu. It was flattened where it stood, coughing out smoke and dust that blocked out the sky!

Next was the Nasdaq Stock Market building next to it. After the huge screen was shattered, the entire building could not hold on. Like soy pulp, the building also collapsed with a beastly wail while countless windows fragmented into countless shards!

Finally, there was the AT&T Building on the side. It crashed to the ground following the pace of the former buildings. At this moment, the entire Times Square was filled with endless smoke and dust. The dense clouds of debris swept the sky and were visible even dozens of kilometers away.

“My God, can this be done by one person?”

Not far away was the combat helicopter fleet, where everyone was exclaiming. They watched the world’s most prosperous intersection crash and disappeared, and everyone felt a trace of irrepressible dismay...

That was their mourning for the fragility of civilization, for the fate of humankind.

Nonetheless, in the next moment, they could not continue to be sorrowful because the demonic figure did not stop at destroying Times Square. He flew up again, eliciting a sonic boom of water vapor in the air, moving to the next target...

That direction was...

Everyone could not help widening their eyes while gasping sharply. They all had a faint idea.

“D*mn it, who will stop that monster, he’s going to the Empire State Building!”

On the channel, the commander-in-chief of this operation yelled in fright, “Quick, stop him at all costs!”

This group of combat helicopters then reacted. They quickly turned and flew toward the Empire State Building, but in the face of an enemy who easily broke through the sound barrier, how could a clumsy helicopter catch up?


In the next second, everyone watched as the 400-meter-tall skyscraper not far away suffered an explosion in its middle. A huge hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters penetrated the bulk of the building, ripping a big hole in the center of the building!

In an instant, plumes of thick smoke rose, and the entire city was filled with screams and prayers...

Still, after all, it was a landmark building that had been certified by the world. Even if a big hole was pierced through the middle, this building still showed no tendency to collapse.

Seeing this scene, many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as the initial culprit of this incident, Chen Chen did not even look at it. He continued to fly south in this direction, but after ten seconds, he once again came to a more familiar place.

There were innumerable tall buildings here and the road in the center was like a gap in a canyon. These skyscrapers all had names that were familiar to the world —

Citibank Headquarters, JPMorgan Chase Bank Headquarters, New York Stock Exchange, New York Futures Exchange, and so on...

If Times Square was the commercial center of human civilization, then Wall Street was the financial center of human civilization.

This was the famous Wall Street.

At this time, most of the businessmen on Wall Street had evacuated but Chen Chen’s purpose was not to kill people. He had waited for most of the people in Times Square to disperse before destroying the square. All this looked terrifying but in reality, there were not many casualties.

In other words, Chen Chen was just here to show off his strength.

As Chen Chen descended on Wall Street, he stood firm on the narrow and cramped street. In the next second, a few finger-thick warheads were halted right in front of Chen Chen. These warheads had hit the invisible barrier that was formed by Field, but were only intercepted and stopped after a few centimeters!

However, this was just the beginning. In the next second, several grenades with long tails of flames sprang from the buildings and exploded quickly when they hit Chen Chen’s body. In the next second, inexhaustible flames and smoke rose and blanketed everything on the street!

“Don’t stop, the opponent has a defensive field outside his body. Keep shooting, don’t stop!”

Various weapons and special forces soldiers hidden between the floors kept attacking. The commander’s roar reverberated through their headsets, so they poured their ammunition into the dense smoke without hesitation as if they had gone mad.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...”

It was not until almost half of Wall Street had begun to smoke that everyone’s firepower stopped. It was not that they did not want to continue shooting, but that they could only bring over this much ammunition in a hurry. Even so, with Chen Chen’s location as the center of the circle, within a radius of several thousand square meters, the area seemed to have been plowed by a cannonball.

The headquarters building of JPMorgan Chase Bank was also severely affected and it was rather wobbly...

All of this was also broadcasted live by surveillance satellites and the footage was projected directly in the conference room of the White House. All the high-ranking officials in Northern America were gathered here, silently watching everything on the screen.

“Is he killed?”

Everyone’s eyes widened, staring at the thick fog of smoke on the screen. The firepower in the past few minutes was considered their limit. If they still could not kill the other party, then they had no other way except for nuclear weapons.

However, using nuclear weapons in New York City? No one dared to give this order.

Just as everyone was looking in anticipation at the billowing smoke, suddenly, a dark figure slowly walked out of the smoke. He tilted his head and looked above him at the same time, then spread his hands again...

“No —!”

At this moment, the entire conference room was full of emotions such as anger, unwillingness, fear, and so on. These emotions were mixed to form a deep snarling roar.

In the next second, before their eyes, a series of skyscrapers on Wall Street collapsed. Whether it was the headquarters of Citibank, the headquarters of JPMorgan Chase Bank or the New York Stock Exchange, these skyscrapers that would be landmark buildings in any city, all collapsed at this moment!

After razing the entire Wall Street to the ground, the monster finally took off again and continued to fly south.

“D*mn, what else is there in the south?”

In the conference room, the man at their head finally could not help it. He bellowed loudly, “Who can tell me, what else is there south of Wall Street?”

“It’s the Statue of Liberty...”

The middle-aged man in military uniform involuntarily closed his eyes. He whispered, “Southwest of Wall Street is our Statue of Liberty...”

In an instant, the entire room was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. It was a silence filled with unspeakable despair...

However, Chen Chen did not stop because of the will of this group of people. He moved forward at the speed of sound and in less than ten seconds, he had reached the sky above Liberty Island.

On this small island in the southwest corner of Manhattan, New York, the statue of the goddess that symbolized freedom and democracy stood tall.

Chen Chen landed directly on the head of the Statue of Liberty, looking at the entire New York City. At this time, the sky was gradually darkening. He knew that countless people were watching him silently at this moment, so he tapped his helmet lightly.

The next moment, flickers of blue light flashed and withdrew over his body. In just a few seconds, the entire PK Armor had shrunk back to the form of an armguard. At this moment, Chen Chen’s face was exposed to innumerable people.

“Humans, as your ancestor, I’m very disappointed...”

Chen Chen spoke suddenly and his voice was amplified thousands of times like thunder through the enhancement of Field energy, echoing over the entire New York City.

Chen Chen put on a look of compassion. He looked around the entire city like a god in the sky. “Millions of years ago, we brought our DNA to the earth, carried our hopes and long-cherished wishes, and created a group of ancient humans... ...

“In your body, our blood is flowing;

“In your souls, our tears are stored.”

As this passage echoed throughout New York, the city that was already in turmoil suddenly fell silent. Everyone stopped fleeing, looked over in surprise, and could not help but stare at the standing figure in the distance.

“After that, we had no choice but to leave and gave this beautiful planet to you. We had hoped that you could transform this planet into a more prosperous planet, but it’s a pity...”

When talking about this, Chen Chen paused slightly. At the same time, the memories of everyone in New York City were also evoked. They could not help but recall the incomparable nuclear war of World War III.

“Your power was bestowed by us. We were far away in the Pleiades star cluster. We once looked at you proudly and watched you grow day by day and gradually become the masters of this planet.”

Chen Chen’s voice was solemn. “You must remember that we’ve always used wisdom and power to conquer and transform nature, and we also believed that you’d use your power carefully.

“However, those of you who are too powerful have lost your glory and your reverence for nature.”

When Chen Chen mentioned this, everyone was completely silent. The expressions on the faces of everyone in New York City gradually calmed down. They looked sadly at all this and as the city caught in a sea of flames, many people began to reflect.

“Today, I taught you a lesson. I could’ve destroyed your civilization, but glory and blood are thicker than water, which prevents me from doing that.”

Chen Chen suddenly raised his hand and pointed to his chest. “What I want to tell you is that the power you’re so proud of isn’t powerful. For us, real power isn’t the power of force, but the strength of the soul.

“However, your hearts have long become deserts...”

All of this was also transmitted to the White House at the same time. At this moment, listening to Chen Chen’s narration, everyone wore an unbelieving look.

“This guy... Is this guy a human being?”

A senior official shouted, “Look, he has the same appearance and body shape as ours. D*mn, he’s totally a human!”

“No, he’s not a human, he’s a Martian!”

“Is the origin of humankind Mars? No wonder the C24 chromosome technology can be used on humans...”

In an instant, the entire meeting room was in disorder.

“Everyone be quiet!”

The Secretary of Defense hurriedly stopped everyone. “Don’t be affected by his words. Regardless of whether he’s the ancestor of humankind or not, we just need to know that now he’s the enemy of humankind!”

“No, listen to him...”

However, the man in the lead was shaken and he whispered, “Didn’t you notice that he has even removed the armor, but still can transmit his voice across the city. What does this mean?

“It means that he’s a superhuman. Not only did he possess weapon technology far surpassing human beings but also possess superhuman abilities?”

Someone asked immediately.

At this moment, the entire conference room fell silent again and everyone felt a chill...

At this time, Chen Chen still loudly spouted his Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul-schmaltz. “Love your environment, protect your Earth, and don’t let the nightmare of that year repeat itself. We... Will wait for you in the Pleiades star cluster!”

As the theme was presented, the speech came to an end, and another helicopter flew over in the direction of Manhattan.

Still, unlike the previous helicopters, this helicopter was not an armed helicopter, but an ordinary commercial helicopter. Not only that, but it also was sprayed with conspicuous words such as “peace” and “negotiation” in spray paint.

Chen Chen did not attack the helicopter. He just stood quietly, watching the helicopter gradually approach, and finally hovered more than ten meters in front of him.

On the helicopter, a man in a suit held up a loudspeaker and shouted from the cabin, “Honorable Martian, I’m here to inquire on behalf of our government. What do you mean by everything you’ve said, is it to warn us of something?”

“I only said it because I felt like it.”

Chen Chen answered indifferently, but what was strange was that the gust of wind created by the helicopter propellers could not shift him at all. The barrier that could block all attacks was still there. “I just showed you the power that advanced civilizations should have, to make you understand that the power of human beings is nothing to speak of.”

“I believe your words...”

The man in the suit continued to shout, “Then you can stop the uh... Attack on New York City? Maybe we can sit down and talk peacefully between our two civilizations and at the same time, we can talk about the other Ark.”

“Of course.”

Chen Chen nodded. “The reason I attacked New York is to demonstrate my strength to warn you. Now that the goal has been achieved, I can certainly stop.”

While speaking, Chen Chen turned around and walked directly into the crown of the Statue of Liberty. “Send your representative and let them speak to me. As long as you hand over the Ark, we can leave immediately...”

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