Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 43 Getting Ready [1]

"Ugh..." Silas grunted while sitting up in bed. His head felt like it was cracking open from the piercing headache he was experiencing, but after a few seconds, it subsided, and he was fine.

"You woke up quickly, especially with those injuries." A feminine voice entered Silas\' ears.

However, Silas looked down at his arms without even looking at her. They were covered in bandages, but there were now completely fine. His chest also seemed to be covered in bandages, so he assumed that the punch\'s power had reached his chest and possibly shattered a few bones.

Thought, he had to admit, his arms felt much stronger than before. He was just a little disappointed that he couldn\'t find out how strong he was.

\'Damn... My father is a goddamn monster.\' Silas rubbed his brows, making the woman next to him look at him in shock.

"Hey Diveen. How\'s life." Silas asked without bothering to look at her.

Diveen was in her fifties but didn\'t look a day older than 30. Actually, she looked younger than Keira, who was still in her forties.

She had emerald green eyes that became gold as you moved away from the pupil. It showed her connection to the light element, but Silas also thought that there was a chance the green showed her connection to the life equation if she had one.

Diviners were broken into 2 main categories. Fighters and healers. Fighters either used the light element to become knights, or they used it to become mages. However, healers only became healers. There was no other path to it. They either got the green energy, or the golden energy, or in Diveen and Silas\' cases, they got both.

\'Wait... The life equation is made of both yellow and green. Wait... Does that mean the life equation is what makes the light element? Is that why people chose to group them together?!\'

"You\'re parents and grandmother told me you awakened a blessing. They explained to me how it worked. I didn\'t know it had a healing aspect to it, though." Diveen narrowed her eyes. She had been a doctor for long enough to know whether someone was injured. She was surprised to see that Silas was completely fine after receiving such a powerful punch from Lochras. Of course, she knew Lochras held back significantly, but when Silas was brought to her, his injuries weren\'t nearly as bad as she thought they would be.

"They told you?" Silas widened his eyes slightly. He thought that his family was cautious, but who knew they were actually stupid?

"Haha. That look on your face is why I do this job." Diveen laughed.

"You\'re a healer... I thought you did this job to help people." Silas looked at her weirdly.

"I said what I said." She crossed her arms and grinned.

"Don\'t worry, though. I\'ve known you\'re family for far too long. Too long... Unhealthily long." She sighed and continued.

"I\'ve known your grandmother since we were kids. We grew up in the same village. We both chose to go to the Dawn academy too. Obviously, I took healing and light magic classes, while your grandmother took fire magic and close combat classes." She smiled.

Silas still didn\'t trust her, but now that the cat was out of the bag, he might as well gain her trust instead. She already knew about him, so there was nothing to be done. Killing her was out of the question, and he didn\'t really have enough information about her to blackmail her to stay silent.

"Who\'s stronger between you two." Silas casually asked. He had never actually thought about looking at her core to see how strong she was, and now that she was right in front of him and looking him in the eyes, it would be stupid to activate mystic eyes.

"Me, obviously." She harrumphed.

"Really? What core grade are you?" Silas asked.

"Solid Amethyst." She replied.

"Uh... I see. Grandma is only a dull amethyst core." Silas lay back on the bed. Finally looking around, he realized that he wasn\'t at home. He was probably at the clinic Diveen worked at.

Looking at her again, he tried to see if she had any emerald streaks in her hair, but he couldn\'t see it since she was covering it. After all, she was a nun.

"What about dad. Who\'s stronger?" Silas asked, making her touch her chin in thought.

"Hmm. I\'m not sure, but I do remember that he reached the third stage of toki quite recently." She replied.

"Third stage of toki?" Silas raised a brow. He had no idea what she was talking about.

"Yeah. I\'m only on the second stage of toki, and even Nymira can use the second stage so its not much of an accomplishment." She laughed.

"But you\'re a mage?" Silas raised a brow.

"Yeah, but people who awaken a light affinity can use toki, unlike normal mages. I\'m unsure why since it\'s not a subject I took back in university, but I\'m assuming that it\'s also the reason why you can use toki too." She got out of her chair and glanced back at Silas.

"You have a light affinity. The rest is simply a consequence of your blessing. It makes sense why you can move so quickly and deal so much damage to Lochras. Hell, even I\'m not sure if I can beat him in most situations. If he gets close to me, he will definitely beat me." She explained, making Silas instantly frown.

"He gets pushed around by grandma so much that I kind of thought he would be weaker than her." Silas muttered.

"Yeah, you\'d think... Keira is a monster in her own right. Sure, she\'s bad at close combat, and her magic isn\'t nearly as strong as mine, but her battle instincts and coordination are amazing. In a battle, she\'s considered far more valuable on the battlefield than both of us combined." She shrugged.

"Sister Diveen. We need your help with one of the patients." A woman no older than 20 peaked her head through the door of the room. Clearly, Silas was in some kind of luxury suite since he recalled that the clinic had several rooms, all of them with almost 10 or more beds in them.

"I have to go. I\'ll keep you here for a few days until I\'m certain you\'re okay. You can spend that time reading some of the books I have on my bookshelf." She smiled and turned around.

\'Wait... This is her room?\' Silas raised a brow before shrugging and thanking her for her treatment.

Throughout the rest of the day, his sister, father, and grandmother came by to see how he was doing. Rhea stayed at home since she was still pretty exhausted. She also wanted to take care of the baby.

His father apologized for using so much strength, but he didn\'t talk about their deal for some reason.

It felt like he was avoiding the subject, but Silas simply shrugged it off. He wasn\'t exhausted in the least. Maybe it was the fact that he had put his body under so much stress during the horde that he evolved past hunger, or maybe it was the fact that after it, he was so hungry that his body was beginning to metabolize his muscles and fat to remain alive.

He ate a crap ton of food after that. His grandmother made all the food since his mother was too tired to do anything like that.

His body automatically made the most out of the food entering his body. He rarely needed the toilet on most days, and even when he did, it was usually excess waste that his evolved body couldn\'t make full use of.

\'I wonder how long my lifespan is now that my body constantly evolves. I\'m unsure what path of evolution my body will take over the next few dozen years. There\'s a chance that it will slow my aging after I reach a certain age.

There\'s also the chance that I may remain at my peak from when I reached my peak until the age of 80, like those Saiyans from Phoenix Squares Y, and I might even get eternal youth...

But there\'s also a chance that nothing might happen, so I might as well make the most out of this life and not waste it like my last.\' Silas sighed, but at that moment, his mind flashed back to a certain moment in his past life.

*"There\'s always someone out there who is better than you at something. Always! You can\'t be the best at something because there\'s always someone else who has more potential than you and doesn\'t even know it."*

*"Don\'t let your pride fool you. You\'re not special..."*

Silas rubbed his eyes and sighed before choosing to finally go to sleep.


Uladia Forest, around the same time




"Not good enough... You need to move your body more efficiently. Your use of toki is horrible. You\'re not even using your blessing." A woman with blank hair draped in a black robe criticized the young girl in front of her.

The first had pink hair and blue eyes, yet despite looking no older than 8 years of age, she had the crude look of a warrior.

She was covered in blood and guts from head to toe. At the same time, her toki was flaring with so much power that it sent literal shockwaves out in every direction.

Dozens of beasts of all kinds could be seen laying around her. Crows perched onto the carcasses and began pecking at them without another care in the world.

"I\'m trying..." She tried to argue, yet the woman just glared at her.

"If you want to beat that boy, you\'ll have to do much more than kill a few beasts."


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