Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 285: Tyr - Madness

Chapter 285: Tyr - Madness

"Where have you been, Heimdall?" I could not help but shout, slapping my palm upon my brother\'s shoulder. "Things have gone to hell without our Watcher," I said, within the Asgardian halls, covered by golden pillars.

Releasing a hollow scoff, a rainbow-colored divinity pushed away my arm as he stood similarly like a stranger in front of me.

"Heimdall?" I muttered, taking a step back from the pale grimace of Heimdall. Studying his handsome face for a second, I felt my lips slowly descend into a frown. "Tell me what is wrong?"

"It is none of your concern Tyr. Concern yourself with that idiot you call a brother." He said, turning away.

Gripping my chin, I could not help but marvel. Heimdall was a cold god that did not allow emotions to cloud his judgment. He was stiff, rigid even, and very decisive, but now. Now he seems conflicted and distraught.

"Lovers quarrel?" Idun whispered from behind.

"You saw that?"

"No, but your words do echo," She stated, appearing like an angel untouched by material light.

Idun was always a very pure god, a rare feature amounts to our kind, or maybe she was simply a slave to her divinity like so many are. She should hate us, loath the Aesirs for what happened to her daughter Astri yet she stands with us.

"What brings you to the palace, Lady Idun."

"There is a faceless at the temple of my daughter," Idun stated, turning to gaze out at the majestic city of magic known as Asgard below. "Tyr, I want nothing to do with this war, and I do not want blood upon my daughter\'s temple. Please... Please give me that. It\'s the least the Aesirs can do."

"A faceless! What are... No, I shall handle it Idun. I swear."

Arching her lips, she reached towards me, kissing my cheek with her soft lips. "Thank you, Tyr." She said, taking her leave, bringing a dark cloud to my heart.

"Forgive our family, Idun. Your daughter, my niece, deserved better."

Taking a step-through space using the power of the Bifrost, I appeared upon the base of a massive mountain consumed in ice, yet despite the freezing temperature, a majestic plain filled with grass, flowers, and trees fell into my view. Lifting my lips, welcoming Iduns divinity everpresent within the air. I pushed my two legs forward up the endless stairs many mortals do to show respect to their Gods.

Passing a few mortals on the way, none of which recognized me, I arrived upon a beautiful temple covered in azure vines coiling like serpents around the temple of Astrid. Taking notice of a being covered in a simple black mask, I approached.

"You cannot be here. This land is neutral, to all the Gods."

Turning to me, the faceless turned back towards the temple, simply standing still, neither talking nor breathing. It was still and hollow like a statue, neither giving off an aura of demon nor devil but nothing.

"Faceless, I will not repeat myself. You must leave or else."

"My master has ordered that I wait and watch. Any removal attempt shall either result in mine or your death." It said without emotion, chilling my soul to its core at what Arsene could have done to them.

"Watch... Arsene is coming here?"

Being met with silence, I sighed, turning towards the entrance, "Did you pay your respects?" I inquired, feeling like I was speaking with one who took a vow of silence.

Sighing, my gaze turned cold as space shifted. Consuming both of us in a spiral bubble, we appeared at the base of the mountain. Turning to me, neither shock nor annoyed, "If you wish to follow your master\'s order, it must be done, form here. Lady Idun will not allow someone of your... Wicked ways to step upon her daughter\'s holy temple."

"It is quite alright uncle, his appearance is more than welcomed. For it is all a part of his will." A gentle voice resounded from behind me.

Twisting my head, I gasped, staring in shock at Astrid, "You... You\'re out of Hel? Hel released you!"

"It\'s Hela," She stated with a warm smile, " Apparently, that demon Arsene called her that, and she has taken quite a liking to it. You never told me Hela was so... Capricious.

"Capricious?" I said, shocked to my core.

"Indeed, she loves to play around within Hel. You would not think so with her nature being what it is, she would be cold and cruel, but she is actually a whimsical person and a bit of a pervert."

Shaking my head at the odd news, I suddenly bowed, "Forgive me, Astrid, as your uncle, I should have been here to protect you. What Thor allowed was...."

"I do not need an apology, uncle." Astrid barked, her obsidian hair glimmering with emerald divinity filled with the power of hel. "Nothing you can say can justify what those depraved beasts tried to accomplish with the help of that monster. I cast everything away, my life, my heart, my divinity, all for the power to save myself. I live in Hel, working alongside Hela to bring peace to the realm of the dead. That is the price I paid simply to escape. So do not apologize, for I do not wish for it."

"I... I went to Hel. I went to retrieve you, but..."

"I know, uncle, but it was I who told Hela to send you away. She is my family now, a family who I know I can trust." She weakly said, causing a deep shame to rise within my heart. "Hela is kind and sweet, to me and I enjoy being with her."

"Do you not miss the light?"

"No, Adrienne is teaching me about the darkness. I quite enjoy the eerie skies of Helheim. It feels like home."

Scrunching my brow at the unfamiliar name, I shook my head, "You said it was by his will that the faceless remains."

"Yes, but I cannot say, and you should not ask. This... this is far beyond what you need to worry about. Do not die by defying his plan, Uncle."

"Is he the reason you are out here?"

"yes, Adrienne warned me not to defy his will," Astrid whispered, peering towards the skies, trying to find something. "I am here to deliver a message and leave."

"I see, then I shall not ask anymore," I solemnly stated, feeling my heart shutter, "Now, have you told your mother of your return?"

Lowering her head, I shook my head at the silence I was beginning to hate. Taking a step forward, I wrapped my arm around my niece. Giving her a tight hug, I whispered whin her ear, "Go see her while you have the time. She is broken without you. The vibrant apple that was once your mother is gone."

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