Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 613 - Divine Sense

Everything around me, I could see with a crystal clear clarity. Divine Sense was a cunning way to allow the soul to see without the restriction of the Mortal or Immortal body. Casting away the confine of the body and gazing freely without fault, the Divine Sense for most people was the best way to see enemies or things that the body itself doesn\'t allow. This, however, included the laws of creation that were actively trying to mask themselves from me ever since I became a god. It wasn\'t really an issue for me, but I did note that the comprehension of most laws took at least ten times longer than usual.

Holding the sphere of my Divine Sense around me, I began to condense this giant bubble that spanned about seven kilometers in diameter. The clarity within my mind began to grow sharper, and the laws of creation began to grow radiant.

Finding myself drooling at the laws laid bare before me. I cursed whoever told me that the Heavenly Laws would get harder to grasp as a god. The Laws had grown so clear I knew the veil held by these laws had long vanished, but my Divine Sense had only shrunken two kilometers.

Nevertheless, I had discovered sweat flowing endlessly down my brow, causing a realization to touch my heart. Not everyone was capable of controlling their soul like I was, much less shrinking the tool that allowed them to see the unseen. I have come to trust the darkness to be my eyes, so I did not need a large Divine Sene; that was just a flex that did nothing but expands my line of sight.

Continuously shrinking my soul till my cheeks turned pale, and there was a small seven-meter long domain around me, I dared not go smaller. I had a very high comprehension, but at this point, there was a thing called too much information. While it was not on the level of seeing into the weave, the Laws of space and time were so clear around me. I knew a few decades, maybe an eon, I would be able to grasp the Ninth Stage of Dao comprehension. By then, I should be able to banish someone with a wave of my palm.

Chuckling with a burst of evil laughter, I could not help but dream of running around the Bed of Chaos, banishing all those who oppose me. I wonder if I will be able to slap a person into the Hells. Now that is a flex! A stupid flex, as I will not gain their soul, but it will surely feel good.

"Your getting distracted again," Lilith blurted out, interrupting my fantasy. She opened her eyes, and being seated well within the range of my Divine Sense, allowed me to see through her pupils at the almost endless set of eyes staring back at me, sending such chill down my soul, a thin layer of ice wrapped over me.

"You\'re using Into the Abyss?" I grimly asked as a faint look of surprise traced over her pupils.

She smiled. "It\'s one of the best ways to learn and gain experience. Why fight when I could just steal another\'s experience. But I was talking with Ava. It would seem Death has taken her on as his new champion. She may very well inherit his throne. I have lifted her restriction, both in the Horseman Gate and out of it. With this war on the horizon, I have a feeling holding back anything will be foolish."

"And just like so, four paragons are born," I darkly noted. Those of the Abyss were broken. It\'s literally unfair they can do nothing and still grow. No wonder they are not allowed outside the Abyss."

"We are a Hive. It\'s not like we are the only race that has this ability. My race simply took it to the highest level possible—no need to be jealous. You may be able to do the same with that Soul Arte you are working on." She reminded, winking her eyes, with a mischievous glint.

"True, but it will not be the same as what you are doing. It will never be too broken. Tell me, what is the second Arte you Abyssal Fiends awaken?"

"Well, it\'s not really a passive trait, but rather an Arte, created by The Abyssal Devour, Izavith. She named herself the first day I used \'Into the Abyss.\' Cute name, huh?" She claimed as sweat ran from my brow, dismissing my Divine Sense, draining my spiritual essence. I sighed.

"Izavith? Are you thinking of naming our child that?" I asked, knowing where she was heading with this. Nodding with a vibrant smile, Lilith chuckled, shooting the sleeping Arkanos a glance.

"I wanted something that began to with an \'i\', boy or girl."

Palming my face, I sighed, "you want to name our child, after some woman, that devours those from the Abyss? Tell me, what realm is Izavith in?"

Shrugging her shoulder, Lilith blinked innocently at me, "She is one of the strongest of those in the Abyss, and she is building me a castle. It would be an honor to have my baby named after her. Do you know how long it would take for him or her to reach that level? Or how long it would take to reach Izavith stage?"

Rolling her eyes at her justification, I eyed her stomach, "Izavith sounds like a girl\'s name. What are you planning on naming our child if it\'s a boy?"

"Arsene," she swiftly remarked, "All boys are going to be named Arsene."

"Jesus, you are insane!" I muttered, wondering if it was alright to even have a baby with her. This kid is going to be a combination of crazy.. Humanity is screwed.

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