Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 103: Devilkin

Chapter 103: Devilkin

A couple of days had passed since that day, and aside from training, Lilith and I did nothing much. I sadly had finished my last bit of Isaella. Her final memory being a soup I made for Lilith and myself before we spent the night training our Soulforce.

Lilith had no words in regards as to why both her \'s and my control began to spike the longer we remained together, but by the end of the week, I was able to hold my soul force for about five seconds before losing consciousness.

My element training was proving to be a little more difficult. I didn\'t dare summon the flames of Hellfire. My instincts were screaming at me that I was not ready, but aside from that, I was finally able to use lightning without searing my skin. While my normal flames grew a little stronger before stopping completely, Nothing I did seem to affect what my flames did. It was like I met a bottleneck.

I could have asked Lilith, but I felt I needed to figure it out. My Wind and Blood elements were progressing well, but they were really not that compatible with me. However, my Arte training was the biggest in enhancement aside from bloodline training. I had listened to Lilith\'s warning regarding the Baels Blood Hall and focused on what I could attain for free.

The information I received from bael was nothing short of amazing. I had a complete understanding of every language, which I think I already had from the day of my birth. That was the only reason I could think of remembering when my father asked me how I knew how to read. Aside from that, I had a complete understanding of the various types o demons and Devils that exist within the Nine Hells.

It came as a shock that all Pure blooded demons and devils born from the Nine hells are all Gods. Yet, they live as slaves to the various demonic hierarchy. Demons were monsters, though and through, a bunch of degenerates that indulged in their basic instincts. Leading them to **** and pillage all throughout the Hells. Devils, on the other hand, were far more terrifying; they were pure evil. Contracts were there bread and butter. You did not need to be strong to fulfill a contract as the very hells would fulfill your contract as long as they benefited in some way.

For example, as long as the contract was within reason, The Nine Hells would seize control of fate, bending to its will. While there was a limit to that power, as long as I absorbed a soul and gave hell its core, I would receive its help. Although what most devils, including myself, wanted was the core. Souls could not be destroyed; that was a constant.

It didn\'t matter if you were Asmodeus himself; no one could destroy a soul as they were eternal. They regenerated infinitely, meaning if I ever seized someone\'s soul, I would have an infinite source of energy fueling my body. According to bael, the soul itself was broken up into three parts: the outer that held the ego, the inner that held your will, and finally, the core that held your talent and Soulforce.

There were so many pieces of information, although most of it was locked behind a barrier of mist. I stilled learned many things along with two techniques, Soul Gaze, and Arts of Contracts. Soul gaze allowed me to see everyone\'s soul, as Lilith had said, but aside from allowing you some control over your soul, it was useless. Arts of Contract, however, became my best friend. Devils were few in number, but they were cheats.

Rising from the lotus position, I stretched my sore body as I grinned like a child. I had finally gotten a week to train, and it was amazing. Really what the hell is going on with my recent luck. It feels like the world is against me...Am I the main character or something?

"Arsene, where the hell have you been" a loud, powerful force sounded as my tent was blown away. A tall man in heavy armor appeared as he glared at me with hate.


"Damn it, who the hell did that," Lilith screamed as she glared angrily at clive. "What the hell is wrong with you. The door was right there.

"Your highness? Forgive me, but Arsene has been neglecting his duty for days." CLive explained, sending me a haughty glare.

"Is your fight with Zula done? I don\'t have time to play games like you two were." I argued, helping Lilith up as she stretched her arms.

Rolling his eyes, a cold flash shined as he smiled, "Of course...we are done."

Seeing his behavior, I grinned as I nodded, "good, did Nora return then?"

"She has, and do you want to explain what\'s going on there?" he coldly asked, "You two had a nasty fight that injured some of my men."

"hmmm, it\'s nothing, at least for now. Did she find what I asked?" I questioned as Lilith bent over, stretching her legs as she sent me a seductive smile. Feeling my blood boil, I grinned as Clive shrugged.

"Maybe if you get your ass up and look, we can find out." He yelled as I sighed.

"Fine, fine, shall we, Yura?" I asked, feeling odd calling her by this false name. In fact, even Olivia her made didn\'t know her real name. It was a strange occurrence, but instead of asking, I felt it was better to enjoy the mystery, at least for now.

Following behind Clive, I flirted with Lilith as she grew a little red in the ears. A trait I began to love. Sensing a familiar aura, I grinned as I turned to the future fuck sleave of Drar\'ethiul. Stepping into Clive\'s war tent, I saluted Grimlor and Vitoria as I sent Nora a vindictive smirk.

A quiver ran through her body as I grinned. "So, was I right?" I asked as she nodded, tears raining down her cheeks as she turned her head away.

"Yes, Edain is there...He is one of them." Nora bitterly whispered with a look o betrayal.

Lilith suddenly frowned as she sent me a stern glance, "so when you came back injured, can I assume it was about this?"

"correct, little Nora, just learned that Edain was in league with Light of Ashna," I whispered as Lilith suddenly sent me a knowing glance.

I didn\'t really know if Edain was with the Light of Ashna, but it was all too clear that they had taken him. Convincing an obsessive girl who poisoned me that her brother Edain was a part of Ashna was my plan. That day I created some doubt within her heart. I wanted her to find Edain, knowing she would never be able to talk to him to clear this matter. It was not a perfect plan, but this idiot sold her I guess my plan worked.

Watching as her eyes stained red with tears, I chuckled, enjoying slowly breaking the mind of this little fuck sleave. "Edain is a traitor to this kingdom. is there anything else you have to say, Nora?" I wisped in a devilish tone, "Maybe what he was doing? was he cuffed, did he look hurt."

Biting her lips, I could see the little succubus quiver shaking her head, "No...he was perfectly fine. It looked like he was there of his own accord...But that doesn\'t..."

"Irrelevant Nora, everything points to Edain being a spy. Grimlor, can you tell me the layout? Did you see any formations?"

Stepping forward, Grimlor held a cold grimace as he shook his head, "No...I felt nothing except for a peer of eyes looking back at me. I believe they knew we were there."

Good, it seems they are trying to get Edain to spill the beans about Lilith and me. Knowing that Grimlor was there. They must have brought Edain out just to frame him. Ashna, you dumb bitch thanks for the help. Keep up the great work.

"Than shall we begin our assault on their base and Fort Gravem." I smiled, "my men should have handed all you nexus armors and weapons. Our goal is to eliminate Ashna; I will handle fifty-five percent of our forces. CLive I want you to attack Fort Gravem. Do not stop the bombing, but use the covers of destruction we created as a way of hiding if a retreat is needed.

"Zula, you will handle the attack the south gate, Grimlor the west gate, and Victoria. While your not a general, I want you to lead the students and teachers to join Clive as he attacks the north gate. Our goal is not to take over but to do damage and destroy their morale. We have time; let\'s use it wisely."

Stepping out of Clive\'s war tent as he made the various arrangements, I smiled as Shadow appeared, "Set off the bombs around pendragon and romga as soon as the operation begins. Be sure the formation is active. Selma may have deactivated my bombs, but that was only a ruse. Once it\'s activated, our first target is Pendragon, be sure to wipe it out. The more lives that are lost, the better, the formation we created depends on that. The next target is this base. We will kill everyone here.

"Yes, my lord," shadow whispered as he vanished.

"Arsene, are you sure...We will be on the run after this."

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