Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 413: Yu Jing - Bastard

Chapter 413: Yu Jing - Bastard

"W-w-w-what! Is she serious!" I screamed from out of my room, glaring at the magical image of Mother within the air, glistering with a flushed expression seen only by those in love.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!! That damn Bastard Snow! I know he is behind this!"

Storming out of my hotel room, just near Arsene, I kicked open the door to be greeted by a heavy stench of blood. Glancing at the twitching woman, with her brain exposed, a chill ran down my spine, noticing the large chunks missing.

"The bloody hell were they doing?"

"SNOW!!!!!" I roared in a raging manner applying qi to my throat.

"f-u-c-k- o-f-f," He shouted back in a strained manner.

Storming through his hotel towards the master room, I blasted the door down with a gust of qi. Yet, gazing at the scene of Arsene ramming Yura from behind, who simply moaned like a crazed beast clawing her fingers into sheets.

Her entire body was strapped in a rope that clung to her milky skin, especially her breast, which revealed a hint of purple beneath from being so tight. However, what truly had me shaking was the scarlet liquid pouring from the tip of her breast that held weights, dragging them down as she sat on all four.

She was squealing with unfocused eyes, but Arsene remained crazed, grinning ear to ear with a dominant expression.

"VICTORY!!!!!!!!" He screamed, groaning before falling flat on top of Yura, completely unconscious.

"What the fuck, is going on!" I flabbergastedly bellowed, unable to believe my eyes that were now stained by this sin.

Taking a few steps back, I suddenly recalled my early anger. Rushing towards Arsene, I lifted him up only to hear Yura moan as I pulled him out of her. Staring at the monstrosity between his legs, I shivered, looking down at Yura, whose body was convulsing uncontrollably.

Jamming a celestial pill that could wake a world god into his mouth, Arsene\'s eyes shot open. A little confused, he suddenly smiled, "Oh, are you here to join?"

"Screw you! Get dressed!" I demanded, storming away as he laughed with a hint of scorn.

"AHHHH~~\' Hearing Yura scream herself awake, I twisted my head back as sounds of lustful passion blasted me away.


Slapping her ass till they were burning fire hot, Yura screamed, "ARSENE!!!!!"

"What do you want!" shouted the lustful devil pulling Lilith\'s hair back. "As you can see, we are in the middle of something." Oh, and thanks for the pill. Yura always sucks me dry."

Gritting my teeth till the taste of iron filled my mouth, I took a deep breath, "What is this about you and my mother."

Turning Yura to face me, he grinned deviously, "Look, Yura, we have a guess... Yes, just like that, that tightness is..."

Storming out of his room, shutting his hotel door on my way out to block the horrendous moans of the lust demons.

Leaving the hotel, I made for the Castle with a heavy step. Ignoring the many knights who all ignored me, I charged into mother\'s palace, entering her chambers. Ignoring whether she was ready for anyone, I shouted,

"What is the meaning of this mother!"

Shooting me a dead stare, one so unfamiliar I thought I was standing before a stranger, Mother, turned to me with a dignified expression.

"What I wish," She uttered, with her head slightly arched.


"You may address me as Queen or your Lady. Yu Jing." Mother coldly uttered, placing her hands behind her back. "Should I hear different, you will be punished, in accordance to the law."

\'eh? What has gotten into you?" I could not help but ask before the stranger indifferently stared at me.

"I cannot look at you right now, Yu Jing. Leave." She stated, turning her back to me.

"You cannot trust Abbadon!" I hastily stated, "he is a monster, more so than those you have ever met."

"You dare say that to me, Jing?!! You who killed my husband." Mother screamed in moaning, flashing me such a stare I felt my heart almost crack at the heartbreak in her broken gaze." Why? Why? Why did you kill him? Please tell me it\'s not true."

Dripping with blood from her eyes, Mother stared deep into me till I could not hold her stare. Turning away, I, for the first time, felt a hint of shame at my action.

"My god, so it\'s true!" She cried. Falling to her knees, mother wept tears of blood.

"Mother," I hesitantly called, "I had to, he crossed Master... I had to."

It was a shame, but Father had overstepped when it came to my training and lashed out at Master. He had to go, or so that was what Master had said.

"By the Holy King of Throne. You truly are just... Get out. Just get out!" Screamed Yu Lan blasting me from out of her room, skidding over the ground blood-splattered from my lips—Groaning on the ground, a trace of fear skimmed over my heart.

"Why does mother know it was I who killed father?" I bitterly whispered, rising to my feet, when my body suddenly faded from the palace—appearing within a pool of black water. I lifted my gaze to the fairy within the center of the pool.

"Master?" I called out.

"It would seem Arsene has his own plan, and it involves you." My Master uttered in a tone I had never heard of before. She was grim to the bone. "Seems killing her will only push Arsene away from our cause. That bloody devil took advantage of her and us."

Wiping my bloody lips, I staggered a few steps spitting out a few teeth, "What has he done?"

"It was only a casual statement, but he gleaned so much, the bloody son of a bitch. He was the one who told your mother you killed him. They seemed to have made a deal, but from what it is, I cannot say." Said my Master calmly, masking the building rage that was beginning to rise within the air.

"Is he an enemy master?"

"No, but he is definitely not an ally. My plan hasn\'t changed, as I have faith in you and him. But I want you to be careful not to fall into his ploys. He is a master of manipulation, more so than I."

"As you command, Master," I uttered sharply, bowing to hide the killing intent flowing within my heart.

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